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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Snoozy27 (Mar 20, 2003)
Hrrmm... I suppose it isn't so awful anymore. Still must add bg, though...
14 comments – latest 4:
LOL so true title. It looks like it took some serious time
HunterKiller_ (Jan 11, 2005)
Cool monkey =D or is it a lion... i think its a monkey =]
KH44N (Aug 16, 2005)
Whatever it is... its damn amazing. It actually reminds me of some ape from the Planet of the Apes. :)
Peteru (Feb 26, 2006)
Don't we all do anthromophs with googles once in a while x) i have a longnosed character with same thing for googles .. yay
the eye is a bit off maybe. but its good
drawn in 2 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
RabidMalikFanGirl (Mar 20, 2003)
;) For Ky. Practicing with the blur tool. I'm all blur-happy today :) C&C please.
6 comments – latest 4:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 20, 2003)
:P Soon bunnies will rule the world...
roguefrequency (edited Mar 23, 2003)
only if they multiply... You need to give Ky-bunny a "friend"...
sunshine_0792 (edited Mar 27, 2003)
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 29, 2003)
O.o Ehhh... I dun think Ky would like dat Rogue...
drawn in 1 hour 14 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
pinklynx (Mar 20, 2003)
X_x I hate drawing with a mouse , takes waaaay to long to draw sumthin good XD..... My internet in my room dosnt work so i have to use my moms new computer and her mouse (thank goodness its new too)lol..... I'm never drawing her again, she is way too hard @_@;; but, I think it came out pretty good ^_^'' hope yas likes =P
52 comments – latest 4:
xxxshadowxxx (Jan 23, 2009)
thats so animae!(whitch is good)
dan___ny (Feb 14, 2009)
AWWWWWW! SAKURA <3 !!!!!!!

Amazing Work *-*
Tsubasa4ever (May 2, 2009)
It's Sakura-Chan! I love the manga!
NekoChibi (Nov 21, 2009)
Yay I hasn't seen Sakura around for a while
<3 ~CLAMP~
drawn in 2 hours 49 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
KNPMASTER (Mar 20, 2003)
The star of my platform/puzzle game, Bubble Blob.
10 comments – latest 4:
burns (edited Mar 28, 2003)
i am john
DooperGames (edited Mar 28, 2003)
nice job G
Darky (edited Apr 3, 2003)
One word... superfunnycrazysexycool.
Nanibunny (edited Apr 6, 2003)
awwwiness.. . .its cute. . .i like it!!! ^.^
drawn in 45 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Mar 20, 2003)
A stupid person about t'get bitten.

*blinks* I'm ranked 16th. I didn't realize that. *blinks more*
5 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited Mar 20, 2003)
Nah, not Duo. Hair's too curly. The front bit of the hair is a bit like his, though.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 20, 2003)
True... Very true.
roguefrequency (edited Mar 21, 2003)
This is going to be bloodier then the first 15 mins of Saving Private Ryan. *Covers eyes*
quintessence (edited Mar 21, 2003)
One of Fang's favorite movies. Of course.
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kazukie (Mar 20, 2003)
Still unfinished.. Those dark black lines around her face and neck and stuff are *really* bothering me but I have to do some stuff so I'll fix this later......
9 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited Mar 22, 2003)
Gorgeous hair.
Fin_beast (edited Mar 23, 2003)
roguefrequency (edited Mar 23, 2003)
I like the lips and eyelashes... and the hair of course!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 23, 2003)
In short: we all like it, Kazukie! Good work!
drawn in 57 min with PaintBBS
Fin_beast (Mar 20, 2003)
Well i thought i would draw another 1 and i luv this 1!! exept 4 the light stuff cumin from the corners in the corners! AHHH!!! "; YEY! RAAAAAAA!!!
6 comments – latest 4:
marcello (edited Mar 20, 2003)
looks cool, you should do like a school of fish, or maybe some coral.
forgotten-memory (edited Mar 21, 2003)
I'm very fond of dis fishy here... *pets*
Fin_beast (edited Mar 21, 2003)
Reply to Marcello >>> I tried to draw some coral in my first one but its hard 2 draw. i will probably to a school soon.
heathz14 (edited Mar 21, 2003)
hiya fin darlin
wow - ur so gd - i fink u shld go pro or sumthin
i think these pics are gr8 - u shld show em 2 ure gal! Hx
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
roguefrequency (Mar 20, 2003)
Not done... I need an idea for a background... ideas?

edit 1: ok, I got the cheese, what else? I don't want to do shadows until I get an idea for the bg.

edit 2: I'm still stuck for a good bg... I want this to be good a picture (my best one so far).

edit 3: I'm done! I can't believe it! The first pic I've done that I'm happy with!!!
12 comments – latest 4:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 23, 2003)
The finished product is very cute :) *huggles tiger rock*
roguefrequency (edited Mar 23, 2003)
Thank you Razor and RabidGirl! I appreciate the compliments.
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 15, 2003)
PET ROCKS!! Ok, maybe it's not a pet rock. But Moo to that because of how much I care. I like pet rocks. There's something cool about having an inanimate object for a pet. I had one, but I kept losing it, so I've settled for having invisible pets. They're great! they don't even complain when I forget to feed them. You do get some damn strange looks from the pet store lady though, and the vet. They tell me they can't operate on something only I see. But I knopw it's just discrimination against the invisible people running around. Such prejudice. (That has got to be the longest lie I have ever told. But nehoo, I like it, It's cute and blob-like)
Ameraq (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Squoooooooossshhhhyyy! ^.^
NIce coloration, Very creative!
drawn in 2 hours 38 min with PaintBBS
toprob (Mar 20, 2003)
Yeeah just got em back from the shop (I blew my first one)
1 comment – latest 1:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 20, 2003)
Lol :) Nice coloring.
drawn in 12 min with PaintBBS
toprob (Mar 20, 2003)
Ehhh how uninspired am I ??
2 comments – latest 2:
ky (edited Mar 20, 2003)
Looks great. I like the compostition.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 20, 2003)
I was abducted by ninjas once... It was kinda funny because it wasn't really ninjas, it was my brother and his friends so I ended up cracking my dearest keyboard over their heads. Well, it was time for my dear old keyboard to move on...
-Dedicated to Elf's keyboard, KeyB, April 30, 1999- March 1, 2003
drawn in 19 min with PaintBBS
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