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Public Boards/Advanced 
Doodlibop (Sep 26, 2003)
Musu let go of your brother!

edit: I can't finish it becuase I did up the limit!! I'm so sad!!

.:(T`_ T):. ~sob~
14 comments – latest 4:
Edward (Oct 5, 2003)
so cute ^^
x-syndrome (Oct 5, 2003)
wow! this is too cute. awww. i really like this. its very well drawn. and the colours are well picked! the expressions are too adorable. wow. can't stop staring. <3<3
tappie_chan (Oct 25, 2003)
this is SOOOOOOOOOOO prettyful. love the way you did the light. hmmm...nope, I dont see anything naughty about it.
mikhail (Nov 25, 2003)
you should of named it "the sparks of incest"
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Jasan (Sep 29, 2003)
Still trying to learn Lascaux Sketch. o_O This is one of my original she actually has a name (as opposed to being "brown-haired girl" or something XD).

I was originally going to do a very simple sketch...but then I got carried away. o_O Stupid me. Complete with I've-spent-too-long-on-this-pic background. Enjoy. ^.^
8 comments – latest 4:
Renmazuo (Sep 29, 2003)
I totally agree with thatU_UThe shading on her outfit makes it look so real@_@Same for the hair!And i love her eyes' shape^_____^=____=Too bad i couldn't see your site.......damn, i was curious!!!T_T
strangeoid (Sep 29, 2003)
Gorgeous! Muy fabuloso! Hoo-rae! *ponders* okay, that's a lot of praise....
Jasan (Sep 30, 2003)
Thanks, everyone! ^_________^

Renmazuo: I'm trying to get that website up and running, but my webhost is being idiotic. o_O Stupid thing. *kicks it*
method3 (Sep 30, 2003)
Character is actually very well done, although the background kinda lacks substance.
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Question concerning the future of 2draw...
marcello (Sep 29, 2003)
As some of you may or may not have noticed, the number of users and drawings on 2draw has increased dramatically since the beginning of this year, and the rate of usage has similarly increased. Unfortunately, with the good there is bad, I'm finally reaching the bandwidth limits of my account, and for the past two months have been going over. So, in addition to the cost of the server, cost of space (I also upgraded) and bandwidth is now an issue. This comes to the question of what to do ...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Nova (Sep 28, 2003)
4 comments – latest 4:
Fin_beast (Sep 28, 2003)
This should kinda be 18+.....
Nova (Sep 28, 2003)
No, its nature
Sixelab (edited Sep 29, 2003)
Certainly different, i like how you shaded the skin, but your light sources seem to be all over the place!
method3 (Sep 30, 2003)
This work is not intermediate level.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
rydicanubis (Sep 23, 2003)
i don't know you. but there you are!
4 comments – latest 4:
Emm (Sep 24, 2003)
heh heh heh
taori (Sep 24, 2003)
I adore this, for no particular reason. It caught my fancy somewhere among the floating appendages, the snake-like body, and the bizarre yet wonderful expression.
amuy (Sep 24, 2003)
oOooh thas coot. I love it... I like the bodea and the eyes...eheh cooot!
method3 (Sep 25, 2003)
This has something I wish I could see regularly all over this site, style.
drawn in 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
furyofroy (Sep 21, 2003)
yo - Does anyone want to finish the background? I really have no idea where to stick this guy.
7 comments – latest 4:
concannon (Sep 22, 2003)
Personally, it reminds me of the Bag Brothers Three from Mac Hall.

Paper! Plastic! And sleeping! [P.S.: I dig his tail. Flooo- alright, don't want to be penalized for excissive usage of "o" again. *shuts up amusedly*]
Harmanye (Sep 23, 2003)
Ee... Coke is good for you. I said so. *cough* ahem, anyway, very fluffy, loving the fluffness. But doesn't he have to cut another hole in the bag before he can drink? For that matter, why is he wearing a bag? Oh well, moving right along.
The sketchiness is very nice, too. Humdum. What more to say . . . ?
I have nothing more to say. How nice, how lovely, makes it all so much shorter, don't you think?
marcello (Sep 23, 2003)
water so owns coke.
15grifficorntears (Apr 22, 2004)
i imagine him in a blackish redish brick alleyway. or in the middle of heavy traffic, but that's my opinion.
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
ponpoko (Sep 21, 2003)
Tokyo Arare, rice cracker is the health snack, made from natural Thai glutinous rice processed and baked with modern and sophisticated technology to be crispy without any oil then seasoned with delicious soya sauce or others.

Learn this lesson well, grasshoppers. Soy sauce and rice shall always triumph over chocolatey goodness. Them rice crackers iz damn good, too.
Actually, I just wanted to see if I could do the arare texture. Turned out pretty good, I suppose.
4 comments – latest 4:
strangeoid (Sep 21, 2003)
AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA*cough**breath*HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I lurve the idea of it! I actually have no idea what either of those things are, i really like the way they're battling it out.
Hakkai (Sep 22, 2003)
Shrimp Chips/ Crackers owns all! >_<;
Whether it'd be the crispy crunchy french fry looking kind, or the fried crunchy chip like ones with various flavors.
method3 (Sep 22, 2003)
"Guha" indeed! This is great, I dunno why people go all crazy for Pocky. BTW, what's with the cracker's weird accent, "ye"? One more thing... is it just me or is that Pocky phallical (he has a shiny... head)?
marcello (Sep 22, 2003)
looks more like a skinny corndog than pocky.
and down with pocky I say.
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
EverDream (Sep 21, 2003)
AAACK!!! MY HAND! *runs to soke in a bowl of hot water*

whew! finally finished. this has got to be my Longest and most realistic oekaki yet! geeze,
next time i get up to doing such a thing again i'll be sure to use a tablet instead of a mouse.
Less stiffness afterwards I've heard. (photo ref. used for lighting)

my rp char. Kharis ^^
18 comments – latest 4:
xkae412 (Oct 6, 2006)
wow. this piece rox! and you use paintbbs too. never was good with that applet...
whitefox0 (Nov 26, 2006)
that is sooo good
pandabearycool (Apr 2, 2009)
wow that is very good
toonlink101 (Apr 16, 2010)
That's ankin skywalker right??its looks like him your a artist!!!^o^
drawn in 4 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Fin_beast (Sep 21, 2003)
Is there any way i can get my drawing back on lacog if my computer closed lacog 4 fun?
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
method3 (Sep 4, 2003)
I wanted to do another picture with flames and horns and stuff, and this time the sketch came out as a could-be she-devil. So that's what it is.
This was on the intermediate board... then i ran out of space.
This was on the advanced board... then i ran out of space.
Now I've run out of space on the l33t b4st4rd board, so now it's finished...
6 comments – latest 4:
laurael (May 22, 2004)
Yeah, you're in a class all yer own...interesting pic though...
IkariIreuL (edited Nov 15, 2004)
The wings reminds me of some insect wings
Xodiak (Nov 15, 2004)
She is a very sexy female demon. I want to kiss her although she has no mouth. She cannot steal my soul, because I do not have one. >:)
Her wings look a little like fly or moth wings. They are awesome! >:D
darkshadow (Oct 18, 2005)
WOW nice like the shading and you still have tons of space work on it and use it up
drawn in 4 hours 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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