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Roxana1890 (Jul 22, 2008)
ref : ( i know it doesnt look so much like him -_- )
20 comments – latest 4:
Roxana1890 (Jul 24, 2008)
haha..he is, bette .he truly is O.O =P~
yeah i agre..... yummy.... hehe. i love wolves so if anyone can kinda take a request ill ask
Lucy90 (Aug 2, 2008)
very good, a great drawing roxy!
illusionone (Aug 5, 2008)
looks just like a photo!
drawn in 4 hours 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Aakyra (Jun 29, 2008)
For Missie Shadow...your "Big Girl"
11 comments – latest 4:
Aakyra (Jul 20, 2008)
Thanks so much to all!
Maybe you are right Pappa... thanks!
DorsY69 (Jul 24, 2008)
It's moving O.O what a stunning art you've created! Such a lovely horse!
Juni_gatsu (Aug 4, 2008)
Very nice! I like all the soft colors, I think they add a lot of motion to this picture. Also the delicateness of the horse's head is beautiful. My only critique would be that anatomically the horse is a little off, I think his/her chest should be deeper and, from that angle, not quite so long in the back. Still a very nice drawing though, keep it up.
Aakyra (Aug 5, 2008)
Thanks so much Dorsy and Juni... your comments are really appreciated. I really struggled with this as the photo reference was quite distorted. I tried several times to get that position correct in order to better portray the anatomy, but in the end, I was not successful. I also like the head and the legs, hooves were a good study excercise for me. I sometimes wonder if a tablet would make a difference for me. I always have used a mouse. When I work large, it doesn't seem to be an issue, but when I am working in a lot of details and curving lines, it seems to really take soooo much time. Thanks to both of you!
drawn in 23 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Rudeezy (Nov 18, 2007)
EDIT 2: reference found here.


I'm actually trying realism, woah!

edit: hey hey hey, just wanted people to see what I'm working on right now. I KNOW I have a lot to fix and such but it will look decent when this is done. PROMISE!
16 comments – latest 4:
mooki (Apr 13, 2008)
you have to.
Sweetcell (Apr 17, 2008)
I agree with Mooki. I've said that about a lot of my pieces, just say this mantra in your head.

"Yes I can. Yes I can. Yes I can."

Until it motivates you..... or, y'know, makes you go crazy.
ichigokurosaki (Aug 5, 2008)
ur amazing
Rudeezy (Jun 2, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 19 min
drawn in 12 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Deino (Jul 30, 2008)
Hi there. Some time no see :)
4 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Jul 30, 2008)
Wooo, hi Deino! :D
marcello (Jul 30, 2008)
quoth the raven...
SanzoGirl (Jul 30, 2008)
Hey Deino! ^_^
Welcome back :D
Kitzekatze (Aug 3, 2008)
hey:D i already love this^^
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
davincipoppalag (Jul 14, 2005)
From a photograph taken by my friend Thurston (ATSnapkik on aol)
36 comments – latest 4:
Pandora (Aug 3, 2008)
This is beautiful with vibrant colors an great perspective.
davincipoppalag (Aug 3, 2008)
Thanks!! This is a really old one
bette_davis_eyes (Aug 3, 2008)
this looks like a photo! great butterfly dave :D
davincipoppalag (Aug 3, 2008)
Thanks bette...I seemed to have more patience back then
drawn in 2 hours 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
STARZSHINE (May 1, 2008)
22 comments – latest 4:
2dluv (May 12, 2008)
Wow I really like it! Her eyes are beautiful
bette_davis_eyes (May 16, 2008)
this just absolutely blew my mind!! simply gorgeous
Kulu (May 18, 2008)
this is increadible
KGH (Aug 2, 2008)
Gorgeous. You have a really beautiful style.
drawn in 4 hours 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pepi (Jul 16, 2008)
i was mucking around, and then i decided to draw her properlly!....briony tallis from atonement!
3 comments – latest 4:
Lostification (Jul 23, 2008)
woahh pep O.O this is going to be incredible i can tell... i love the softness of it :)
ily (Jul 23, 2008)
Wow Pepi 0.0 this rocks~
pepi (Jul 23, 2008)
drawn in 52 min
man her hand look burnt!! 0_0 must fix it up ><
Smellymudhut (Aug 2, 2008)
I was just thinking te hand is looking incredible. The shadows and details make it look near real! ^^
drawn in 5 hours 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
13 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (edited Jul 28, 2008)
I agree by golly! It's just gosh darn pretty dang good! but not advanced.
HaroldXKira (Jul 28, 2008)
Thanks 4 the comments guys... ~.~ I know that I need to improve my work... It was fun draw that and I just wanted to u guys feel the same seeing that drawing as I feelt drawing it.
That is not my very best and because of that I will keep going in hunt of it... -.- I will be more modest next time.
Sweetcell (Jul 28, 2008)
Well, it's a hell of a lot better than some crap in Advanced lately (from no0bs) Just a bit more work and I think this fits fine here in Advanced. But if you need to get the hang of the tools and appelets Beginners is recommended. Though you have the talent that's for sure. Welcome, and keep it up.
bball4eva999 (Aug 2, 2008)
hey harold :D i just looked wt who was signed on andd i saw ur username :D
drawn in 3 hours 55 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Smellymudhut (Jul 25, 2008)
6 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jul 29, 2008)
nice goin couldn't go wrong with the background for this guy, it was bound to be great no matter what.
davincipoppalag (Jul 29, 2008)
Boo no 'Tyrannosaur lol.. What you did looks great
blinx989 (Jul 30, 2008)
OH THATS AWESOME! I love Bio Shock :] "Would you kindly?"
Smellymudhut (Sep 21, 2008)
drawn in 4 min
Just a couple of final tweaks ^^... this needs to be in intermediate but i don't know howi can change it down :S
drawn in 7 hours 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
thefuturesteve (Dec 21, 2007)
A tribute to the girl with four arms and four legs.
5 comments – latest 4:
Zack (Dec 22, 2007)
That face is really well done. Very disturbing image overall... was there really a girl like that? Why draw this?
shalalaheartattack (Dec 22, 2007)
This is turning out to be very lovely.
The story of this girl is amazing, and that makes it an even more powerful image.
thefuturesteve (Dec 23, 2007)
Yeah. She was born with her parasitic, underdeveloped twin attached to her. She had two sets of lungs and kidneys and there was basically a whole second bone structure attached to her at the groin. She successfully survived the surgery to remove the twin, and in tribute to the wonderfully odd yet beautiful image she conveyed as a conjoined twin, I wanted to paint her... and since I rarely paint on canvas with... paint, I did it here instead. :) Thanks for comments:)
Rashinal (Jul 29, 2008)
...In India people.Not your country. ;]
Nice, still a little blurry.
drawn in 2 hours 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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