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Public Boards/Beginner 
ky (Mar 11, 2003)
Too much Scott Joplin.
5 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 12, 2003)
That's beautiful. Though I can't see much between the first and second edit. =P Unless the detail was so small that you had to make that 'miniscule' correction. I always love the way you shade--it looks as though he's wearing leather.. Or pleather.. Or plastic. And the background is amazing. You do such a good job with backgrounds. Keep up the good work as always--I never have any advice for you because your work is so high-quality all on its own. =)
Minitsaru (edited Mar 12, 2003)
ur drawings always remind me of paintings and this one is no different! your style is so..... i dunno but keep it up cuz it looks gud!
Kazukie (edited Mar 12, 2003)
The only difference I see in edits is on the very tips of the fingers. This is differnet for you Ky, I'm guessing. Very light and cheery almost. I like the grin on his face and the position.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 15, 2003)
Ah dear Ky... You're one of the few people who would go through the process of editing just to change the tone of the finger tips :) I also have no advise with the exception of to never stop drawing unless some gay guy has a gun up to your head and threatens to rape you so... um... Nevermind...
drawn in 46 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Copyrights (Mar 11, 2003)
Decided to leave it uncolored...
2 comments – latest 2:
Copyrights (edited Mar 12, 2003)
Random shit.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 23, 2003)
lol I dunno why, but lol...
drawn in 9 hours 6 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
ChinkyFlip (Mar 11, 2003)
7 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 12, 2003)
Kazukie.. Are you PMSing? O_o Your comments have turned so negative lately. Ice Queen-ish.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 19, 2003)
:) I like the clouds. There so... Middle eastern-ish. Reminds me of Samurai Jack...
digital-nut (edited Apr 4, 2003)
i'd say thats a phoenix XD love this, and your style
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 29, 2003)
Looks like something you would see in my living room...our living room is totally oriental...
drawn in 33 min with PaintBBS
^v^........... (Mar 10, 2003)
HI....i am new here and this is my first drawing i am so so sorry of how fast i finished it so please ignore the timer!...=<
5 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Cute! Your lines are really rough looking though.. o_O;;
Knockoff (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Every one is beating me now.=(. I like this but i agrre with kazukie, the lines are scratchy.
^v^........... (edited Mar 10, 2003)
i kno...but i just can't find a way to make the lines straighter!
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEzzzzzzzzzzzzz...someone teach me!
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 11, 2003)
Just work slowly and with patience. The more you rush, the more sloppy your drawing will look. Put lots of effort into it. (Love your signature, by the way. =D)
drawn in 30 min with PaintBBS
Eggie (Mar 10, 2003)
Chief Surgeon(cont): OPEN FIRE!!!!!!
1 comment – latest 1:
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 10, 2003)
lol... No Mr.Blurry!!!
drawn in 12 min with OekakiBBS
Yair (Mar 9, 2003)
It's a Common Yook!
(Paraginouzu Yookhamoure)
2 comments – latest 2:
Eggie (edited Mar 10, 2003)
He/she's cool. And cute.
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Awww... S/he looks like a bunny!!!
drawn in 30 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
shiro (Mar 9, 2003)
colored :)
next i will draw the .... scene :)
6 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Lol! That's really cute! Finish it!!
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Lol reminds me of what happend at school today... Finish it!!!
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 7, 2003)
Hurray! I LOVE Love Hina!
Ari (edited Apr 24, 2003)
Awesome! This looks like professional anime... cool...
drawn in 5 hours 20 min with OekakiBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Eggie (Mar 9, 2003)
Well, It's Flat Top Harry.
5 comments – latest 4:
Eggie (edited Mar 15, 2003)
What does glomp mean?
Survival_Horror (edited Mar 18, 2003)
Seriously gonna glomp harry!
Eggie (edited Mar 21, 2003)
darkk_angel (edited Mar 28, 2003)
i think it means to attach ones self to another person with your arms and to not let go; vaguely resembles a hug. i have no clue.... dont ask the insane one.
drawn in 6 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
RabidMalikFanGirl (Mar 8, 2003)
One day, Across the galaxy,
I'll forget about you,
and maybe you'll forget about me,
to the reaches of space,
You'll change into radiance...
We'll change into radiance...
11 comments – latest 4:
bod1ggity (edited Mar 9, 2003)
Hey there its me agin, you can delete my comments but it wont change the fact that your a terrible artist.
On a side note, poetry doesnt always have to rhyme, theres a type of poetry called freeverse, and before you try to insult my "feeble mind" I insist that you grow a half productive one of your own.
OtaruIkari (edited Mar 10, 2003)
awwwww have I insulted you, really ???

And here I haven't used any oh so colorful words ....ahhh I must really get productive then.

Will it teach me that if I go to your university ?
OmniExistence (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Hey guys, don't feed the TROLL!
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Lol Marcello :)
drawn in 6 min with OekakiBBS
Blink (Mar 8, 2003)
You See The Ring
10 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Welp.. I don't know what everyone's talking about on this whole 'Philosophy' basis thing--but personally, I thought this picture was developed from the movie, "The Ring." Which I saw about.. 2 days ago. Trust me, I couldn't go to sleep. Nice picture. =)
Fin_beast (edited Mar 10, 2003)
yea lol! Do none of you know why Blink drew this? ";
jord (edited Mar 10, 2003)
now th?ts sarcastic
Kazukie (edited Mar 10, 2003)
I saw the movie 4 times in the theater... Closed my eyes for the same parts every time.. ^^;; I'm so weak! I'm going to rent it and watch the whole thing though! Maybe I'll have a faulty tape and get a phone call after I watch it.. XP
drawn in 12 min with PaintBBS
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