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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Mafuyu and Maiko (May 23, 2005)
Mai-chan, please do lines. @_@
It be our two short characters. XD;
3 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (May 23, 2005)
This is going to be a very sexy collaboration! I like the sketch so far. >:)
Maiko (Sep 26, 2005)
drawn in 11 min
O_O *cries*
Mafuyu (Sep 27, 2005)
UWAA! You did the lineart, YAY!
Lineart does not suck. <_< Now then, I shall color tommorow after... babysitting...again..ugh.
SanzoGirl (Oct 9, 2005)
Mai, your line art is so good. :3
drawn in 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
T-Shirts by 2draw members
Zack (edited Jul 4, 2005)
I was looking around for a forum thread about t-shirt designs and couldn't find one with that specific purpose for everyone, so I'm making one here. I just made this picture to demonstrate an idea to Emperor Marcello and it actually ended up becoming a legitimate work in itself, so I thought I would post it: Mine: Mech w/ signature and logo VisceralVamp's: [url:
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hakkai (May 19, 2005)
Lazy do0dle.
6 comments – latest 4:
loverboy101 (May 19, 2005)
Gigandas (May 19, 2005)
Hah, it looks like this guy is being put onto a full-scale radar, to be shot for carrying an iPod. I also think you chose the right colors here to give off that feeling of "being against."
SanzoGirl (May 27, 2005)
I have an iPod.__.
Ceido (May 27, 2005)
I have a Hi-MD player. It's really cool. 1gb disks and you can also use it as portable memory. ipods suck ass.
I like your delicate drawing of a USB flash drive. :)
drawn in 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Syeira (May 17, 2005)
I tried the intermediate board, but everyone there kicked my butt in skill. So... here I am!
This'll get finished in a bit... I can't guarantee that "a bit" will be today, though... I have a research paper to write. x__x
4 comments – latest 4:
Syeira (May 17, 2005)
drawn in 2 hours 49 min
Leaving it at this for now... I keep wandering off anyway. I've gone away for extended periods three times this run... x__x
clowangel (May 18, 2005)
Oh wow, that is awesome. :) I hope you come back to it soon.
strangeoid (May 18, 2005)
This is so pretty. ^__^ I keep looking into the eyes... they're almost... hypnotizing... o.o
SanzoGirl (Jul 19, 2005)
Wow, this is great. ^_^
drawn in 3 hours 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
SanzoGirl (May 15, 2005)
I want one!
7 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (May 17, 2005)
Shave it? o_o Eepp!
Asridaein (May 18, 2005)
very cute. I want a shaved hedgehog for a pet. I'd name him Morris. :)
krazy_kitsune (May 19, 2005)
i wonder what a hedgehog would look like when it's shaved... can you even shave them for that matter? 0_o?
SanzoGirl (Aug 13, 2005)
I'd be sad if I saw a shaved hedgehog. ;__;
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
BSOD (May 15, 2005)
Some one delete this D:
16 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (May 28, 2005)
Gaara is mine. >P And anyways, Bobby isn't that great. :\
BSOD (May 28, 2005)
grr.... I'm thinking your right though...Bobby isn't anymore... He missed out on his chance.... now I'm free! yeah!
SanzoGirl (May 28, 2005)
BSOD (Aug 25, 2005)
ewwwww this is old too
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
juggalo666 (May 15, 2005)
just bored and this came to mind might add a bg later!
2 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (May 15, 2005)
This should atleast be 13+.
juggalo666 (May 15, 2005)
drawn in 4 min
fixed it up some
juggalo666 (May 15, 2005)
drawn in 3 min
there its done
Xodiak (May 16, 2005)
Oh, she is hot and her pose is very provocative and sexual. I like her bow, ponytails and bum most. Very nice drawing! Xod wants to play! I promis I will be in a distance peeping, I will not touch. <:)
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
p3ndragon (May 1, 2005)
Gaara from Naruto.
Gourd on his back.

Uhhh yeah his right arm looks long.. but it doesn't actually go down that far.. Part of it is the body, but I was too lazy to edit it to make it look better. >_>;;
9 comments – latest 4:
p3ndragon (May 13, 2005)
Ahhh... I really should have changed that arm. >_<
The_Chosen (May 13, 2005)
A gourd filled with sand? Is that what you’re thinking of? ^_^ I like this picture. It is a nice perspective but I agree the arm is a tad too long.
SanzoGirl (May 13, 2005)
Gaara! *Glomps*
clowangel (May 18, 2005)
Oh! It's Gaara-san! I love that guy. I can't believe he became Kazekage before Naruto became Hokage though. *pouts*
drawn in 5 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
yukitora (May 11, 2005)
hope you guys like it<333
4 comments – latest 4:
Shanghai (May 11, 2005)
Although I like how cute she looks, it reminds me of a certain scene from azu manga daioh, I don't really see any improvement between this and the pictures you have on the beginners board. Do you feel like you've improved any between your first pictures and this one?
juggalo666 (May 11, 2005)
look at the chibiness! its cute lol!
NOVEMBER93 (edited Aug 22, 2010)
SanzoGirl (Jun 29, 2005)
The cat reminds me of a Kiki Kitty Plushie from Gaia Online. =3
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
I was bored / depressed. Nothing much. Random sketch.
2 comments – latest 2:
Maiko (May 10, 2005)
Very cute :3 Looks more like a goat though, because of the shape of the head I think ;\
or Houndoom :O!! <3 <3 <3 *luff houndoom*
SanzoGirl (Jul 1, 2005)
Reminds me of a houndoom. <3
drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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