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Hakkai and concannon (Sep 14, 2003)
Wooosh! A'ighty then. Go ahead and color, VV!

Edit: Done! Over! Yay! Turned out pretty well! n__n; Thanks VisceralVamp!
7 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (Sep 15, 2003)
drawn in 26 min
Finished! -kicks the person who said "fuck"- Hahah! Quick collab is finally done and over with! Oh happy day, nh? n__n;
Tina (Sep 15, 2003)
Mmmm... Stawberry pocky pwns everything. I love the shade of orange/red for the hair. Really great line-art by the way.
marcello (Sep 15, 2003)
You people and your pocky. Come on, it's so lame!
ponpoko (Sep 16, 2003)
I don't get it, either. Come on, where's the love for arare(rice crackers seasoned with soy sauce)? Now that stuff is good. Mmmmm.
drawn in 4 hours 40 min with PaintBBS
concannon, Hakkai, and mkkmypet (Sep 9, 2003)
Can't do the background. Because mkkmypet used the fill button on a layer, and then erased. And because of that erasing, or what was probably a brush with white as the color swatch, I can't do anything on the background layer and have it show up on the foreground. So...I'm just putting it as finished now.

6 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Sep 11, 2003)
Very pretty drawing! The husky, the boy and the colouring are all very beautiful. Excellent work! >:D
mkkmypet (Sep 12, 2003)
drawn in 32 min
Wanted to add more, but i'm being rushed off to schoolwork. I'll finish it today!
mkkmypet (Sep 12, 2003)
drawn in 22 min
Ohhhh boy...
dragon_girl (Sep 14, 2003)
aw the huski is so cute
drawn in 4 hours 51 min with PaintBBS
Marienkind and mazi (Sep 12, 2003)
[mazi: awesome. ph34r the collab. um i think its done? i give you the honors to hit finished]

mk: alright, fin! anyway, this is viicious. these are his pics. this is marienkind laughing. this is ky. mwahahahaha.
4 comments – latest 4:
mazi (Sep 13, 2003)
drawn in 34 min
woot. jacket. hope you didnt mind my lightening the grid a tad =\
mazi (Sep 13, 2003)
drawn in 21 min
OneWingedMoo9se (Sep 13, 2003)
Yep you and your expert stalking skills Llamas san!
amuy (Sep 13, 2003)
Thats very coot! I love it *huggles* me amo llamas.. y tu? Bien pictures! Very lovely and histerical! buahah!
drawn in 5 hours 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hotaru-chan and Knockoff (Sep 12, 2003)
well now it's knockoff's turn...what day will fall start on???

11 comments – latest 4:
Hotaru-chan (Sep 12, 2003)
eerm, I wrote can, maybe you need to get glasses, I know I need my glasses changed 'cause most of the time everything is just a big blurr...

Knockoff (edited Sep 13, 2003)
Thats ok, My fault actually. >____O
Aunvi (edited Sep 13, 2003)
I said I was sorry. I didn't read the comment right.
*scratches head* huh? you mean editing comments?
Knockoff (Sep 14, 2003)
No no no, Never mind.
drawn in 54 min with PaintBBS
Porcelain, concannon, and furyofroy (Sep 1, 2003)
Here you go, Visceral. If you're wondering what those dots are, those are little pin-points to show you the possible places of adding sparkle to the picture. Like.. Little glow dots on her flesh, or on her wings, things like that. I was thinking that you could draw water down where her thighs end. Have fun! Work hard. >.<
13 comments – latest 4:
dragon_girl (Sep 14, 2003)
nice job I love the piexi
Gothic_Otaku (Sep 14, 2003)
ooh.....nice texture!
ShadowKitten (Oct 7, 2003)
uhhm simple question, y is this 18+?
btw thats one awsome pic
nyao (Nov 9, 2003)
ooo... purtie.. it's all shinie and stuf.... i luv the pose and the colourz. ^^
drawn in 6 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Fin_beast and morbidboblover (Aug 31, 2003)
Well its a ghost thing really.......

morbidboblover can you please use a new layer for your piece......
Add anything you want! XD
1 comment – latest 1:
Fin_beast (Sep 1, 2003)
XD dats so cool! Maybe need to add something to her hair? looks a bit kinda flat at the mo. very nice! i love the highlights!
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Maiko and furyofroy (Sep 8, 2003)
We make an odd couple dont we? (i mean, Menchi and I)
Menchi is the incurable sex maniac that will take advantage of a sleeping girl and i'm the violent tomboy that'll
kill any unwanted person that's less than 2 feet away from me ^^;;;
oh well, enjoy anyways ^^
6 comments – latest 4:
nightmare_gypsy (Sep 9, 2003)
Shading each other's pictures... that's not a thing you hear many couples doing. And let me tell you, he does like to take off his shirt (I, however, shouldn't be talking). Heh, one time, at a party, he took his shirt off in front of... oh wait, maybe I shouldn't put that online...
Maiko (Sep 9, 2003)
*prods nightmare* ooh ooh OO tell me tell me ><
TheLIVR (Sep 11, 2003)
Oh god...

Of the two, nightmare_monkey is the incurable sex maniac. Meesh is the simply perverse one. And I stand there to keep the two in check... sometimes I feel like I'm babysitting.
nyao (Oct 4, 2003)
hee hee... it's cute and funnie... and i think u 2 r kinda nice 2gether. tee hee hee...
drawn in 2 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Maiko and Hakkai (Sep 6, 2003)
it's a pic of Koneko and Koinu (like the title says..)
7 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Sep 7, 2003)
drawn in 11 min
Fixed the error Oo;
make a background now
Hakkai (Sep 7, 2003)
drawn in 8 min
FiNiShEd! Crappy background.. but eh.. n__n;
Gothic_Otaku (Sep 8, 2003)
No he doesn't look like a shoujo, dragon_girl is very ignorant of details.
Aunvi (Sep 10, 2003)
*looks* what are you......oh! that.......yeah hehe I thought you ment facial features there for a second.....
drawn in 3 hours 8 min with PaintBBS
pixiewench and concannon (Sep 6, 2003)
Left is Noah (my character, drawn by meself) and right is Edessi (Connie's character drawn by herself). Oggle at the background as well, also drawn by Connie. Herself. ^^
3 comments – latest 4:
concannon (Sep 6, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 19 min
Damn grass. Alright, I'm damn proud of the background, and I don't give a crap that the highlight on their clothes/skin/hair doesn't match the moon's location. I don't caaaaaaaaare. So nyah nyah. (The grey thing is a bench.)
pixiewench (Sep 7, 2003)
I think it's beuuuutiful, Connie! GREAT job on the background (and oh-so fitting. ^^)
dragon_girl (Sep 7, 2003)
I want my momy its to good *dragon sobs*
Gothic_Otaku (Sep 8, 2003)
so very is awed by your skill.
drawn in 5 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hakkai and Yugi_Moto (Sep 1, 2003)
A Quick Collab... More like a coloring book kinda collab. >_>;;
10 comments – latest 4:
Merulotte (Sep 2, 2003)
Er? What went wrong with it? Did the applet freeze, or glitch, or something?
Yugi_Moto (Sep 2, 2003)
drawn in 27 min
haha no um ok
mazi (Sep 2, 2003)
the lines are fine, the coloring could use more shadow and highlights though
marcello (Sep 2, 2003)
no duh the lines are fine, I mean, the infamous hakkai...
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with PaintBBS
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