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Public Boards/Beginner 
spoiledvamp27 (Sep 9, 2004)
I want some comments. I haven't been on here very long. What can I do to make my pic better?
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Sep 9, 2004)
It's a decent start but the best way to tell you what to do is to show you Anna's candle its in the showcase too
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 9, 2004)
All you need is more definition... around the edges, mostly, and that will bring out your subject. It keeps it from being blurry. Don't blend too much and don't touch the blur thingy till you've been here a long time. Yep, stay away from the blur tool. It's very good for a first one...
damnskippytakn-a-break (Sep 9, 2004)
I love this! I think you did a very nice job. I love the way the candle has been snuffed and I just blew out a candle and the smoke does come off thick like this! Very, very nicely done! Welcome to 2Draw! ' }
spoiledvamp27 (Sep 12, 2004)
drawn in 11 min
Grr! I keep trying to make it look better, and only suceed in making it look worse. :-p Grr.. I'm such a newbie.
drawn in 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
cheetos (Sep 2, 2004)
almost everybody in my family lives in Washington state and this is what one of the sunsets looked liked.
3 comments – latest 3:
Shmoopy (Sep 2, 2004)
Must have been foggy.
Sutafani (Sep 6, 2004)
very good...I like it
cheetos (Sep 8, 2004)
Thanks Sutafani! I kinda got my idea off of your flame pic.!
drawn in 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
charmyc and Sutafani (Aug 31, 2004)
This is a collab with Sutafani I'm sorry about my fanart skill...
10 comments – latest 4:
Urei-sama (Sep 2, 2004)
do they 'have' the be white? although they do look like horns... BG looks exelent ^_^
sephiroth54321 (edited Sep 4, 2004)
this pic rocks dude.cant wail till it done
DieChan (Sep 7, 2004)
INUYASHA HAUNTS ME SO!! ..........................

But I really adore this one! His hair..... @@ I love it... *pets hair* I like this style of him. It really suits him. GTG. Really good! byebye
sephiroth54321 (Sep 7, 2004)
Charmyc: Ummm the word "phat" means like totaly awesome :)
drawn in 2 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Cianteed and strangeoid (Sep 5, 2004)
Lineart, and Background by Cianteed
Body Colouring by Strangeoid

Oh yes.
8 comments – latest 4:
Urei-sama (Sep 6, 2004)
hey! you finished it! i saw this awhile back. looks wonderful! pink isnt really my color but its good here, and yeah as davin says you do work well togeather. Lineart is wonderful, and i love the color on the wings and maine!
bumpinthenight (Sep 6, 2004)
schweet! You guys do awesome collabs! really wicked sh!zn4t!!! :)
Kenshin (Sep 7, 2004)
That's a nice horse, and great coloring.
Sutafani (Sep 7, 2004)
too cool... it's a cute cocky looking horsey...
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Ameraq (Aug 6, 2004)
very unfinished. Got caught up in reading a story somewhere in the middle of drawing this, so take about an hour off the timer. I'll just, finish this
SHUT UP!!!!....don't even say what your!!! NO!!....ok then.
um, yeah....bye then
11 comments – latest 4:
Asridaein (Aug 19, 2004)
Its amazing.
Cianteed (Sep 6, 2004)
Love the hair!
Knockoff (Sep 6, 2004)
Oiy! Those are some awesome colors! She looks sad though.
Urei-sama (Sep 7, 2004)
oh beautiful! the colors are stunning. i love this ^_^
drawn in 5 hours 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Denize (Aug 24, 2004)
It's the Japanese band. GacktJOB posing for a photo. :3

From left...

Back Row: Chachamaru, You
Middle: Gackt
Front Row: Masa, Ren
4 comments – latest 4:
Sutafani (Aug 24, 2004)
ooohh! me like! me like alot!
rosalyn (Aug 24, 2004)
^_^ I love it
Deads (Aug 24, 2004)
I love this! And Gackt's glasses look uber-cool... <3
Emily-chan (Sep 4, 2004)
Great drawing.
Gackt looks best!
drawn in 45 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mazi (Aug 5, 2004)
the intention for this one is for it to eventually be an image for ze site. honest opinions on the doodles before i start lines? yeah her dreads are kinda roughed out still but meah.

and as well im trashing my old site name. "shounens-eye" was funny in 9th grade but now a) im not really into yaoi as much and b) its kinda lame. i want something a little more serious but not all i-listen-to-flowers-cry. (lol someone on deviantarts interests include listening to flowers cry. i had to laugh.) any ideas? im not too lingustically creative. my vocab is teeny. lingustically was a stretch. and i probably spelled it wrong. hm.
12 comments – latest 4:
Mipunai (Aug 12, 2004)
Wow, thats awsome. I really like the colors and the shading n_n
Childlike_Vampire (Aug 14, 2004)
Wow, this is a really pretty picture. I especially enjoy her expression, it looks like she's sitting outside, trying to see who's coming down her street. The hair rocks my face off, and the shading is supa-soft. Great picture!
mazi (Aug 14, 2004)
makes me happy you say she looks like shes outside. shes supposed to have that urban/street-kid vibe :D
Cianteed (Sep 4, 2004)
The face looks like my cousin... a LOT like him. o.0 he has a lip ring too, I hate him though XD
drawn in 4 hours 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
A Fond Farewell
EverDream (Aug 30, 2004)
The date has finally arrived. To much adue and a bit of grief I say goodbye to you all for a short period. The moving issue brought up before is now taking place. But not to worry, if there is a computer near by in the future, I'll be there! :D Thank you everyone for all your wonderful support and critiques. I won't be forgetting it any time soon. ;) Thanks once more and fare well. *hugs all around*
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DreameRadial (Aug 31, 2004)
Man, hair is annoying!
C&c if u wish... and...
Do you know who i am?
Also... Aunvi dont cheat.
11 comments – latest 4:
LEELEE (Sep 1, 2004)
I like both chins but if i had to pick one i'd go with the first one. but again i really think they both look nice.
PolythenePam (Sep 1, 2004)
The second chin makes the face better in proportion :)
davincipoppalag (Sep 1, 2004)
Nice job on the camo..
Knockoff (Sep 3, 2004)
I love it! :D. The colors are great. Nice background as well.
drawn in 2 hours 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Deformed (Aug 19, 2004)
Yayyyy! coments please
Edit: is this intermediate quality?
9 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Aug 19, 2004)
thats why i said it...
Deformed (Aug 19, 2004)
Hehehe. Thanks.
Cordelia_Pink (Aug 19, 2004)
It's OKAYYYY... knowing how cute he is in the anime, it still needs to be a little better. lol yeah I'm picky, I know. But I guess there's other people that don't really draw Inuyasha well enough *confused as to why*. This is just the halfway point (if I rate it in a scale of 1 to 10--10 for the best), like a 6. lol Anyhow, keep drawing!!
Deformed (Sep 2, 2004)
Uh....... Thanks?
drawn in 53 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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