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Public Boards/Beginner 
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Feb 25, 2005)
also from Wolf's Rain, i think im better at drawing wolves then anything! lol
6 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (Feb 25, 2005)
Kiba! *glomps* I love Kiba!
emmamommalag (Feb 25, 2005)
That's a nice wolf, Amanda. I like the wrinkly look on his nose.
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Feb 25, 2005)
Thank you.
DrsFan (Jan 23, 2006)
Cool! once again I rememder watching and reading about Wolfs Rain!
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
What are your inspirations for your art?
Shanghai (Feb 24, 2005)
What is it that inspires or motivates you to make art? Do you want to be like a certain artist you've seen or are you trying to express something you feel or enjoy? Personally I can't remember far back enough to a time when I wasn't making art. I've always just enjoyed making it and coming up with fantasy places and people I could make "real" enough to be seen by other people at least. Probably why I've never been as interested in drawing from life as from my imagination.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (Feb 9, 2005)
I'm lookin for a wabbit......
5 comments – latest 4:
two-na (Feb 9, 2005)
seems to be a scary little man that you see when you're high.
cool DMV, let's do some DMT someday
spiritdweller (Feb 9, 2005)
psst.. he's over there ---->
diver2026 (Feb 11, 2005)
when i scroll up and down it looks like his mouth is moving- like he's talking.
Shawna (Mar 28, 2005)
love the way you did his face
drawn in 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Kasha (Feb 8, 2005)
Yeah, happy valentines day or whatever.
23 comments – latest 4:
LEELEE (Feb 9, 2005)
Kasha, Very good work! I agree with all the warmness
Kloxboy (Feb 9, 2005)
This drawing would rock without the dude....yep.
two-na (Feb 9, 2005)
lose the dude, promote the rock, come together, eat the sock
Aubrey (Feb 14, 2005)
You can feel the love coming right out of the screen. You're so talented Kasha.
drawn in 4 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Knockoff (Feb 2, 2005)
31 comments – latest 4:
Cordelia_Pink (Feb 3, 2005)
The reds are definitely a knockoff!!! good job.
Kloxboy (Feb 3, 2005)
That is so fucking good, one of your best in my opinion.
sincity (edited Feb 3, 2005)
F-n A! I love the reds in this. Great stuff. I dig the guy in the umbrella. :}>
clowangel (Feb 4, 2005)
Wow. O_O All I can say is Wow. That is awesome. It reminds me of some fantasy RPGs. =)
drawn in 2 hours 17 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Do You Mouse?
Doodlibop (Feb 3, 2005)
The advent of stylus and tablets and so forth has been like, so totally cool and some junk. But does anyone still mouse? I know I do. It has it's pro's and con's. Mostly con's. O.o
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Jan 27, 2005)
If you have seen his cam, you'll recognize the pic.
17 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Apr 21, 2015)
lol This is almost 10 years old... Holy shit! oO Seems like just yesterday.
davincipoppalag (Apr 21, 2015)
Welcome to the fine world of aging Juno hehe
Kloxboy (Apr 21, 2015)
No kidding. So much history here on the ol' 2draw. And only a few of us will ever remember it. :P
davincipoppalag (Apr 21, 2015)
I know...
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
EverDream (Jan 23, 2005)
First I was just planning on a figure study but it morphed into this. :D I'm very pleased with the way it turned out though I wish I could have spent more time on it if my hand hadn't begun to scream at me. *rubs it* Any way this is a pic for my friend Adele. She's been feeling down lately so I'm trying to cheer her up.

12 comments – latest 4:
LEELEE (Feb 9, 2005)
oh my...who is he? can you hook me up? jk... nice work!
Aubrey (Feb 14, 2005)
That water is too neat, everything is.
Geist (Feb 19, 2005)
This is hot. I like it alot. The water look lovely!
Cordelia_Pink (Feb 19, 2005)
EverDream, you should do more pictures with shirtless guys bathing in the sun. That would be even more fun. *displays a stupid grin* (I really just said that...?) And btw, this is pretty good coming from only your imagination. I mean, I can picture people in my head but I can't exactly be accurate with body structures, faces and all that. lol (Guys with really long hair look pretty darn good, if I say so myself lol)
drawn in 4 hours 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
The Insanely Talented 10-Year Old Artist...
Gigandas (Jan 10, 2005)
Okay, so I'm sure as some of you already know, there is this insanely talented 10-year old girl who's shown up on some TV shows, as I have seen, but I was talking to Wasil on AIM and she gave me a link to her gallery.So anyway, if anyone is interested in checking out her work, here it is........(Caution:You may want to quit drawing entirely after seeing this.....just a warning)
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Jan 18, 2004)
A made up face, to practice using this program.
20 comments – latest 4:
Aubrey (Dec 5, 2004)
Indeedy it do kick the booty.
two-na (Dec 8, 2004)
you're getting into my arena now! this if badmotherfuckingass
Kloxboy (Apr 16, 2022)
Very original first drawing, title and description. A ham-colored face with no expression. Lovely.
dingaling (Apr 17, 2022)
It's genius...really Klox
drawn in 1 hour 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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