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skn3 (May 9, 2002)
This picture kinda evolved. But anyway its depicting the US dropping the bomb on the taliban ^_+

first time i have ever drawn a picture with this style,.. and used the watercolor tool on this app.
3 comments – latest 3:
Rhodesy (edited May 9, 2002)
nicey nice :D
Stylix (edited May 10, 2002)
wow, this is really detailed. The shading on the clouds are great
Knockoff (Dec 23, 2003)
Woaw, Very nice.
Lol fun fun.
drawn in 49 min with PaintBBS
ky (Dec 22, 2003)
Yeah, whatever.
2 comments – latest 3:
ky (Dec 23, 2003)
drawn in 15 min
Background monkey.
The_Chosen (Dec 23, 2003)
o wow this is great however the hands & his sholder look slightly wonkey & maby one of his arms too *shrugs* mab it`s just me but it looks sooooo good *lix the wings* XP
Wolfheart (edited Dec 23, 2003)
Adoring the blue light(?) effect and the wings. The hands and arms could use some work tho. good :D
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Aimee (Dec 23, 2003)
Hmm...probably going to be doing a few X-mas ones. You probably can't tell who this is yet, but if you can, and get it right... I'll give you a cookie. :P
1 comment – latest 2:
The_Chosen (Dec 23, 2003)
^^. ne *steals the candy cane* ^^.
Aimee (Jan 17, 2004)
drawn in 54 min
Late holiday pic for a fanart contest...not finished yet. Neeed breeeeak. *eyes fall out*
drawn in 1 hour 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lucy_430 (Dec 22, 2003)
The side of her face looks weird...meh. Finish later.
3 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Dec 22, 2003)
Whee pretty eyes! I like the big lips too! Very nice thus far. ^^
strangeoid (Dec 23, 2003)
She pretty, but her nose is awfully small... the flower is gorgeous, too.
lucy_430 (Dec 23, 2003)
Yeah, having problems with the nose. Don't know what to do for the BG either... Oh well. Thanks for the comments. :)
lucy_430 (Dec 23, 2003)
drawn in 25 min
Made a few small changes. Think I'll just leave it like it is.
drawn in 2 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
zirou (Dec 16, 2003)
4 comments – latest 4:
tappie_chan (Dec 17, 2003)
oooohhh yeah...this is looking REEEALLY good so far.the light from the blast is magnificent. yes...i do love me some dbz.
zirou (Dec 19, 2003)
drawn in 17 min
Aimee (Dec 21, 2003)
Sweet. It looks just like him! Like the energy blast effect!
mikhail (Dec 22, 2003)
the energy beam is great, looks just like that vagina character from dragon ballz
drawn in 1 hour 34 min with PaintBBS
Parelis (Dec 13, 2003)
A little shiny frog. Still needs more BG, need to re-do forleg.
9 comments – latest 4:
Edward (Dec 16, 2003)
Froggy!!!! So shinny!!! *hugs it*
nyao (Dec 22, 2003)
OMG! it's sooooo coot!! I luv the textures and the colors, and the blue shininess is awesome!! ^^ so good!!
Coolsoft (Dec 22, 2003)
quite interesting style.
concannon (Dec 22, 2003)
Wow, lovely. Bravo. And the shine on the back leg closest to us is fantastic.

>> << >> *steals froggie*
drawn in 1 hour 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
lucy_430 (Dec 19, 2003)
Meh...just a demon. :P
7 comments – latest 4:
Juna (Dec 19, 2003)
Hehe ^^ looks like he just got caught taking a cookie outta the cookie jar -_^
concannon (Dec 20, 2003)
Very nifty. Love the horn and deh nose. Bravo.
lucy_430 (Dec 21, 2003)
drawn in 31 min
I tried to give the ear a little more clarity, don't think there is much of a change though. Thanks for the tip Marcello. :)
marcello (Dec 22, 2003)
it was good to start with, but I think it's even better now. nice edit.
drawn in 3 hours 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Aimee (Dec 21, 2003)
I'll finish it later.
7 comments – latest 4:
Fin_beast (Dec 22, 2003)
nice...looks raw
Aimee (Dec 22, 2003)
drawn in 2 hours 25 min
Stopped for now because using a mouse can cramp up your hand. >_< Also because I can't decide on what else I want to add to the background...
Childlike_Vampire (Dec 22, 2003)
This is pretty wicked. Mebbe some pillars in the bg, give it a sort of ancient Greek feel? lol I dunno.
\ mikhail was right, more sharper contrast would add to the depth of the features, make him look more 3D. Plus...for some reason he reminds me of Jamie Kennedy, lol. I like it very muchly.
Aimee (Dec 23, 2003)
drawn in 8 min
That's it! I'm done! I'm starting to get tired of looking at this thing. :P
drawn in 4 hours 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Aimee (Dec 20, 2003)
My mum woke me up at 5:30am to show me this site. So...yeah. Ungh. *falls asleep*
10 comments – latest 4:
Aimee (Dec 21, 2003)
lol...this is Aimee's Mom. I stayed up all night looking for a place like this for her. I figured since I sacrificed sleep so could she. :D
Childlike_Vampire (Dec 21, 2003)
I love the eye and the tear, so pretty and delicate. Very nice job, and welcome! :D
tappie_chan (Dec 21, 2003)
you're cool mom! the text is really nice. how did you do it?
Aimee (Dec 22, 2003)
It's just one of the texts I downloaded off of a site. It's called "Angry Bitch". I can't remember where I found it, so if you want it you can just look it up at Google or something. I'm sure they'd have it listed somewhere.
drawn in 2 hours 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
rydicanubis (Dec 6, 2003)
a quick'n'dirty one-layer sketch of 'crawler...
always been, always be my favorite character from that world...
7 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (Dec 7, 2003)
*is speechless* :'O Nightcrawler is my favorite character besides Mistique.
Tamuriil (Dec 8, 2003)
o__O; Mistique scares me.But I luff Kurt! ^_^ *snuggles him*
Deformed (Dec 10, 2003)
Two words: MIGHTCRAWLER ROKS!!! nice light effect! it gives him a mysterious look.
Aimee (Dec 21, 2003)
AAAH! I LOVE NIGHTCRAWLER! This is really good. The shading, and everything. Oh, my...he's so beautiful. *dreamy sigh*
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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