boardsbeginnerWould anyone care?
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
SanzoGirl (Jun 7, 2005)
No, I'm not thinking about suicide, I always wondered. this....Would anyone care (besides my parents and brother) if I died? I doubt it.
SanzoGirl (Jun 7, 2005)
drawn in 4 min
SanzoGirl (Jun 7, 2005)
drawn in 13 min
Do more later, have to do my homework. >_<
SanzoGirl (Jun 7, 2005)
drawn in 15 min
Safty Save!
SanzoGirl (Jun 7, 2005)
drawn in 8 min
SanzoGirl (Jun 7, 2005)
drawn in 8 min
Noremac (Jun 7, 2005)
thats cause your a teenager... keep pushing through life. shit happens yadda yadda... you'll get over it
darkshadow (Jun 7, 2005)
i would now that i know you are here like the pic and ya life gets a little better ....... oh hell my life sucks 60% of the time go out have fun i think of the song by better then eezra "teengaer" good song
squee (Jun 7, 2005)
I would. and i barely know you. :) no one deserves to die unless more than one person vote on it.
Punky (Jun 7, 2005)
i would care as well. i dont like people dying, even if i dont know em very well.
SanzoGirl (Jun 7, 2005)
drawn in 1 min
Had to fix the eye. X_O
SanzoGirl (Jun 7, 2005)
drawn in 2 min
BSOD (Jun 8, 2005)
Hee Hee I agree with Squee
mazi (Jun 9, 2005)
"no one deserves to die unless more than one person vote on it." huh?

and ditto on what noremac said.
IkariIreuL (edited Jun 9, 2005)
Did you care about someone else besides them ?
A suggestion ?
Maybe if you care about people, people will care about you.
BSOD (Jun 9, 2005)
your right IkariIreuL She said she would laugh when I died O.o''
SanzoGirl (Jun 9, 2005)
I was just kidding. XD You really belive I would laugh?!
Asriel (Jun 11, 2005)
i sometimes wonder the same thing. and then, if they did care...why would they? why do humans care when other humans pass on? It's just extra suffering.. *questions sanity of the Creator*
SanzoGirl (Jun 12, 2005)
I've always wondered, whats the point in caring when it just makes us sad. I try not to care about people but it doesn't work. When ever I start to care alot, I get hurt. Thats why I've thought about suicide over and over again, but don't want to hurt anyone. TT_TT
Xodiak (Jun 12, 2005)
This is my favourite drawing of yours. Such a sweet foxy girl. *nosebleeds* >:p~~
SanzoGirl (Jun 12, 2005)
Really? Yay. ^_^
sephiroth54321 (edited Aug 8, 2005)
To tell the truth I wouldn't care whether you were dead or alive...yeah noremac is right, I'm not afraid to die, shoot me now but you'd better hope it kills me...
Zack (Jun 12, 2005)
bravo! encore, encore! what a performance!
sephiroth54321 (Jun 12, 2005)
Zack (Jun 12, 2005)
Sanzo: Sure, it's nice to have people care about you, but suicide is for confused cowards. It's hard to keep caring about people when they keep hurting you, I know, but the only alternative is bitterness. All that comes of being bitter is missing out on the opportunity of caring about someone who cares about you if they come along, because you'd be too scared to care anymore. That'd be terrible. Instead, find something to look forward to in life.
Xodiak (Jun 13, 2005)
I think that most of the people who announce that they will commit suicide do not really intend to commit suicide and they would never actually do it. They want to scare or threaten other people so they will show them more affection, love or understanding. Sometimes these people are insecure and feel that they receive no affection, love or understanding even if these are given to them.
People who really commit suicide do not even tell anyone before they do it. A person needs extreme mental effort (or damage) to achieve going against his/her strong primal survival instincts. A person who is really determined to do it would not let other people stop him/her by announcing his/her decision. Just like a person who intends to rob you would never tell you that s/he will do it.
SanzoGirl (Jun 13, 2005)
I've thought about suicide, but I don't think I would want to do it.
Xodiak (Jun 13, 2005)
I would commit suicide by masturbation. >;)
SanzoGirl (Jun 13, 2005)
Wow XOD, I would have never guessed. XD
kawaii_otaku323 (Jun 29, 2005)
I would care. -_- Although I probably would never find<.< eheh. .,.U
silvercoyote (Jul 2, 2005)
I hate people who try to get attention by doing things like this.
