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Public Boards/Intermediate 
canibal_misfits (Dec 6, 2004)
lol only took 19 mins for this i was eating pizza watching viva la bam!
2 comments – latest 4:
canibal_misfits (Dec 6, 2004)
drawn in 22 min
dont no i give up!
aznanime93 (Dec 6, 2004)
DONT!!!i think its cool but i think u should work on it more
canibal_misfits (Dec 6, 2004)
drawn in 9 min
hmmm i like it!
TaCO (Dec 6, 2004)
O.O Me likes!!!!! Great design!!!! And I like the background!!!
drawn in 2 hours 6 min with PaintBBS
brainspiller83 (Dec 3, 2004)
reference- monsters inc. poster.
8 comments – latest 4:
starmarked (Dec 3, 2004)
Woah. You are soooo awsome, that is the best. I love it!!! Isn't Mike cute. On my instant message thing I have the little smilie face monster that looks like Mike. 8] You did a GREAT job #83. : ]
Anna (Dec 3, 2004)
omg he's so cute!! I love him! You did such a great job on him!
Pence (Dec 3, 2004)
haha that's so cool i love the coloring!
Aubrey (Dec 5, 2004)
Too cute... just too cute.. and well drawn!
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kasha (Sep 29, 2004)
I've finally got around to "painting" a portrait of my dog Miko. She's so rad. :)

Thanks to all the people that helped. Special thanks to Mazi for the tutorial.
23 comments – latest 4:
thug (Oct 1, 2004)
awesome, and in your unique style too. I want to draw my dog someday.
Anna (Oct 1, 2004)
awwwwwww how cute, Kasha!!! :D She is just sooo adorable!
Mipunai (Oct 1, 2004)
Awsome, it's so cute, I love the eye!
Yuugi-chan (Dec 4, 2004)
It looks so real! Works blows me away.
drawn in 2 hours 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Priszcilla (Nov 24, 2004)
hmm, something...
10 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (edited Nov 24, 2004)
ooh I like the style. Good expression capture.
PS - the hair shading is *awesome*.
ILoveKenshin (Nov 25, 2004)
That is so cool! I love the coloring, and the expression on her face is cute. I love the hair! ^^ It reminds me of Aria from Sister Princess.
TaCO (Nov 27, 2004)
I really like the tilt of the head.
aznanime93 (Dec 4, 2004)
this is so CUTE! i love the hair
drawn in 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Agoylis (Oct 11, 2004)
this is my 3rd drawing please give me some tips
6 comments – latest 4:
p3ndragon (Oct 11, 2004)
You may want to use tools other than the line tool. Although it is very neat, it doesn't really take much. Try using tones of grey to color them and define shadow. Also, try using different shades of blue in the sky. Look at other pictures and try and figure out what makes them look good and try to apply it to your picture. I myself am not amazing, but you can memo me for help.
emerald_star18 (Oct 12, 2004)
Looks like something you can do on MSPaint, try playing with some of the other tools, they can create cool effects.
saconi (Oct 16, 2004)
Yeh maybe u should colour it
Reich (Dec 4, 2004)
ok joe heres a sugestion.....draw better -_-' well maybe you should start trying to draw people....this is alec btw
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Pence (Nov 19, 2004)
I drew something like this on you draw, and i really like how i looked.
7 comments – latest 4:
Pantera (Nov 19, 2004)
Very nice, reminds me of all the drawings I did there :)
concannon (Nov 19, 2004)
Wonderfully simple. Shame you went and blurred it all, though. It was lovely before, too.
Pence (Nov 19, 2004)
drawn in 2 min
Your right it looks better unblurred. (i like taking people advice ^_^)
Koneko-sama (Dec 4, 2004)
Wow, this is quite nice. Not something I'd expect from you... however, I haven't been on 2draw for a while... Ah well. SHe -ish- vurah pretty, good job!
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Cianteed (Nov 26, 2004)
What is lurking in the deep?
14 comments – latest 4:
Pantera (Nov 27, 2004)
Very cool Squirrel :) I like the colours you used on it.
Dr.Snoopy (Nov 27, 2004)
sexy thingy ^^
just great
sincity (Nov 27, 2004)
I Dig this alot! This came out very cool! Look forward to seeing more work from you. Nice job.
monkeyyoung (Dec 3, 2004)
its like something that would be in a scary movie dun dun dun>_0
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Silver_Note (Oct 17, 2004)
I think Saxaphones are really cool. The main reason I started playing clarinet was so I could play Saxaphone. I haven't switched yet, and am not sure if I will...I used a reference pic from google, but the stupid pic wouldn't let me zoom, so if I got some of the little things on it wrong then I am sorry.
14 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Oct 18, 2004)
Another nice one.. I , too, was a band geek.. (trumpet)..
Knockoff (Oct 20, 2004)
Oh, thats a sexy saxxy. ;) Your style is so cool.
Silver_Note (Oct 22, 2004)
Thanks KO!
LOL Hi kelsey LOL
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Knockoff (Oct 29, 2004)
29 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Nov 30, 2004)
Freakin awesome!
Knockoff (Nov 30, 2004)
Thanks all for the wonderful commets :D. I like it too, seems different from my usuall.
sincity (Nov 30, 2004)
It is different, yet not. I see all the abstract work in it, and it is wonderful. Awesome job! :}
RIKG (Dec 1, 2004)
I love the gold background. Makes the character stand out soo much,. You and your awesome coloring.
drawn in 3 hours 48 min with PaintBBS
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Ameraq and Kenshin (Sep 19, 2004)
Ok Kenshin...tell me what you think so far so if i need to change something it can happen before I finish the line art ^_^
hope you like, unfinished thoug it is
I'm going to eat dinner so I shall work on this later tonight
19 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Oct 16, 2004)
Thanks! ^^ It was really fun coloring this. Also, thanks for fixing teh few errors I made. ;)
ILoveKenshin (Nov 17, 2004)
This is soo awesome! You guys did a wonderful job!!! ^______^
Fire_Ice (edited Dec 1, 2004)
Wow! That's wicked cool! The ears a bit messed up, but that's just me. I still absolutly love it. Reminds me of Pips off of Fern Gully, cept it's a girl.
inatyrb (Dec 1, 2004)
yay! i love elves!! hehe.. very pretty! beautiful job!
drawn in 3 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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