usersC K
icon Location: louisiana (LSU)
Date of Birth: May 17th, 1982 (42)
Gender: Male
Registered: Mar 30, 2005
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
Contact darkshadow
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Profile Comment
"Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill"
My favorite thing to draw is roses
I am known to draw lighting, modern, sail boats or boats, light houses and I will attempt something at least once
If asked I will at least try. I like drawing on the net but will never give up paper I draw on that all the time. Most of the rose pictures started on paper.
I am not a big fan of my own coloring I prefer to sketch
What ever I feel like
I like the game go. I do suck at it but it still rocks!
"Life is like candy eat it cuz candy is good" words of wisdom from my friend jess
57 Submissions
thumbnail looks like the frie guys that McDonals had in the 80's
Apr 19, 2007
thumbnail awesome job on the hair and high lights
Apr 19, 2007
thumbnail ooooooOOOOooooo the colors very coolto look at
Apr 19, 2007
thumbnail i like how this is going looking very good
Apr 19, 2007
thumbnail that back ground totaly kicks ass
aol suxs
Sep 14, 2006
2 Forum Posts