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
shut the fuck up...
silvercoyote (Aug 8, 2005)
Who? Me? If you really want to swear me out go ahead and do it over a memo. Other people don't want to see your language.
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
Why take this further? I said what I had to don't know what your talking about. Yeah some people might do things like this to get attention....but I really don't think she's trying to do that. And I appologize for my language, but really you can't say something like that unless you know the person...
silvercoyote (Aug 8, 2005)
I do know what I'm talking about. Suicide isn't something to be taken lightly, and generally people who do things like this are just doing it to get attention and make people worry over them. She's probably some teen that's never had a hard day in her life, and just thinks she has. You're right though, I don't know her. But I know that things like this wouldn't be done by someone mature.
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
I'm sorry but that still goes against what I said about you not knowing her. I don't know her too well, but I know her enough to say that she's not trying to get attention. And I don't think she ever said she was going to commit suicide...(I'm not trying to be sarcastic just so you know) so even though half of what your saying is reasonable, she still did not say that she was going to kill herself. She may have though about it...but she's not going to do it...
silvercoyote (Aug 8, 2005)
I know very well she's not going to do it. People who do things like this aren't seriously thinking of suicide. If you're seriously thinking of suicide, you don't tell anyone. You take a gun, walk into the woods and put a bullet in your head. That is my point. This is just to get attention by seeming depressed. When someone says "would anyone care if I died?" generally suicide is the first thing that comes to mind, but I realize that this might not be what she mean. Still, people who seriously ask themselves that don't do things like this.
SanzoGirl (Aug 8, 2005)
I actually did this because I was going to. Then, my friend Eric found out. He told me that to many people cared about me, but I didn't belive him. He told me that people I didn't even know might even care, and to put it up on 2Draw, and see how many people cared about me. He just wanted to prove a point, and it worked. I didn't tell anyone, he found out because he found and read part of my diary. I'm happy now that he did, because he stoped me from making the biggest mistake in my life. I know that it was stupid to put it up here, and I'm sorry if it makes me seem like an ass hole, but it did hepl him prove his point and made me reconsider.
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
First of all I care about you, your friend obviously cares about you...and wtf? You were actually going to do it? I never thought you would actually think about doing something like that. And silver coyote...we're straight...sorry I acted like a loser. <:D
SanzoGirl (Aug 8, 2005)
Well, things were really bad, I don't really want to say what happened, but I was going to do it. >__> But, I was really stupid, can you forgive me?
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
yup....I wasn't ever mad in the first place...
SanzoGirl (Aug 8, 2005)
Oh. ^_^;
Sorry if I annoyed you SilverCoyote.
silvercoyote (edited Aug 8, 2005)
You don't need to apologize for trying to defend your friend, I understand you didn't want me attacking her. But next time you make a post relating to suicide try not to include smilies in it. And Sanzo, yeah, I was annoyed, but mostly because at the time of the post I was having trouble with alot of people not taking this topic seriously.
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
<:D that's funny...because it's impossible.....
silvercoyote (Aug 8, 2005)
What's funny?
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
about me not putting the smilies in my post....I have a hard time doing that...
SanzoGirl (Aug 8, 2005)
Oh, well I know alot of people who just say it because they want attention. I could give a shit if I even had any attention at all.
silvercoyote (Aug 8, 2005)
For a minute there I thought you actually gave a damn about the point I was trying to make. I'm through with this topic.
sephiroth54321 (edited Aug 8, 2005)
Sanzo I've been giving you plenty of attention! :/
SanzoGirl (Aug 8, 2005)
I know. ^_^ I'm talking about I could give a damn if anyone gave me attention. Its nice when people do, but I don't go crying out for it.
sephiroth54321 (Aug 8, 2005)
I am sorry that did not make sense :0
SanzoGirl (Aug 13, 2005)
Oh.....Well, I am insane. :P
sephiroth54321 (Aug 13, 2005)
marini135 (Aug 13, 2005)
SanzoGirl (Aug 13, 2005)
Maiko (Aug 13, 2005)
Okayyyyy stop having conversations on pictures PLEASE if you want to converse, do it through memo, or in a chat room or something, dears :D
SanzoGirl (Aug 13, 2005)
Okay. :D
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