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Public Boards/Intermediate 
pinklynx (Apr 13, 2003)
I like the title i gave it =D lol... I know the bg sucks...just to lazy and impatient to do a good one... I 'did' have more than one char in here, but I earased it b/c it sucked XD oh, this pic is kinda lame because I have to get use to my tablet *again* b/c I finally got my internet back on my comp ToT;; and look, half her arm is missing.. o,O;
13 comments – latest 4:
darkk_angel (edited Apr 15, 2003)
interesting outfit.... heheeh niiiiiice!! love the mini staff thing.... ee
Fin_beast (edited Apr 21, 2003)
the belly button definatly need to be higher
Mipunai (Aug 15, 2004)
I like her weapon thingy n_n And her hair is really pretty
pulmonq2 (Jan 9, 2005)
That's her fingernail, not belly button. Her belly button is actually pretty low. The hips are sexy, even if it is a bit exaggerated. Overall, nice work.
drawn in 2 hours 18 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
pinklynx (Feb 25, 2003)
XD a request by my friend again 0_o he comes up with the silliest things for me to draw X3!!! anyways, I'm sumwhat happy with this =\ could have done better if I werent so tired XD anyways, I hope you like =3
16 comments – latest 4:
no1foo (edited Apr 8, 2003)
i love the detail on this. her dress is so cute!!!
nyao (edited Aug 14, 2003)
aww.... how cute! i luv thw WHOLE thing. ^^
Mipunai (Aug 15, 2004)
Aww, it's so cute n_n
squee (Jan 2, 2005)
Do you ever think that he might have a crush on you?? o_O
drawn in 1 hour 42 min with OekakiBBS
Minitsaru (Aug 15, 2004)
U shoulda seen the face he gave me when i told him to put yayo down so he can take a bath....
(Tsigo the shoyru, Yayo the abominable snowball)
5 comments – latest 4:
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 15, 2004)
Aw... why is Tsigo so sad? :( Well, technically I have no idea who he (or she) is (haven't been on Neopets for a loooong time), so I don't know his/her history... if he/she has one ^_^;;. The outline of the shoyru is good and recognizable, although you could improve the lineart for the abominable snowball: is it just me or is his head a little too big...? I really like your shading: somewhat different from the others, but it goes great with this pic! However, it is a little inaccurate (to me anywayz): I don't think the neck's shading should be too apparent. The lineart could be improved, but overall, this is an awesome artwork! The bg really suits the main objective, and I like Tsigo's position... did you draw it by yourself or was there a reference? Good job ^_^.
Minitsaru (Aug 17, 2004)
no refrence used! lol, well other than the bg which is kinda how they draw it in comics..... >.>
no matter how hard i try i just cant make smooth lines, so i just kinda gave up on trying to hard =)
Mipunai (Aug 17, 2004)
The snowman thing is cute XD
squee (Dec 30, 2004)
Cool, I have a abomidable snowball too. :D
drawn in 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
kejoco (Sep 28, 2004)
Little bit of fanart for you...
I think bats is in a bit of a bulking stage
I've got this in advanced for the space, if it gets bumped down in the end thats cool
Hope you mods don't mind...then again, i'm going to try and keep the quality on par with this board
21 comments – latest 4:
bethica2001 (Oct 3, 2004)
sw33t batman r0xx0rz man!
Xodiak (Oct 13, 2004)
Great muscular Batman! Batman is better than Superman, because Superman has the power of aliens and Batman has the power of $$$! >:D
vamp (Dec 10, 2004)
batman rules
squee (Dec 21, 2004)
I love you for drawing this. Batman is my idol. To the batmobile *runs*
drawn in 3 hours 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Doodlibop (May 9, 2003)
Ori! in all of his splendor. You are probably wondering why it took so long to draw. Well: 1) I started out with a different idea but changed it; 2) I don't have a tablet! *boohoo!*. C&C please. oh, and he's not cherubic because everyone's busy drawing angels, it's just he looked like he was floating when I first drew him so I decided to give him wings.
17 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Feb 26, 2004)
"than I"
two-na (Mar 17, 2004)
wow, this is very cute.. just plain awesome!ahahhah that's great
Mipunai (Aug 16, 2004)
Wow, it's so cute X3
manda23 (Dec 13, 2004)
He looks like he's being held up instead of flying. Looks great though.
drawn in 1 hour 31 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Advanced 
Look (Mar 6, 2004)
Just something pop into my head. havent drawn anything here for so long
13 comments – latest 4:
ShadowKitten (Jun 2, 2004)
i really like the shinyness on his hair, very nice pic
bumpinthenight (Jun 8, 2004)
neat stuff... The skin appears quite smooth.. Great stuff!
Mipunai (Aug 15, 2004)
Wow, I love the hair X3
monkeyboy (Dec 11, 2004)
i love those eyes
drawn in 4 hours 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 29, 2004)
some kinda backdraft, huh?

clock's at least an hour 1/2 long... lost my connection because my provider changed the dial up number and didn't notify me... took me forever to figure it out. Stupid hicks around here.
21 comments – latest 4:
bumpinthenight (Oct 6, 2004)
oooh... the shape of the fire is facinating... its like a fire giant is trying to squeeze itself through the window... XD that made no sense whatsoever... oh well... great draw, dba!
HunterKiller_ (Oct 9, 2004)
Whoa... DBA Toonah told me youre really elite and she was right. Man that is awesome and freaky too.
Cacau (Dec 2, 2004)
lol... Creepy... There was a photo like this, but in the place of the demon has a child that died in the fire... great pic!
vamp (Dec 10, 2004)
wow, cool colors
drawn in 4 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
15 comments – latest 4:
bumpinthenight (Sep 29, 2004)
ooh!! pretty hair! I'd like my hair like that... XD nice collab, guys... good stuff...
A3 (Oct 2, 2004)
Very kawaii! I love it! The eyes are so....y'know...awesome...
sephiroth54321 (Oct 28, 2004)
never mind i don't wan't to color it any more there's too many comments already. ^^
Ramaon (Dec 9, 2004)
Whoa i really like it, it's so peaceful n__n *wonders how you managed to do a background*
I like the eyes, they are perfect O_o
drawn in 6 hours 38 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
squee (Aug 9, 2004)
5 comments – latest 4:
bumpinthenight (Aug 11, 2004)
very cute... the hair at the front needs some more detail and shouldn't be as flat, but other than that, whooptie doo!
Mipunai (Aug 12, 2004)
Wow, I love the expression n_n
Dragnakita (Aug 12, 2004)
Kewl expression. :3 He's cute.
Kenshin (Dec 6, 2004)
omg -steal- he's miiiiine :D so secksay D
drawn in 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kasha (Sep 29, 2004)
I've finally got around to "painting" a portrait of my dog Miko. She's so rad. :)

Thanks to all the people that helped. Special thanks to Mazi for the tutorial.
23 comments – latest 4:
thug (Oct 1, 2004)
awesome, and in your unique style too. I want to draw my dog someday.
Anna (Oct 1, 2004)
awwwwwww how cute, Kasha!!! :D She is just sooo adorable!
Mipunai (Oct 1, 2004)
Awsome, it's so cute, I love the eye!
Yuugi-chan (Dec 4, 2004)
It looks so real! Works blows me away.
drawn in 2 hours 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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