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Showcase entry!
nyao (Aug 5, 2004)
umm... it's a doodle from last year and since my friend wanted me draw something with fire in it, i just thought of this doodle... and u get to see more of my crazy obsession with hair and lineart... but mostly hair this time ^^...wow... the sketch took an hour... O_O;; edit: WOAH... after 2 years of something of inactiveness on 2draw, I find this in showcase?? *is astounded* thank you everyone ^^
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drawn in 57 min
drawn in 51 min
o ya... ShadowKitten wanted me to draw fire. XP
~oba-san XD
The hair s so flowy and terrific, and I'm in love the the fringe ('bangs'), plus the flame is fantastic.
*can't wait for a finish* *Whihc is unfortunate since it's quite obviously she'll have to wait at least a little while*
drawn in 2 hours
I'll clean up some of the mess later... now I think I'll crawl into bed...
purdie hair... *pat pat*
o ya! there's my obsession with drawing flowie hair :3
The hair is amazing! All the clumps stand out in the proper manner, it stills flows great.
Stil simply can't wait, this is gonna be good :D
wow.... The hair.... is just... wow. The fire is good, but... the hair. o.o
~air (make a guess)
drawn in 45 min
err... yes, i have a tablet now... so... i suck at drawin with the mouse ><
i miss the good ol days...
really amaxing ^^__^^
kool showcase