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Public Boards/Beginner 
SuzieSuze (Mar 18, 2003)
I don't think war is a funny thing, People are going to die. I believe there is a time for war but it is not fun like a lot of people are making it out to be. killing is not cool
14 comments – latest 4:
roguefrequency (edited Mar 19, 2003)
I just want to say that I wasn't trying to piss anyone off with my posts, but like Kazukie said, I was just expressing my views.

to Akane: I had a little hard time understanding your rant due to lack of spelling and grammar. Your excessive cussing didn't make me even want to see your side either. Also your immature statement about how teenagers should have a part in international deplomacy is utterly rediculous. But, you are a 13-year-old and if you think this war is "irrational" and "unessisary" then I'm glad you arn't in charge of our country.

to zman and Thornofsin: You guys both have excellent points, and a few I hadn't thought of before.

to Kazukie: I am a male (17), and thank you for protecting the first amendment :D

to SuzieSuze: Sorry if my first post came across harsh. Good job on the picture!
zman0185 (edited Mar 19, 2003)
thats pretty harsh to say teenagers should have nothing to do with diplomacy...I would be very pleased if someone where to ask my opinion and I would be very glad to know that my opinion on things does have an effect..Im 17 and you are to rogue..wouldnt it make you alot happier about the government if how felt mattered to someone..unfortunetly it doesnt and it doesnt matter if you are 13 or 17 its the same...god I type to much..Ill stop..sorry
roguefrequency (edited Mar 20, 2003)
How I feel does matter to alot of people (friends and family), just not to the government. Once I'm 18, and I start voting and paying taxes (eckkkk), I will have a say and so will all of you. Teenagers, male and female, are emotional. I'm not dissing anyone, because I am a teen too. To make decissions for millions of people, you have to be level headed and unselfish. You can't always do what you feel like is the right thing for you, you have to thing about your people and decide what is the best thing for them. In general, kids and teens are selfish. Yes, there are adults who are selfish, but in general when you get married and have kids, you grow out of it pretty quickly. These are my opinions.
SuzieSuze (edited Mar 21, 2003)
Wow I didnt mean to start this I am sorry
drawn in 53 min with OekakiBBS
RabidMalikFanGirl (Mar 17, 2003)
Hey Mista Taliban We Know Where You're Hi-ding
Airforce Come And They Bury Your Home
Daaaaaaaaaaaaay-o, I say, Daaaaaaaaaaaaay-o
We Kick Your *** Cuz We Wanna Come Home :)
8 comments – latest 4:
Thornofsin (edited Mar 19, 2003)
War is not funny innocent people die. This is just the start of something horrible. 2 of my friends are out their protesting against war being human shields and I know they are not to return because they gave up their citizenship and they probably will die so it doesnt really matter.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 19, 2003)
O.o ...We know but you gotta raise the morale a little bit y'know. We may not be able to do anything big, but we can still send our support to the troops. War is real and it can't be avoided. I guess it really is the human nature to fight...
roguefrequency (edited Mar 19, 2003)
Yeah, I'm with RabidGirl on this one. When our troops watch on TV, from their camps, all these people protesting against what they are fighting for. We all know war isn't something to make light of, but you've got to cheer on the home team!
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 19, 2003)
*Pulls out red white & blue banners and streamers* Ummm...
drawn in 8 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
zman0185 (Mar 17, 2003)
7 comments – latest 4:
Cienna (edited Mar 18, 2003) likes it sooo much, it looks really deep, he kinda looks like one of the ghosties frum the latest lotr film! ahhhh! I loves gollum *huggles him* mweee he's my lover! ^_________^
Fin_beast (edited Mar 18, 2003)
zman0185 (edited Mar 18, 2003)
well I started with the face in just clack and gray water color and then made the left part of the face fade up toward the side and then just started adding light layers of water color over and over till it came to this..*shrugs* Im not very good at explaing things but i hope that gives you some idea
