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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Gothic_Otaku and scarfeh (Mar 22, 2004)
not done...erm....too lazeh...

I'm not even NEAR done with the lineart so just lemme finish it and you can work on it.
15 comments – latest 4:
scarfeh (Jun 12, 2004)
What kind of background do you want me to make?
Gothic_Otaku (Jun 16, 2004)
Oh my...I forgot the scar! *bangs head on the wall* I will fix it!

scarfeh: do whatever you want :)
Gothic_Otaku (Jun 16, 2004)
drawn in 9 min
I'm just lazy, aren't I? ><
bumpinthenight (Aug 25, 2004)
you could blend the highlights, but mebbeh thats just me... XD
drawn in 7 hours 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
SanzoGirl, bumpinthenight, Pence, Sutafani, Gothic_Otaku, and more... (Aug 19, 2004)
make your favorite InuYasha character in chibi form! ^^
41 comments – latest 4:
Urei-sama (edited Aug 30, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 40 min
this turned out quite nicely if i do say so myself. Urei-sama likes her lineart so your gonna have to deal with kagura's brown hair *sticks out tounge* ^_-

... it was chibi wasent it... *smacks head* aw well
Urei-sama (Aug 31, 2004)
drawn in 38 min
there, better yes? (im a ditz -_-;;)
SanzoGirl (Sep 1, 2004)
thats good!
Animegirl250 (Nov 16, 2004)
drawn in 5 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Noremac, mkkmypet, Kasha, two-na, SaheraNights, and more... (Mar 18, 2004)
well i suppose this is the finished subject, :) horrah for the artists
44 comments – latest 4:
15grifficorntears (Apr 8, 2004)
wow alot of people made chibi's while i was gone...
SanzoGirl (Jul 4, 2005)
Can I join?
kitty25 (Dec 17, 2005)
Great work ! May I jion ,please!
Nyuusen (Dec 17, 2005)
*raises hand* Me? *puppy dog eyes*
drawn in 5 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Gothic_Otaku, Marienkind, and Knockoff (Sep 13, 2003)
This is the basic Idea for the drawing, don't revise just yet, I'l finish it tommorow when my mouse is working better. This is my character which has no name yet......she is a half demon, and has a tail, fangs, the whole kit and kaboodle, except she isn't a furry. I have t get off the computer now, because of my parents >.<

edit: neds a bg.
18 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Dec 23, 2003)
drawn in 23 min
still unfinished.
marcello (Jan 9, 2004)
nice bg, but it doesn't really match the lighting on the figure. Perhaps if you added more blues and darkened the character a bit (the low-contrast on the character works well, however).
Knockoff (Jan 9, 2004)
Meh I was going to do something .... but yet I didnt know what.
Its nice to see it done.
Marcello- Yea I wasn't really thinking of light sorce, thanks for the tips though.!
Though the layers got a little screwy around the charater.
wyrickj (Mar 3, 2004)
Nice job everyone. I like it.
drawn in 9 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Lej and Gothic_Otaku (Nov 28, 2003)
ok, long time since i did everything. I need some practice to get used tothis stuff agin. I based this on a image i had onmy compy. It's a bit out of perspective I think but I wuld love if someone would like to continoue n it :]
4 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (Dec 7, 2003)
I'll be willing to try.
Lej (Dec 7, 2003)
go ahead :)
Gothic_Otaku (Dec 7, 2003)
drawn in 10 min
Some quick lineart, I'l continue working on it when I'm not this tired...
Gothic_Otaku (Jan 3, 2004)
drawn in 57 min
Ack, it's such a mess....! Me tired....will work later.
drawn in 1 hour 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Aunvi and Gothic_Otaku (Sep 11, 2003)
*doesn't want too*
3 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (Sep 16, 2003) that's what that thing was.....sorry I mistook it for hair. It was a sleeve and arm :P. But I think she looks better praying :P :P :P :P *more :P's*
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 11, 2003)
drawn in 39 min
Teh compression killed the dragon! 0_0
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 11, 2003)
drawn in 12 min
Changed the eyes. -_-
MC.Cracka (Dec 14, 2003)
great shading on the shirt
drawn in 4 hours 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Gothic_Otaku, dangerous_punk, and Harmanye (Nov 17, 2003)
A collab where we (dangerous_punk and I) both put 2 people. Someone else can draw one in the middle too, or if it would be easier, D_P, you could draw one in the middle instead. So until I can figure out how to sucessfully reverse mask in shi painter, it's d_g's turn. I guess I got used to lascaux. It's a very nice applet. Oh, and dangerous, please don't tough the dots on the top. They're very important!
8 comments – latest 4:
Harmanye (edited Dec 8, 2003)
OH, thank'ee sorry I didn't see sooner.
One question, does it have to be punk?
Harmanye (Dec 8, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 55 min
Lookit me! I'm in the background! ... heh. BTW, when the rest of the background gets put in tere will be a little blurry white like around my person and the floor., I'll fix that when it happens.
Gothic_Otaku (Dec 8, 2003)
You might want to not use the blur tool that much o_x. And no it doesn't have to be punk, just as long as it isn't prep.
Harmanye (edited Dec 8, 2003)
Nah, I'm in the background, I'm blurry, like movies.

Anyway, those hardly look like clothes pertaining to Prepatory schools.
drawn in 6 hours 53 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Collab ness...anyone can join,
it's all of our favourite animals, Mine's is a
Silver fox with 4 tails e.e
20 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Jan 22, 2004)
KiwiKitsune (May 29, 2004)
Can I join? I'll draw a cute wittle fox. o.o
Maiko (Aug 14, 2004)
o__o okei
i love wolves! the last part of wy username was supposed 2 b wolf but it was 2 long :( can i join 2? i can do an awesome wolf like snarling, sleeping or anything
drawn in 3 hours 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Mafuyu, ShadowKitten, and Gothic_Otaku (Nov 6, 2003)
A collab for whoever wants to color this person. Just comment if you wanna color her! And for those who are going to color her, please remember to use the layer called layer 1-- layer 2's on top, it's the lineart.
5 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 8, 2003)
drawn in 41 min
Sorry if I played around with the colors a bit. The bg's supposed to be a forest. :">
Zinc (Nov 16, 2003)
Is this finished?/Do you plan on finishing this?
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 20, 2003)
It's finished, but Mafuyu needs to set it to finished.
ShadowKitten (Dec 2, 2003)
drawn in 20 min
... just fixing a few things
drawn in 1 hour 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Are you a furry enthusiast? Then add a furry to this pic! Show your furry lovin' pride! Long live the furry!

If you are interested in adding a furry, just send me a memo! ^_^
edit: okay, noone seems to be starting or finishing. It doesn't help this pic. If we had all pitched in (or planned) it would have turned out better. Okay. Thank you all for your contribution!

edit: okay, it seems that 2 more people have asked to join in this. I hope they draw something! it would be a pity to have added them and see nothing from it...
kay, live on, young warriors.
28 comments – latest 4:
Nanibunny (Nov 16, 2003)
whoo! Can i add a furry too? :)
Doodlibop (Nov 25, 2003)
I think I'm going to have to start something like this again, but this time...with a plan!
Daymeon_StormRider (Jan 11, 2004)
...if you start again I'll join...getting better at this drawing with a mouse much do Tablets cost? Maybe I can bribe my mom to buy one, or get one when I get a job...meh...pencil SO much easier to draw with! Let me know if you do another ok? Ja Nae!

Old_badger (edited Nov 23, 2006)
meh i want one added and who would i go about geting added
drawn in 2 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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