icon Location: Tennessee
Date of Birth: July 6th, 1987 (37)
Gender: Male
Registered: Jun 18, 2004
Last Access: Sep 8, 2023
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Go away idea box.
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7 Submissions
thumbnail So I read these comments. then I read this bulletin on myspace. I love hearing these political argue...
Oct 29, 2008
thumbnail It's not stupidity, it's arrogance mixed with a little of I don't give a damn. You're 12 and I think...
Oct 19, 2008
thumbnail .. Either way.. this is all just a good laugh. Get a sense of humor people and yes.. discrimination ...
Oct 18, 2008
thumbnail :"P ty for the compliments. I bet if I would've submitted this 4 years ago.. probly could've gotten ...
May 13, 2008
thumbnail *oh yay look vaginas.. and eyeballs..?.. with tentacles??*
this just messes with my...
May 13, 2008
4 Forum Posts
May 5, 2008 Works?
Sep 9, 2007 I Got 2 Days Off