RazorClaw (edited Mar 18, 2003)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!11 Looks like something from my freaky dream. Take that as a compliment ;)
drawn in 21 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
roguefrequency (Mar 17, 2003)
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Thats fun!!!!!!!!
12 comments – latest 4:
forgotten-memory (edited Mar 18, 2003)
I hate war mongorers...
dolphingal12 (edited Mar 19, 2003)
I am so with u dude! i am all for that !
roguefrequency (edited Mar 19, 2003)
/me wonders if gal is talking to me or forgotten
theraven (edited Apr 9, 2003)
His actions are quite questionable. But then again, look at us...the bulleying nation of the world...we say one thing with our mouths and a different deed comes forth from our hands. So who IS in the wrong? Hmmm? Or is their just no 'right'?
drawn in 44 min with PaintBBS
TIMMYMOUSE (Mar 17, 2003)
3 comments – latest 3:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 17, 2003)
Survival_Horror (edited Mar 25, 2003)
*heavy music in backround*
Knockoff (edited Apr 9, 2003)
lol cool pic.
drawn in 12 min with OekakiBBS
TIMMYMOUSE (Mar 17, 2003)
were going to war
11 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited Mar 18, 2003)
Yea Akane. You didnt know. Its only a count down till we fight them,. =(
Akane (edited Mar 18, 2003)
this is sooo fucking redickulos!!!
Thornofsin (edited Mar 19, 2003)
I like the name but....damn I hope no after attacks happen because I live in the middle of the Pacific ocean with no where to go!!!!
Survival_Horror (edited Mar 27, 2003)
LOL,love the teeth!
drawn in 17 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Survival_Horror (Mar 17, 2003)
Death Becomes...Steve!
4 comments – latest 4:
Darky (edited Mar 17, 2003)
Lol. Hey....he looks like me....
DooperGames (edited Mar 17, 2003)
Very ,nifty, You shade good yo.
WAIT A MINUTE! Colombine High SChool kid!
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 17, 2003)
He killed Steve o.O
Bateman (edited Mar 28, 2003)
drawn in 46 min with PaintBBS
graywolf (Mar 17, 2003)
My little sister is extream in EVERY way.
2 comments – latest 2:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 17, 2003)
o.O It's De Ja Vu!!!
darkk_angel (edited Mar 31, 2003)
ummmm..... what is that? it looks like a poorly constructed blob.... sorry!
drawn in 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Knockoff (Mar 17, 2003)
Just heard on TV We going to bomb Iraq. =( Thats why I put red white and blue(Duhh!)
15 comments – latest 4:
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Mar 31, 2003)
Bwaaahaaaaahaaaa! Die terrorists! DIE, I said!
Knockoff (edited Apr 9, 2003)
Thats what i said.
Azelrellon (edited Apr 11, 2003)
They destroyed the Saddam statue just recently...
Knockoff (edited Apr 14, 2003)
Yup and a mother named her new baby george for george bush.
drawn in 12 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Azelrellon (Mar 17, 2003)
The chainmail haunts me. Makes me draw it over and over again... o_O
My first *serious* picture on Lascaux Sketch. The first pic was *not serious*.
I like the multiple layer option. This is like an easified version of OekakiBBS, with all the niceness of PaintBBS tossed in and stirred up lovingly. And that's a good thing. (Eep, MArtha Stewart may have posessed me)
Well, not much else to say here. Other than this, the chainmail was done in Halftone (duh), but I couldn't find it at first. I panicked. ^_^
6 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 19, 2003)
Love the sword. ;x
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 22, 2003)
:) I like swords I like swords I like swords I like swords I like swords
I like swords I like swords I like swords -Fighter, 8bit Theatre
Azelrellon (edited Mar 24, 2003)
RMFG, I believe that needs another repetition of "I like swords", as it isn't emphasised enough. =p
darkk_angel (edited Mar 31, 2003)
the arm muscles arent too good, but could be improved if you turned the black lines to skintone or brown ones, then faded them in....
drawn in 1 hour 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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