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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Cordelia_Pink, nozomii, and pulmonq2 (Jan 22, 2005)
too many distractions... anyhow, just a little sketch... i was getting in the vibe of drawing something with miscellaneous characters placed anywhere on the page lol

37 comments – latest 4:
StrawberryYamichan (Mar 6, 2005)
wow. you three make one heck of a collab! so cute and beautiful <3 aaw.
nozomii (Mar 6, 2005)
i hardly took any part in it. But uhh... ty anyway! :D
Sorrow_and_Suicide (Mar 6, 2005)
that is pretty nice job
DarkCloak (Mar 12, 2005)
Awesome collab, guys. I like this a lot.
drawn in 1 day 2 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Mar 4, 2005)
"In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him
’til he cried out in his anger and his shame
I am leaving, I am leaving, but the fighter still remains
Yes he still remains..."

Simon and Garfunkle
9 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Mar 4, 2005)
No particular reason, sometimes when I finish a pic I put down the lyrics to whatever I was listening to at the time.
cyclops (Mar 4, 2005)
awesome pic axil
Zack (Mar 13, 2005)
I missed this one. Great reference and I like the style and all that stuff. I like Simon and Garfunkle but haven't heard that song yet.
Rosemary (Mar 25, 2005)
''im just a poor boy though my story's seldom told..'' the boxer..great song..and i love this picture!! no idea how i missed it before..
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
zep (Mar 3, 2005)
just imaged, that we are us, that is you and me forever, that you don´t belong to another. (listen cuban music)
7 comments – latest 4:
Anna (edited Mar 4, 2005)
His nose intrigues me. This is awesome. I love the colors :-D
zep (Mar 4, 2005)
thanks people....hey two-na what means that you said?
spiritdweller (Mar 4, 2005)
lol Anna.... into noses today, eh? :)
Anna (Mar 4, 2005)
hahahah it appears so :-P
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
cyclops (Feb 28, 2005) yeah...its done
8 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Mar 2, 2005)
lol too funny, tim.. hehe
cyclops (edited Mar 3, 2005)
drawn in 40 min
thanks axil for your ref. picture
respyre (Mar 5, 2005)
great work, as usual
cyclops (Mar 5, 2005)
thanks for the comments everyone <O)
drawn in 4 hours 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Mar 1, 2005)
Been awhile, felt like drawing a face, as per usual.
12 comments – latest 4:
Zack (Mar 2, 2005)
People have already said what I wanted to say so I will just say that they have said it already.
two-na (Mar 2, 2005)
great right-brain addition. 53 minutes. excellent
spiritdweller (Mar 2, 2005)
yeah, right-brain... I wonder what would happen if we drew from the left
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 2, 2005)
William goes to camp.... know what I mean, Vern? I like the angle on this.
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Orkdoop (Feb 28, 2005)
another sketch from my sketchbook :)
15 comments – latest 4:
TheCrimsonKing (Feb 28, 2005)
This looked fun to draw. I really like that outline around the body. I dig the hair as well.
Orkdoop (edited Feb 28, 2005)
I saw a picture a loooooong time ago of Kate Moss, and she had hair like so many years later I tried to draw it from memory...and YEA it was fun to draw..except this guy in class kept watching me draw it..and that was wierd...i kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye.....OH and I just want to say that I really like this drawing because it is one of those drawings that just come out of your head without useing special...
Childlike_Vampire (Mar 1, 2005)
Cool face and hair. I really dig the bg. Nice drawing.
Xodiak (Aug 7, 2005)
I like her slender body and how she only wears underwear, very sexy drawing! >:D
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
staci (Feb 25, 2005)
roight, so i found this ref in my explorations of the world wide interweb. it was posted on a site about pictures this dude found in dumpsters. pretty weird. but not really. he didnt even have this one featured tho. which WAS weird since imho its most interesting and mysterious. it was described as an 'Old Polaroid'. who is it? why is it so dark in their house? was it a boy? a girl? a small woman? and more importantly, dont they know chiffon curtains are sooo out? is the scratching a deliberate act of a scorned luffer? or was it just smooshed between a dominos pizza box and a broken Journey cd. i want to know, but will never find out. thats why i drew it ^_^
17 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 27, 2005)
Wonderful on so many levels.
two-na (Feb 28, 2005)
t'cha! sweet
cyclops (Feb 28, 2005)
amazing the bent corner
Childlike_Vampire (Mar 1, 2005)
You know, I loved this picture, and it drew me in, and I decided to comment on it. And then I read the description, and i'm now in love with your brain. Great drawing.
drawn in 6 hours 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
101_Torchic_101 (Feb 26, 2005)
Yay It's my GBA SP!
5 comments – latest 4:
101_Torchic_101 (Feb 27, 2005)
Ty854 (Apr 2, 2005)
theres an orange one?
Rysho (Jun 13, 2006)
wow...if I tried I would fail. so...YOU WIN! yay!
cianteed2 (Jun 13, 2006)
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
chickenmonster2001 (Feb 26, 2005)
hurts your eyes when it comes to video games... O_O perhaps it isn't healthy to be so addicted to video games, but hey, what the heck ^_^ might as well... they are to fun
4 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Feb 26, 2005)
shoulda kept it without the blur, man
chickenmonster2001 (Feb 26, 2005)
supposed to be a blur, as in like to look past the person into the video games... bleh... idk
emmamommalag (Feb 26, 2005)
That's my eyes after drawing for too long.
two-na (Feb 26, 2005)
SNES, Atari, NES, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive..... ecco the dolphin, starfox, super metroid, metal gear(uh oh, the truck have started to move) etc
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Anna (Feb 26, 2005)
OMG LOOK.. it's raggedy anne. -__-
22 comments – latest 4:
zep (Feb 27, 2005)
the most i like is that she is looking right to me (the observer) than the flower, nice pic Anna.
Anna (Feb 27, 2005)
Thanks guys! :-)
silver_maiden (Feb 27, 2005)
very nice!
snowysnowy (Aug 31, 2006)
It's cool couse her hair matches the rose, and her eyes match the stem. If you compare the rose with her face, their quite similar. Great Job!
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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