Paff! This is an incredible example that shows how much more impressive a picture is (grammar o_O),if the coloring is good. The previous version was good but now it is O_O, ...
Wow the background is amazing! Your lineart is superb, too! Just a question, but what does 'pinned' mean? (on the top by the title) Is it the same as archived, I guess. Well, if it is, I don't blame it. This is really good!
Xod was thinking if there could be a way to allow people to draw and continue a drawing without it appearing at the board, until the artist has finished it. That would be very good for drawings that take more than 1 day to complete, because they might be pushed way back and probably neglected. it would probably eliminate the problem of abandonded unfinished drawings. what do you think Marcello? <:)
xodiak: way ahead of you, the entire 2draw v2.0 image system is completely different in this respect--all these problems will be solved. You'll just have to wait and see.
But for the time being, click to sort the board by edit, and you'll see stuff in order of changes.
drawn in 0sec
-yayness! i love the fire stuffs in the background, its awesome ^.^
drawn in 0sec
drawn in 0sec
But for the time being, click to sort the board by edit, and you'll see stuff in order of changes.