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Public Boards/Intermediate 
sal and Kloxboy (Oct 23, 2004)
9 comments – latest 4:
Aubrey (Oct 27, 2004)
The back of the head looks really painful, both of them are drawn well though and colored great too.
Xodiak (edited Oct 27, 2004)
He had a nasty lobotomy! He looks great! >:D
It is a pity Shi-painter has some bugs... <:/
Maiko (Oct 27, 2004)
yucky ;__; it's so scary.....mai loves it muahahah
SanzoGirl (Jul 6, 2005)
From far away, it looks like he has a butt on the back of his head. XD
drawn in 2 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
kuramafan89 (Jul 1, 2005)
kenshin and sesshomaru
3 comments – latest 4:
kawaii_otaku323 (Jul 1, 2005)
EEEEK~! xD Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta~!!! I wuv u~! Go Ken-sama~!! Go Sesshomaru~!!! xD Good luck drawing Kenshin~! I usually find it pretty hard. ^^U
kuramafan89 (Jul 1, 2005)
drawn in 32 min
im not even close to being done with this picture!
do u know how long it takes to make sesshomaru!
Inu-chan (Jul 5, 2005)
I like this so far. The shading technique you used is really working for this picture. Looking forward to a finished version! ^_^
SanzoGirl (Jul 6, 2005)
I love both Kenshin and Sesshomaru.
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Animegirl250 (Apr 26, 2005)
I thought i'd spend a little more time on my picture than i usually do. Methink he's cute.^^
5 comments – latest 4:
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
I need a name for him.
Inu-chan (Jul 5, 2005)
How about Bakuhatsu? It's Japanese for explosion. ^_^
Animegirl250 (Jul 5, 2005)
He IS very explosively spicy...mmmm....OKAY!
SanzoGirl (Jul 6, 2005)
Hes cute. ^_^ His braclets remind me of Toboe's.
drawn in 3 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Meeko-the-moogle (Dec 15, 2004)
Cloud Strife from ff:AC...He is in a field in hisdream where he meets Aeris...mwuahaha...
will finish later..
10 comments – latest 4:
Sora-chan (Jul 2, 2005)
*huggles* the shading on the hair and the background is amazing!
Cordelia_Pink (Jul 2, 2005)
Prettyyyyy. "His face burned like a brand!" I like how his hair glistens in the sun and the flowers on the grass shines along with the grass. Cool stuff! Your lines are very smooth and crisp.
SanzoGirl (Jul 2, 2005)
I love Cloud. <3
Animegirl250 (Jul 5, 2005)
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with PaintBBS
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
charmyc and Callypso (Aug 7, 2004)
This is espeon and umbreon taking care of their babies. so if you want to color it you must know about umbreon and espeon color (they are pokemons) and remember that this is a nigth scene so it must be nigth XD (i hope i don't seam rude saying those thing...) erf anyway if you want to color it just add a comment .
15 comments – latest 4:
charmyc (Aug 16, 2004)
drawn in 4 min
yiu were rigth about the letter ^^
SanzoGirl (Aug 24, 2004)
awwww so cute ^^
IkariIreuL (Sep 11, 2004)
They are clone of their parents , didn´t it ?
Akechi456 (Jul 5, 2005)
they look so cute..i like how the umbreon looks
drawn in 3 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
silver_maiden (Jun 26, 2005)
I'm not done yet and the eyes need a bit of work, im trying to use some new tips i learned from a site, maybe it'll help me in my artwork. >:D heh! this shall be one of my bests. I know it!

edit: I'll more than likely need more space
8 comments – latest 4:
kawaii_otaku323 (Jun 29, 2005)
Yatta~! I'm so happy to see it done! xD You thought it would be one of your best and I really think it is! All of your drawings are going to be this good from now on?! What site did you look at?! >o< - <3
dreaminSTARgirl7 (Jun 29, 2005)
ohh wow i love the way she glows!
silver_maiden (Jun 30, 2005)
Kawaii- What do you mean by that? Thanks though ^_^
Cia: Thanks a bunch!
Dream: Thankies.
Urei-sama (Jul 5, 2005)
This is really quite beautiful. I'm surprised that i would think it so elegant because its so simple!
drawn in 3 hours 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
christiangirl (Jul 4, 2005)
Here is how Trogdor Came to be.... (yes I wrote it out by myself took me about an hour so yeah lol (jk more like 1/2 hour) anyways is the link to the movie.
11 comments – latest 4:
christiangirl (Jul 5, 2005)
yeah, I'm typing out all the words to Dragon email now. lol its funny.
christiangirl (edited Jul 5, 2005)
drawn in 51 sec
I added the legs and the history of Trogdor in the Desc.... I'm not shading because it's not supposed to be ^.^
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 5, 2005)
how cute ! ^_ _ _^ Lovin' those colours.
christiangirl (Jul 5, 2005)
aww thanks a bunch! I hope y'all read the funniness that is the desc.
drawn in 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jul 4, 2005)
5 comments – latest 4:
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jul 4, 2005)
drawn in 26 min
i'm done
i gave up on watching the fireworks.. they're so boring, it's just noise. u can't see anything

i know.. i did a snow background but toboe and his friends spent most of their time traveling in the snow..
SanzoGirl (Jul 4, 2005)
I love Toboe! Great job. ^_^
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 4, 2005)
^^ It looks nice
Animegirl250 (Jul 5, 2005)
looks like a screenshot from the anime ^^
drawn in 1 hour 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jul 2, 2005)
Cheza, from wolf's rain

i need to out line it with pen and color it..
7 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Jul 2, 2005)
SEXY, Xod l o v e s ! ! >:D
SanzoGirl (Jul 2, 2005)
Cheza! I love Wolf's Rain. I dedecated my AIM screen name to Toboe. ^_^
~unwritten_law_girl~ (edited Jul 2, 2005)
toboe is my favorite!! why'd he have to die first!!!!??
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 4, 2005)
^^ Wow! This is really pretty! I love Wolf's Rain!!
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
SanzoGirl (Jun 23, 2005)
I'm for free! =D Halftone fun. =P
4 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Jun 23, 2005)
XD I did something like that for my Deviantart a while ago... <--yeah, there XD
very cute :3
PS (Jun 23, 2005)
I love foxes, cute drawing.
SanzoGirl (edited Jun 24, 2005)
Thanks. ^_^ The colors didn't come out so good, but I was having fun. >__>
NOVEMBER93 (Jul 4, 2005)
that's really cute.
drawn in 43 min with PaintBBS
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