Date of Birth:
July 4th, 1986 (38)
Jul 12, 2005
Last Access:
Oct 20, 2012 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a dictionary eating some stinky beer metephorically, right now? Or a jerk snatching a horse with a car? Or a Japanese soccer player skimming with some flying sushi with a jigsaw puzzle? Or a spider saying, "to be or to eat cheese"? Or a sexy pyromaniac tossing on a dead horse? Or a plaid slice of cheese crashing on a Mexican stream armed with a bowling ball? |
Hahaha...i guess i am sorta back...I MISS drawing! I just don't have the time :-\ but you know I lo...
Nov 26, 2009 |
cutest puppy ever!!!
Jul 18, 2008 |
w o w
Jul 13, 2008 |
wow...this is awesome I like how the one guy really stands out
Dec 7, 2007 |
i love your attention to detail. I jsut watched the animation and its amazing cuz the picture is 'j...
Oct 6, 2007 |