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Test for 2draw2!
marcello (edited Aug 10, 2003)
Ok, I need people to test that their timezone displays the correct time on the following page for you: Please post if it's right or wrong, and which timezone you're in, but please don't post if someone has already said your timezone works. I particularly want people with weirdish timezones to let me know it works alright for them.
Public Boards/Beginner 
Dragon_River_Spirit (Aug 9, 2003)
Its the Dragon form of Haku and some more cool pics will be coming soon.
4 comments – latest 4:
Aunvi (edited Aug 9, 2003)
And I'm betting this is how you got your name right? from Haku?
Dragon_River_Spirit (edited Aug 10, 2003)
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 10, 2003)
I tought so.
Dragon_River_Spirit (edited Aug 10, 2003)
Hee hee **blushies a little**
drawn in 21 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Aunvi (Aug 9, 2003)
Yeah um....I have this obsession with dragons so I made onde up. And I'm not done yet I need to do bg oh and yake about an hour off of that timer cause I was goofin off for a while.

edit> I only did a little bit more editing becauser the black stuff was bugging me, and I'm getting in trouble for being on the computer too long, or is it late...anyway that's all I could do for now.
edit>I only did a little and I need to draw the bg but lescaux won't let me draw on the second pic. I will try again.
edit>hehehe I also have a storm obsession, and I wonder if anyone thinks I should change the green lightning to purple. Anyone think so? or do you people like the green?

and try thinking of the dragon's roar, it is fun.
12 comments – latest 4:
Ameraq (edited Aug 10, 2003)
holy crap!
WOW! Me likes even better with the bk....
off to watch...Trigun!
Minitsaru (edited Aug 11, 2003)
COOL! it took me like 50 seconds to finally notice what it was O.o, cool!
Knockoff (edited Aug 11, 2003)
Woow Thats really good! Great lightning.
Ari (edited Aug 12, 2003)
This reminds me of Smaug, from the Hobbit...
You're 12? Join the club! :)
drawn in 3 hours 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Marienkind (Aug 9, 2003)
i still don't quite get lascaux...

edit: layers don't save and i am an idiot. yep. (jots down)
7 comments – latest 4:
mazi (edited Aug 9, 2003)
yep i did the same thing.. but as marcello, oh wise one showed me, you can do lineart then switch it to multiply (i think) and then put the color in under.. and your safe.

once you have lascaux, you never go back..
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 9, 2003)
I go back all the time, mazi. I like lascaux for it's unusual texture abilities, but Paintbbs is still my favorite when it comes to soft shading. Layers are easy, btw. Just use lots of them (in Lascaux you can even change the layer order by dragging a specific layer above or below another one) and when you start to get used to them, use less.
marcello (edited Aug 9, 2003)
you can change layer order in oekakibbs as well. In paintbbs, there's not much reason, heh. You can move stuff from one layer to the other, but not switch both at the same time.
turtlebuster: I'm assuming you're fully familiar with the difference between opacity and flow in lascaux? flow acts like paintbbs' (A)lpha, and opacity acts like photoshop's opacity. Actually, they added flow in photoshop 7, so it acts like that too, I suppose. :-)

Anyway, the only reason paintbbs may be different is there's a glitch in the color mixing code which causes the 'water color' tool to create some strange, almost dodge/burn style blending effects.

This is fixed in Shi-Painter, the new paintbbs, which is already coded into 2draw2 (and is very neat, I might add).
In fact, as far as basic brush tools, shi-painter is probably superior to lascaux, at the moment anyway. For example, its pen tool (equivalent of lascaux's anti-alias) works great even with really slow (mouse moving) and small detail lines. Something I have yet to figure out for lascaux, but will, eventually, hopefully... (please help!)

