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Mr. Blurry
Eggie (edited Mar 25, 2003)
Head surgeon: Alright, test-subject 1745! This is your last chance to come back! Mr. Blurry (yes, he can talk): Never! And stop calling me Test subject 1745! I have a name! Head Surgeon: A first name? Mr. Blurry: Uh... Head Surgeon:... Mr. Blurry: Smartarse! I'm thinking of putting it into comic format? Do you think a Blurry comic would be a good idea? VOTE NOW: No! or ...
Public Boards/Beginner 
herman_phrodite (Mar 25, 2003)
i wanted to add a background but i couldn't make one in a seperate layer and let the main drawing come to stand before

hmm, so i tried...but the background is still visible through the hair....blah...too complicated
4 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited Mar 25, 2003)
Awesome hair.

If you create a seperate layer for the background, you can erase whatever accidently goes over the picture on that layer, so it won't erase any bits of your picture. If that made any sense at all. :p

Are you new? Welcome to 2draw.
herman_phrodite (edited Mar 25, 2003)
i don't know...i wanted to add this background-layer which i made very dark, but then the whole picture got misty...(that fase doesn't apear in the animation...dunno why)
but i probably messed to much with the layer-thing so ill see next time...thanks

i'm new but i already saw i friend of mine drawing with these tools, so it's not totally new
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 26, 2003)
WELCOME TO 2DRAW!!! Um... I usually just draw around the pic or put in the bg first.
Ari (edited Mar 26, 2003)
To give your pic a background, copy the layer with the drawing. Then make the top layer invisible (click the eye next to the layer) and erase everything on the bottom layer. Make the top layer visible again, and you can use the blank layer for your background.
Oh, btw, awesome pic!
drawn in 43 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Mar 25, 2003)
Those blob-things the pillow is resting on are books. Volumes 1 2 + 3 of Crudly Drawn.
7 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited Mar 25, 2003)
She's just sad because I'm sad.
furyofroy (edited Mar 26, 2003)
fang's little legs are so kyooot!!!
roguefrequency (edited Mar 26, 2003)
why are you sad?
quintessence (edited Mar 26, 2003)
*points down to the picture below this one*
That, and a student at the base I live on crashed a plane and died the other day. Meh.
drawn in 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Notice: Missing/Broken Files
marcello (edited Mar 25, 2003)
As you probably know, in the last few days several images (21 by my count) have simply vanished from the site, no png, no jpg, no animation, no corrupt file. I'm working with the webadmin to figure out what the problem is, but we haven't come to any immediate solution. But, listen up! If you save a copy of your image to your hard disk, immediately after you submit it, I can restore images that have been lost. So, please, now more than ever save a copy of any image to your har...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Mar 24, 2003)
Playing with styles... the watercolor tool is nifty. It's a bit messy.
5 comments – latest 4:
ky (edited Mar 24, 2003)
So sad. To be left alone is rather breaking. Ecxellantante.
roguefrequency (edited Mar 25, 2003)
I'm glad I saved this one to my HD before it got broken.
quintessence (edited Mar 25, 2003)
Damnit. *prods at the broken image* There is no God.

Rogue... can you send it to me?

roguefrequency (edited Mar 25, 2003)
drawn in 30 min with PaintBBS
Kazukie (Mar 24, 2003)
Currently the nose and neck are pissing me off. So is my computer.. I've got some kind of nasty virus I need to contain.
3 comments – latest 3:
roguefrequency (edited Mar 24, 2003)
This reminds me off a suspence movie I saw once where a girl is hiding from someone in te closet. Besides the nose it looks pretty cool. That hair is begining to be your trademark.

If you need help with a virus, just PM me.
quintessence (edited Mar 24, 2003)
Euch, virus. *pat pat* Pretty picture.
You will prevail! *bites virus*
Kazukie (edited Mar 25, 2003)
It's a malicious worm.. *Gasp* I'm working on having it quarentened.. (teened?) It's a little bugger. It sends me weird message and switches my mouse's buttons. It also tried to e-mail itself to the people in my address book but I already had something to block that.
drawn in 31 min with PaintBBS
SandyDexHamtaro (Mar 24, 2003)
A sort of mysterious picture of a girl trying to find answers to her long lost past...
9 comments – latest 4:
RazorClaw (edited Mar 26, 2003)
Shiek (edited Mar 26, 2003)
And it's peculiar too. Eh, Razor? XD
Kazukie (edited Mar 27, 2003)
If you didn't title it that then I would have no idea what it says.. =|
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 23, 2003)
Sorry...I can't draw letters with a mouse, or I would've done so.
drawn in 32 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
ky (Mar 24, 2003)
3 comments – latest 3:
quintessence (edited Mar 24, 2003)
So cute. *has her cuteness fix for the day* Beautiful work! Whee.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 25, 2003)
O.O CUTENESS!!! *hugs Ky* I told you happy things are nice too!!! It's adorable!!!
Ameraq (edited Apr 16, 2003)
bARK! *cough* I mean...Great! Awsome! Doesn't get any better! ^.^ ^.^ KAWAII!!
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Azelrellon (Mar 24, 2003)
Meh, didn't even feel up to coloring this and cleaning the lineart. -_-
Stupid back of mine...
5 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Mar 24, 2003)
His eyes are pretty. I know how you feel with about 25% of my drawings. Look through my user board and you should find about 4 or 5 unfinished pieces of shit.
quintessence (edited Mar 24, 2003)
If I don't think I can finish it, I usually don't post it... *sighs* I'll find some motivation someday.

Pretty picture... is that fire at the bottom?
Minitsaru (edited Mar 25, 2003)
lol nice drawing =) but 13 hours just for the line art? that seems a bit exadurated O.o
roguefrequency (edited Mar 25, 2003)
I think you were looking at the date. Mine says ~17 hours ago it was submitted.
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
sanchez (Mar 24, 2003)
tis a cute little chicken-duck. may its fuzziness envelope you! whatever that means, i just thought it sounded nice... dont mind me.
5 comments – latest 4:
Survival_Horror (edited Mar 24, 2003)
cool pic!
ky (edited Mar 24, 2003)
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 24, 2003)
Omg.. I love this.. Omg.. So cute.
darkk_angel (edited Mar 27, 2003)
drawn in 9 min with PaintBBS
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