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Public Boards/Intermediate 
pinklynx (Mar 23, 2003)
nioo... 0_o'' um.... lol... I like this image alot... fer once ^_^'' I like how I did the background and her.... I also like how I did her jeans =D *pats hand* owwie, I hate drawin with a mouse .. I want my tabby XB uh, well, enjoy? 0.o ;]
16 comments – latest 4:
digital-nut (edited Apr 5, 2003)
I can't believe that anyone can draw this good with a mouse *hits herself in head* OK, so it must b real *hits self again* Ru sure dis is real? *one last thump* Definately real! WOW! Well done XD
nyao (edited Aug 14, 2003)
o, wow... that is so good... the tones... colourz... lineart. WOW!
babykittyx4 (Nov 20, 2003)
it's cool and i love it and i love cats and i have about 15!_!
Mipunai (Aug 15, 2004)
This reminds me of one of those pixel doll things... mabey the pose O_o Oh well, the colors are really pretty, and I like her hands and the music nots a lot X3 And you did that with a mouse, thats amazing X3
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with OekakiBBS
pinklynx (Mar 27, 2003)
hehe, I know its not fantastic and all, but I wanted to draw something simple and cute ^_^ so I thought Nyago was the best subject =P and this is for a friend of mine, she loves Sanrio characters =D
9 comments – latest 4:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 28, 2003)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... Cute-ness!!!
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 7, 2003)
Whee! I like pillows.
nyao (edited Aug 14, 2003)
awww.... so CUTE! i luv the cool layer transparetnt thing. ^^
Mipunai (Aug 15, 2004)
Aww, it's so cute n_n
drawn in 29 min with OekakiBBS
Kloxboy (Jan 19, 2004)
Poop Punk 138
5 comments – latest 4:
thug (Jan 20, 2004)
it's great to see your style in color! I've always admired your art an youdraw. this is excellent
UppityCracker (Jan 20, 2004)
Yeah I like this, I really dig the three tone shading that you use, the out of box design is a nice touch too, my only problem with it is that the side of his head looks like it has been bashed in with a baseball bat, but other than that nice job
bumpinthenight (Jun 14, 2004)
neatoh shading style.... i love the thickness of the lines you draw... you are definately talented... :D
Ty854 (Jun 21, 2004)
Maybeh poop punk should join up with the commodes!
drawn in 2 hours 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Toan (Jan 22, 2004)
My mother has a daily cat picture calender and this was the image for Tuesday Jan. 20, '04. It was cute and couldn't resist trying to draw it.
7 comments – latest 4:
Toan (Jan 22, 2004)
Well...the reason the head shape looks freaky is because it's stretching it out a window so it's not as round as it would be if it was just sitting normally. And the black outline is the way it is in the calander me it makes the legs very real looking. It just doesn't really work well under the chin and I've tried a few times to correct that.
angelbate (Jan 22, 2004)
it's good, imho. it seems to have a bit of a folk art style to it, and its cute. i esp like the eyes and mouth. the only thing i would have suggested is more work on the part of the window above it, but otherwise it's very nicely done :)
Pkingsora (Jan 28, 2004)
^^ thisis very looks like my old cat..she died - . -..but this picture XD reminds meh of her..thisis great picture!
Deformed (Feb 2, 2004)
it looks like its going to eat me! get it away!! get it away!!!!!
drawn in 6 hours 1 min with PaintBBS
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 25, 2004)
I originally did a work similar to this with oil on canvas about 10 years ago. I believe it was while I was studying a book called "How to Paint Roses".
9 comments – latest 4:
Look (Jan 26, 2004)
aww, what can I say, it's so beautiful! I like the soft color, and the way the flowers are, it's almost as if they have expressions
dixielandcutie (Jan 26, 2004)
thats gorgeous!
Alicia (Jan 28, 2004)
I love roses , My garden is always filled with them. .:) Where are the yellow roses of Texas ?
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 28, 2004)
I have some in my yard, Alicia! Next time I do roses I'll do yellow ones for you. :)
drawn in 5 hours 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
UppityCracker (Mar 21, 2003)
Hi, this is me at one of my Star Trek conventions, Spock was there and Captain Kirk was there, it was such a magical time, I was dressed as Trogdor of the planet Zalminion, its my own planet I made for my own race, i made the costume myself, it was made out of my dad's Mechanic Jumpsuit. Some people were yelling at me telling me I looked stupid, and I was sad.. But my mommy says I am handsome and very smart! YAY!
5 comments – latest 4:
marcello (edited Mar 21, 2003)
omg the game
UppityCracker (edited Mar 21, 2003)
FINE.. but this one was better... Dragon For the creation of Trogdor :)
Blink (edited Mar 23, 2003)
... I think I've improved on your methods some. I've applied some chiaroscuro shading ...
Soshell (Jan 21, 2004)
i know this is probably an outdated comment but i think this picture is cool as i am a trekky and a trogdor fan :-p
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
Drawing Tablets? (wacom tablets)
method3 (edited Mar 30, 2003)
Hey, i was wondering what people use out there. I'm really seriously considering buying a wacom tablet, but i'm not sure how much the size makes a difference, if it really does i think i'd be able to hold out to get a really nicely sized one. Do people have any comments, suggestions, maybe references to some workable cheaper tablets? I can dream about the 12x18" Intuos 2 tablets.... mmmm... but i won't be able to afford it for maybe a few months yet. Should i just go out and get a sma...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
raenboe (Apr 25, 2003)
Just a chibi person that I decided to draw because there is never anything else to do on the internet! I remembered the eyebrows just for darkk_angel! *wink* Somehow a orange line got under her eye. hmm... oh well. C&C Appreciated!
10 comments – latest 4:
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 27, 2003)
It's got a COLOUR SCHEME! Sorry to yell. I love colour schemes. they are the most neglected part of drawing.
raenboe (edited May 1, 2003)
Thanks, everyone, for the comments!
GEM (edited May 25, 2003)
raenboe (edited Jun 19, 2003)
Thanks, GEM!
drawn in 57 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
I'm going to the Canadian National Science fair!
darkk_angel (edited Apr 15, 2003)
"Error sending image."
marcello (edited Apr 27, 2003)
So apparently many of you have been getting the following error in OekakiBBS: Error sending image. If the problem persists, contact an administrator. Guess what. Don't contact an administrator. OekakiBBS is a buggy piece of software, which is only supported on 2draw because some people actually like it and can stand all the bugs and problems. Let me put it in perspective, OekakiBBS will assume the image sent perfectly no matter what. The only way to pop up an error when there actually is ...
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