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Public Boards/Beginner 
Xodiak (Jul 26, 2005)
It is not very easy to see what is going on in the picture. <:)
11 comments – latest 4:
AuschwitzBurns (Jul 27, 2005)
I love it! Just love it! And not to intend that I am in anyway Homosexual. Or a homophobe. I hope that comment you left wasn't sarcasm and was really genuine.
SimplyX (Jul 30, 2005)
George_Goat (Aug 4, 2005)
"Y yelo thar buttsecks?"
>u< Awesome as always. Hilarious, and awesome.
plasma_ooganator (Aug 20, 2005)
Oh my ogd! I just started cracking up! This is hysterical!
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Priszcilla (Aug 19, 2005)
13 comments – latest 4:
Priszcilla (Aug 19, 2005)
hehe, sorry to disappoint, but it's a girl :P
Eh, I was just feeling a lil bit down 'cause I know I didn't do as well on my organic chem final as I hoping...and yesterday mornin', I burned my toast and my finger on the stupid toaster-oven (not bad though, only annoying...just stung for a while) and theennn a power outage caused me to lose 5+ hrs of art (why didn't I save it?!? ugh ugh)
KH44N (Aug 19, 2005)
Very nice. The hair looks awesome, the eyes look fantastic, and the background... couldn't look any better. Good use of colours!
renire (Aug 19, 2005)
aaawww AdOrAbLe! >.<
Gigandas (Aug 20, 2005)
Wow, I hate when all that stuff piles up all at once :(. Hope ya feel better now.... :)
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
somebody (Aug 18, 2005)
I love Michael Vahle. His work is Beautiful. I had to do another of his photos. I think the feet may be too small. Tell me what you think.
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 18, 2005)
Beautiful , Sindy. The feet are a tad little..but not so much that it ruins the picture. It wouldn't really be noticeable except you pointed it out.d
somebody (Aug 19, 2005)
drawn in 10 min
Did a little fixin. ;)
darkshadow (Aug 19, 2005)
wow great job i cant add more then what they have said
and has Xod seen this yet?
somebody (Aug 19, 2005)
hehe I guess not. Already know what he will say...;o)
and thanks
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 2 hours 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pencilhero (Aug 18, 2005)
cheers ;)
this was for the theme board but i don't get it where are the themes posted plus it looks like it's been a long time
since anyone drew on the theme board i guess it's a little bit outdated ;)

4 comments – latest 4:
KH44N (Aug 18, 2005)
This is so cool. Its so unique. Good job! :)
Pakasutemanshikuka (edited Aug 18, 2005)
you're amazing ! this is great! again .. XDD !!!
renire (Aug 18, 2005)
Haha it looks sorta mystical, and robotic....i dunno, but it sure is great! And yeah, I think exactly the same about the theme board! ^_^
darkshadow (Aug 19, 2005)
looks like a movie poster like this one
one lone art web sit vs the world
the art the pain the truth staring
who the hell knows rated pg-13
great job once more
drawn in 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
7 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 18, 2005)
Good work on this one..I like it better than the reference also..better color.. I did one of these too..creeped me out.
Qwerty_Wittle_Fawah (Aug 19, 2005) is scary gross...which is good cuz I hate spiders :D
HunterKiller_ (Aug 19, 2005)
Oh this is delicous. Very well done. I want a big big one for my wall. I <3 spiders.
darkshadow (Aug 19, 2005)
wow looks like a photo great job
drawn in 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
starmarked (Aug 9, 2005)
I know it’s probably kind of corny now that the movie has been out for a while. I am just happy that I was able to finish this…and it turned out not to bad. When I first started I never intended on finishing or even submitting. But I did : D <= ME
6 comments – latest 4:
KH44N (Aug 18, 2005)
This looks really good. I like the hat, and the background looks cool.
Cordelia_Pink (edited Aug 18, 2005)
HE SO SEXY *humps him* omg!!
Ummm, ok. That background is terrific (the left side especially). I could totally tell it was Johnny Depp and that's really cool how it looks exactly like him. But I think I much prefer Gene Wilder's version of Willy Wonka, he had more spunk. Not that Johnny doesn't but I thought Johnny Depp was a little weird for this character despite the fact that I think he's good looking in some way. I don't think it suits him to be Wonka.
Aikara (Aug 18, 2005)
Woo. Go Tim Burton for not trying to copy Gene Wilder's version. And for trying to create a different type of Willy Wonka. [pisses me off that people try to compare the two when they weren't spose to be compared at all v_v]
Very very nice realism. The background and the character is very nicely done. The eyes look a tad to close too close. Other than that, its quite lovely.
darkshadow (Aug 19, 2005)
great picture looks alot like him nicely done
drawn in 6 hours 15 min with PaintBBS
PS (Jun 30, 2005)
my cat
10 comments – latest 4:
Shoebox (Aug 19, 2005)
Rawr, she looks like one fierce feline.
I love this, it looks like a one pixel brush with blend checked... which is a good thing.. gives it a neat effect, and normally I don't like 'scratchy' stuff, but you managed to pull it off, excellent work!
nekodesu (Aug 19, 2005)
I love how it looks like it was done with oil paint. And my cat is just as fat...we overfeed him XP
davincipoppalag (Aug 19, 2005)
How did I miss this...great looking catface...nice textures...nice kitty.
darkshadow (Aug 19, 2005)
aww looks at the kitty
nice pic looks like the cat i had when i was little
realy like the nose
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
PS (Aug 19, 2005)
It must be old.
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Aug 19, 2005)
Yea...I remember those prices, though.. we would put all our pocket change three or four gallons..and ride around all day. $3.oo a gallon here yesterday...nicely drawn.
darkshadow (Aug 19, 2005)
i wish those days would come back:P
nice pic it remids me of an old poster my brother had
drawn in 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
_INGRID_ (Aug 9, 2005)
think i'll just leave it like this.
8 comments – latest 4:
Renuar (Aug 10, 2005)
I like the way her hair emanates from her head, bit like the sun. Good work.
Rosemary (Aug 11, 2005)
wow this reminds me so much of a ceramic i made for art exhibition at college last month... a wall bust with multi coloured blue, green, yellow and purple hair fanning out the style ur using :)
_INGRID_ (Aug 11, 2005)
thnx everyone for the nice comments
darkshadow (Aug 19, 2005)
i like this very much it is clean with nice colors and the eye is wonderful
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Truearashi and Kenshin (Jul 25, 2005)
13+ for skin >:D
omfg I'm so sorry Kenshin... I totally forgot to ask you about yaoi and shonen ai , GOMEN NASAI x 1000000000 >_< ! If you mind then just tell me, and I'll delete it and make something else, I promise *nod*

now, beside that: Cole again ( someone has an obsession <.----- can't spell I know >_> ) well, the beta name for this pic' is : innocent hentai... *shrug* tell me what you think, I kind'a like it, though I gonna make it crappy when I start lineart...I just know it *sigh* >_<
12 comments – latest 4:
Truearashi (Jul 26, 2005)
omfg sorry XOD ^_^ what would I do if I didn't have you to correct me? ... make a lot of boys like cole xD !
yes yes... meant BOY ^_^
Kenshin (Jul 31, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 18 min
I killed the backgroud. o.o
THe compression makde the skin look like crap TT_TT;
Truearashi (Aug 1, 2005)
I LOVE THE HAIR ^_^ *drools on his hair* >:D !
the skins quite good too, and I like the bg, the yellow stuff rocks ^_^
ILoveKenshin (Aug 18, 2005)
Nice job, guys. XD I really like the hair, too. :3
drawn in 2 hours 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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