2draw2 will save layers on all boards, not just select. The only reason they're not supported now is because they take up space that's not recorded for the total image size.
nyao (edited Aug 10, 2003)
yea... i dont get lascaux either.... but i say that thiz pic lookz really really good! the colouring iz so smooth.... ^^
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Aunvi (Aug 9, 2003)
It smears the paint. I was messin with the water colors here. I need to clean up the line art a bit tho. I can't draw feet...-.-'
4 comments – latest 4:
Ameraq (edited Aug 9, 2003)
Ooh, pretty colors....*stares* O_O
really nice background^_^
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 9, 2003)
You draw feet better than I do! ^^P
marcello (edited Aug 9, 2003)
it's a shame to use watercolors that dark.
unless you're referring to paintbbs's socalled water"joke"color tool.
Aunvi (edited Aug 9, 2003)
I'm sorry but it's raining outside and I can't help it. And it's dark. Oh yeah now I remember in art class dark watercolors weren't allowed....oops....I still couldn't help it.
drawn in 40 min with PaintBBS
morbidboblover (Aug 7, 2003)
im not done with him yet but i have started :D

yay its done yay! tell me what you think
4 comments – latest 4:
morbidboblover (edited Aug 7, 2003)
someone tell me something to draw!
Knockoff (edited Aug 8, 2003)
ummmmm Lets see here No no no no ummmm lets see no thats not good lets see here hmmmmmmmm I got it! You could draw Something! Yes Draw what you think you want to draw. (or something like that)*shrugs*
Merulotte (edited Aug 8, 2003)
...That was the most pointless, thoughtless, most meaningless thing I have ever heard. -__-
If you want something to draw, try finishing this picture.
Aunvi (edited Aug 10, 2003)
0.o greeeeennnnn.....I am blinded by greeeeen.
*after Aunvi recovers from blindness*
Cool pic but I liked it before when the teddy bear's mouth was made of stitches instead, of a mouth.
drawn in 2 hours 29 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
taori (Aug 7, 2003)
This was as far as I got before something weird started to happen involving layers. I hate layers. I wish we could all just get along-- without layers.
5 comments – latest 4:
Aunvi (edited Aug 7, 2003)
I know where it's from. It's not ugly. I can still see! YAY! Sorry for peaking....I don't read everything thing til I disobey the rules a little. ^^P
Noremac (edited Aug 7, 2003)
oh it looks good (sorry i peaked too.) dont worry
taori (edited Aug 7, 2003)
Ooh yay...I guess I'll stop whining and work on it then! *Glances at clock* Erm...tomorrow. Ehehehe. *Is avoiding drawing Chihiro, can't do profiles*
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 8, 2003)
People just can't resist a 'do not sign. Including me! ^^P Chihiro looked WAY better that you give yourself credit for. =^.^=
drawn in 41 min with OekakiBBS
Marienkind (Aug 7, 2003)
give me ice cream.
20 comments – latest 4:
freak_show (Nov 6, 2004)
i want ice cream.....
IkariIreuL (Dec 9, 2004)
Lookin like : left the stupid people behind and go ahead
sephiroth54321 (Jan 21, 2005)
cewl drawling. i want to f*** it
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Jan 27, 2005)
its sooo pretty! it looks like a combonation of miss sakaki and tomo from azu manga daioh!! ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
purplestarfishy (Aug 7, 2003)
Ok its my first time in an intermediate board sorry if its not up to the standards but you can move it if it isnt i just wanted to try something with a bigger canvas and a landscape still its a erm sunrise or sunset maybe im not sure how to do the water either so if anyone has any ideas? =^.^=
5 comments – latest 4:
icybluecub (edited Aug 7, 2003)
*jaw drops* ohhh... woooww..... *sits and watches sunset* i think you did a great job in such a short time. welcome! *grabs pop corn*
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 7, 2003)
this is rare for me to ask *cough*, but you're not opposed to vegas weddings, are you?
Aunvi (edited Aug 7, 2003)
*turns head to side* cool......and very Awesome...*looks over at icybluecub*......can I have some of that popcorn?
purplestarfishy (edited Aug 8, 2003)
lol vegas wedding...
drawn in 32 min with OekakiBBS
marcello (Aug 6, 2003)
j00 cannot see it.
bleh still
17 comments – latest 4:
Doodlibop (Sep 18, 2003)
I agree with the words inthe upper right corner. except the bleh part.

sorry <:)
bumpinthenight (Apr 2, 2004)
dunn look bad to me, dude.... i like her face... the car is pretty spiffy too... should be shineyer, though...
marcello (Apr 2, 2004)
naw, this SUCKS. I am ashamed that it's still up, but I can't be a hypocrite and delete it :)
davincipoppalag (Apr 2, 2004)
Nobody else sees the rabbit?? (throws the pipe into the terlet)
drawn in 3 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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