icon Location: Currently? I... don't know...
Date of Birth: April 30th, 1991 (33)
Gender: Female
Registered: Feb 15, 2003
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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Profile Comment
Heya. Call me Rabid or, if you please, Elf.

First off, I love my bishonen!!! Not gonna type the list out. Too long. Yup.
Not too much else about me. I play flute, love RPGs and cosplaying. Yesh.
Oh... and... um... I luv bunnies...

My current life's ambition? Sing the 'Green Dragon Drinking Song' (LOTR: Return of the King) with Hillary, learn how to draw or sing (whichever comes first), and kill Ky. ;) That about sums it up.

I'm usually on Neopets, my account is AnAngelCalledChaos.

BTW... Ride the Shoopuff, yesh?
User Folders
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118 Submissions
thumbnail Oi! Everyone's getting a lot better from last year :D
Jun 23, 2005
thumbnail Oi! BANKOTSU-SAMA!!! *dies*

Jun 23, 2005
thumbnail DP: No kidding ^^

Wez: Remember, try not to use the blur tool. As much as it may cover up some mi...
Apr 14, 2004
thumbnail ^^ The fuzzy soft-ness is very cute! The only thing is, a few of the edges are rather rough... Yar.....
Apr 14, 2004
thumbnail I felt... hey... I wasn't even there ^^; Kawaii comic :)
Apr 14, 2004
8 Forum Posts