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Public Boards/Beginner 
marcello (Oct 11, 2004)
yay for oldschool oekaki! [and return of school mouse continues!]
6 comments – latest 4:
Cianteed (Oct 11, 2004)
it looks like its going some sort of russian dance XD <3333
aznanime93 (Oct 11, 2004)
lol its so cute hehe!
davincipoppalag (Oct 11, 2004)
Lol, cute. Seems like it should be kcauq though, since the "y" is also backwards?
Dagan (Nov 12, 2004)
the "y" isn't backwards. lokat this y and look at the "y" up there you will see that they are the same
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Maiko (Nov 6, 2004)
14 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Nov 7, 2004)
SPLUT! yay ^__^
bumpinthenight (Nov 7, 2004)
good draw. btw... sorry I didnt say that before ^^;; hehe... SPLUTTTTTTTTTTT!!! it sounds like a dirty word! :D
Xodiak (Nov 8, 2004)
Splooge? >:)
I like the blood, I want to lick it. >:D
aznanime93 (Nov 10, 2004)
I wish that was me ^__^ I would be really gappy if i were dead ^_^ my new goal for the rest of my life ^__^
drawn in 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kenshin (Oct 29, 2004)
weird.. :D
11 comments – latest 4:
aznanime93 (Nov 8, 2004)
uh WOW great shadowing ;)
Xodiak (Nov 9, 2004)
Oh... great samurai girl, she is very pretty... I want to marry her! >:D
Nightmare (Nov 9, 2004)
*Drools* Very beautiful coloring and line art. I envy you.
ILoveKenshin (Nov 9, 2004)
THAT IS AWESOME! No fair.. ;-; I love the wrinkles! See, I told you you were good at those.. O_O
drawn in 2 hours 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
TaCO, spiritdweller, and Xodiak (Oct 29, 2004)
JUST ask if u want to add something
15 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Nov 3, 2004)
drawn in 6 min
Iam still trying to fix it a little better.
spiritdweller (edited Nov 4, 2004)
this looks good now Derrick, I don't think I'm gonna come up with anything else to add, I can't think of anything...
TaCO (Nov 7, 2004)
Well no body seems to be adding anything so I guess It's done.
Asridaein (Nov 9, 2004)
I like how realistic the trees are, and the characters are cool.
drawn in 1 hour 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
mazi (Oct 26, 2004)
sorry i havent been around guys. university has me crazy. i have 0 time. i think i just may have lost my mind. :D

right now i should be doing 1 of 3 projects that are due this week but im not. just so i can tell you where ive run off to.

..that will be all.
7 comments – latest 4:
strangeoid (Oct 26, 2004)
"AAHMOTHERLAND" XD Gotta love those Russians. "Hokay, take a nap, and then FIRE ZEE MISSILE!"
Or not.
I wish you luck in finding time for the more fun things in life.
Maiko (Oct 26, 2004)
good luck Mazi-ness *throws confetti* university sounds like hell >_>; don't die on us.
bumpinthenight (Nov 2, 2004)
yaaay! the end of the world flash animation is finally mentioned here... XD hehe... sorry.. that made no sense... fart... XD woot..... very nice drawing, mazinator... XD the hand is really cool XD
Koneko-sama (Nov 8, 2004)
OMFG, didn't I comment? Ah, well.
I love End of Ze World!

Along with this drawing... It's kawaii.
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter (Nov 6, 2004)
This is my first time drawing with this site... so it isn't that great... but that is my Rose.
4 comments – latest 4:
faraway (Nov 6, 2004)
:) I love it :) welcome to 2draw :)
aznanime93 (Nov 6, 2004)
wow so pretty!
Cordelia_Pink (Nov 6, 2004)
This is neat. Maybe add some shadows in the petals and leaves. good job though.
bethica2001 (Nov 7, 2004)
wow so cool... yay for pink roses!
drawn in 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
brainspiller83 (Oct 13, 2004)
Sponge Bob Punk Pants and Gary the snail bass guitar.

Tired, colour later!
12 comments – latest 4:
bumpinthenight (Oct 14, 2004)
man, you are freakin awesome... this is so hilarious! hehe... the bass guitar r0c|<s m3 50c|<5 XD
Star-Fire (Oct 14, 2004)
Anna (Oct 15, 2004)
Yesssss!!! You made his hair hot pink!!! :D He looks so sexy!! :D
Asridaein (Nov 7, 2004)
This is hilarious. I'm going to have to show my sister this, she'll freak out!
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Farore and Toonah (Sep 26, 2004)
Rest it up to you, Toonah :)
11 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Oct 2, 2004)
It's gorgeous! I love all those details and the colors. You must have a lot of patience to do all those little parts.
spiritdweller (Oct 10, 2004)
wow the designs in this are wild... great work you two
aznanime93 (Oct 30, 2004)
I say More Collab!LOL this is awsome!
Asridaein (Nov 7, 2004)
the stained glass effect is really nice. It would have been even more interesting if you had made light shine through it, but it looks great like this. So far I think this one is my most favorite of your drawings. Dragons rock! Woot!
drawn in 4 hours 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Nov 5, 2004)
Meet the 'Bush Wackers'
23 comments – latest 4:
spiritdweller (Nov 6, 2004)
the pig wants Clinton back
Aubrey (Nov 6, 2004)
Monica Lewinsky stepped in when this guy stole the pig. lol
Great picture Clox, tis very funny.
Zack (Nov 6, 2004)
The worst thing about those Republicans is how they stereotype and marginalize people they disagree with. Hey, wait a second...
Kloxboy (edited Nov 6, 2004)

I dunno what you're talking about, a couple republicans posed for this piece.
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
zep (Nov 3, 2004)
lousy tribute to the master...
9 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Nov 4, 2004)
lol! awwww :-) It's Xod!! He's so cute! It came out great, zeppy!
davincipoppalag (Nov 4, 2004)
Lol.. Great likeness ! The photo this is from was taken right after XOD had his ears done! Aren't they beautiful?
Aubrey (Nov 6, 2004)
I keep expectin them to start flappin lol Great picture Zep :)
spiritdweller (Nov 6, 2004)
he looks like he's lying on green satin/velour... I love it
drawn in 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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