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Specialty Boards/Contest! 
xvolcomx (Sep 4, 2003)
Evil Fiend
5 comments – latest 4:
concannon (Sep 4, 2003)
Damn nifty. I agree with Mazi about the legs being too bright, though.

Love the eyes. And shading. And poiple.
xvolcomx (Sep 4, 2003)
Thanks.....I'm trying to learn Lascaux, and looks like I'll be studying this app. a bit more. I had a hard time saving the layers correctly. They wanted to reset the previous layers back to the default(noeffect). I'll go brush up on the tutorial some more. As far as the background goes...well, lets just say after having a hard time with the foreground, I just gave up. I'm sorry.
mazi (Sep 4, 2003)
haha sorry? were not mad at you, just constructive criticism. =)
Hey! this guy is stait out of the ADnD 3 edition Monster manual!! Cheat Cheat Cheat!!
drawn in 2 hours 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Porcelain (Aug 31, 2003)
There. Take that! >D!
24 comments – latest 4:
sephiroth54321 (edited Oct 19, 2004)
she's pretty
Jack_Fox (Sep 12, 2004)
Love the light and shadow effects.
cheetos (Jan 21, 2005)
I love your use of color, and her eyes.....there so pretty! *squeels*
fleeting_memory (Jan 27, 2007)
i remember seeing and liking this forever ago-never commented-so I am now. I really like this.
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Aug 31, 2003)
erm 13+ for the teeensy bit of sexual content..

8 comments – latest 4:
Minitsaru (Sep 1, 2003)
hahahaha ur angel is a bit.... lol yea =P funny =D
xvolcomx (Sep 4, 2003)
This is cute. I like the colors and style of this pic. The shading is really good, I like the pants and the wings lots. I cant seem to draw smooth lines since v2 came into effect(java2hatesme). But I will re-learn the way. Love your work Mazi.
Sixelab (Sep 14, 2003)
ahaha this gets me every single goddamned time.
It's gold.
CrystalineWings (Dec 29, 2003)
*falls over laughing* Dear god, I love the expressions. XD
drawn in 1 hour 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
method3 (Apr 22, 2003)
this turned out to be a keepable/submitable sketch out of many, used to have alot of hair. turned him into a ninja. this is a practice piece for cell shading, the angularity/sharpness to the look helps.
12 comments – latest 4:
xvolcomx (edited Apr 23, 2003)
This is cool. Looking good.
Doodlibop (edited Apr 29, 2003)
excellante .what more can I say?
tappie_chan (edited Jul 12, 2003)
i really like the colors you've chosen.
method3 (Aug 31, 2003)
drawn in 38 min
going nowhere right now... the eyes are shaped terribly so i decided that pupils wouldn't really do it since i don't want to redraw anything at this point.
drawn in 4 hours 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
bokko (Aug 29, 2003)
I wanted to draw a purty girl, didn't turn out how I first intended tho =]
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Aug 29, 2003)
Neat.! This is very different. The shading is awsome,. She has nice hair. It looks fluffy.
Merulotte (Aug 29, 2003)
Oh, it reminds me of a caricature I once saw! I like this style, muchly. It's a nice combination of the best of the Cartoony and Realistic worlds, and is capable of being quite humorous. You should keep drawing like this, at least every now and then. It seems you have a good sense of foreshortening, as well.
Good job, and please keep it up... ^_^
Einz (Aug 30, 2003)
looks like a caricature ,very nice shading on the face and hair

maybe some corrections around the lips and eyes to finish
only the hand seems a bit out of place
but overal this is a good picture
keep em coming
xvolcomx (edited Sep 4, 2003)
Yeah, this is good, like really good. Nice coloring, it looks like watercolor. I'm not sure if its s'pose to be funny, but it makes me smile. It reminds me of Plimtoons. er...Plimptoons as in Plimpton.
drawn in 1 hour 46 min with PaintBBS
Knockoff (Aug 29, 2003)
Kk. DOne now.
22 comments – latest 4:
Edward (Dec 7, 2003)
oO...really now...*looks at date* *dies* oh dear..... X3..........*silence*........
Knockoff (edited Dec 7, 2003)
Ummm, Thanks Sandy & Edward.
O yes and sandy, *gives cookies*
SandyDexHamtaro (Dec 27, 2003)
*eats* Yum. Got milk? Haha. j/k But, I must say, this is nicely done.
Knockoff (Dec 29, 2003)
Nah Sorry Dont got any milk =)
Thanks anyways.
drawn in 2 hours 13 min with PaintBBS
Marienkind (Aug 27, 2003)
..i hope i'm forgiven for this.
haha. (refrains from spitting)
8 comments – latest 4:
mazi (Aug 28, 2003)
excellent. lmao.

lol zappo.. preist on a kid. HAH.
concannon (Aug 28, 2003)
I really like the stomach. I dooo. Seems kinda leathery.

......leather smells good....
Einz (Aug 30, 2003)
beautifull furry textures
i like the eyes a lot
xvolcomx (Sep 4, 2003)
This soooo nice. Its so fuzzy and hugable. I love how you did this. And those eyes are really something. They look like real glass eyes.<--? ;)
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Welcome to v2.0!
marcello (edited Aug 23, 2003)
After a long wait, and stretched launch, v2.0 is finally here! The good news is you won't be disappointed. Hundreds of hours of work have gone into building this completely new site, and many more hours spent converting all the old data to the new system. As I am currently exhausted getting the site up for launch, I won't go into detail on the new features of the site, but feel free to look around, ask other people, and figure out what's new. I should remark that sever...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
MC.Cracka (Aug 18, 2003)
the dope panda from warcraft 3: the frozen throne,
5 comments – latest 4:
MC.Cracka (edited Aug 18, 2003)
well i used you suggestion and tried the blur tool it came out a lot better. but i can use some more practice
myty (edited Aug 18, 2003)
Neat little critter.How tall is it in your world.Will it have any special powers wizard like or something wild like that? You should design more beings like this one so there is entire colony or village of one being.then go to the next one. Oops maybe that might be going to far looks cool though.
"keep it up" myty
Serchul (edited Aug 19, 2003)
Wow, great, altho' the one in Wc3 : TFT doesnt look like that :)
MC.Cracka (edited Aug 19, 2003)
so i added some stuff, big deal
drawn in 2 hours 55 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Knockoff (Aug 18, 2003)
Grah- Im In a bad mood.

Grah Is it mer or Is the lineart very blury?
8 comments – latest 4:
Merulotte (edited Aug 18, 2003)
I think by different directions he could also mean.. Different angles... Like a 3/4 View, or a Side View. You just draw them facing different directions with no angular measurement adjustments... Oh well.
I have another idea why it's so blurry. JPG compression. Red is killed by JPG Compression.
xvolcomx (edited Aug 18, 2003)
This is cool. I like the horns. I would have added more to the body though, but tis your pic.Thats all good Knockoff, you keep practicing what you want. *beedy wittle eyes*
RIKG (edited Aug 18, 2003)
Yes Blury. But very cool idea and the horns are awsome.
STAR_WARRIOR (edited Aug 18, 2003)
Awsome fire. Neat devil.
drawn in 29 min with PaintBBS
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