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Public Boards/Beginner 
comd (Apr 15, 2006)
A first attempt at painting clouds (actually a first attempt at trying to paint anything other than a figure). It reminds me of caramel. I used a reference very loosely: I just wanted to get an idea of what a sky looks like since it's been a while since I stepped out of the dungeon.

I wasn't confident enough to really go in there and paint with full blown contrast. Hopefully as I get more practice, I can do these a lot more quickly and with more variation in colors and values.

I tried to be fairly systematic with my approach so that I wouldn't lose myself in chaos. I worked from darks to lights with bigger, less opaque brushes for shadows and worked towards smaller, more opaque brushes for highlights. I didn't allow myself to go back to the previous steps for this one.

I want to focus primarily on drawing fantasy people and creatures, but I'd like to be able to sketch in some very basic backgrounds some day for these characters to reside in, so I'm starting off by practicing clouds.
1 comment – latest 1:
davincipoppalag (Apr 15, 2006)
They're incredibly hard for something that looks so easy, aren't they. I did 3 or 4 cloud pics today, myself, may they Rest In Peace.
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
comd (Apr 14, 2006)
Just some quick practice sketches to warm up.

Used a reference of a tortoise for this one:

Tried to emulate my pencil technique with the tablet, but it takes longer and doesn't look nearly as good.
8 comments – latest 4:
Zack (Apr 16, 2006)
Nice loose reference work. I like your hatching; it makes for a very illustrative style. I think it'd be cool if you made some of these pictures like they were pages from some fantasy logbook.
Deino (Apr 16, 2006)
I absolutely love it! Reminds me of the Mock Turtle, from Alice in Wonderland.
method3 (Apr 28, 2006)
Reminds me of the guy who did the concept stuff for the Stargate movie, he did alot of animal heads. This sketch is particularly clean!
Maiko (Apr 28, 2006)
aww he's so cuute *hugs it*
Love all of your work :3
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
comd (Apr 8, 2006)
Just a doodle of someone I don't know. Ref: I was chatting with Marcello about Lascaux while drawing it, so I didn't spend quite that much time on it.

Like the William Dafoe one which turned into some dark warrior elf thing, I didn't bother so much to draw the person in the picture (though I was a little less sloppy this time). Halfway through the picture, I started seeing some resemblance to Connie Nielsen, so while I wasn't deliberately trying to make it look like her, I did start thinking about her halfway through the drawing and that probably had some influence. I didn't deliberately try to change much this time. The only place I consciously and deliberately changed was the neck area (I really like long necks). The rest is just inaccurate. The upper half of her head and her eyes bother me a bit, but I started rendering the details in those places too early and it'd be a pain to change them now.

The line work is pretty bad. I'm really uncoordinated with my graphics tablet.

The picture frame was a challenge, and maybe I should remove it. I just wanted to try making rounded corners with a fillet style effect, so I drew four circles and just drew tangent lines with the line tool. To make the lines look smooth, I used a thicker stroke with lighter opacity first rather than using antialiasing.
10 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (edited Apr 12, 2006)
This version is so much better, as you say the hatching can add age. Your works looks like a combination of mediums, chalk, cante craoyn, watercolor, and pen amoung other things. Gad your good comd.

We women have always been frustrating hmmm? *giggle*
DoOp (Apr 13, 2006)
woh, so pretty ! the hair really really reallly... i want it >_> plus the nose ring is pretty and stuff =) she's really pretty >^< <3<3<3
woah_pockster (Apr 13, 2006)
at first I thought it was one of joe's :0
you did a wonderful job with this dear I really enjoy looking at this<3
kayla (Apr 13, 2006)
The drawing's crazy, the coloring's crazy, the color scheme is crazy... this whole drawing is so awesome! I love the way you shaded it.

I understand how you feel on using tablets. The drawings I do on the computer always look so much worse then the ones I do on paper.
drawn in 2 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
comd (Apr 11, 2006)
Trying to draw some figures without a reference as practice before I attempt to correct that guy on the left in the previous drawing. I'm kind of screwed with the previous drawing since I drew the figures based off a reference (loosely, but still with a lot of aid when it came to proportions, anatomical detail, perspective, etc.). If I'm going to draw my own figure in there, I'm going to have to try really hard to convincingly make it blend in with the other two figures without making my own figure look like a badly drawn cartoon.

It's been a while since I've attempted to construct a full figure without looking at anything - I've gotten pretty rusty, but I think I've improved at least on the feet a little after all the anatomy practice I've been doing (I realize the ones in this one aren't too great, but for me, they are an improvement). Feet have always been one of the hardest things to draw for me since they have to be planted firmly on the ground in perspective, and that's one of the parts where I can't really fake the perspective as a result (and I have a really hard time constructing any sort of organic form in perspective without some sort of reference).

I was originally planning to save this one and delete it as with the majority of my quick practice drawings, but this one didn't turn out too badly. I might keep it around for a while and see if I can refine it a bit.
11 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 12, 2006)
You are fascinating to watch.
HunterKiller_ (Apr 12, 2006)
I didn't expect you to finish like this. Fantastic finish. =D
DoOp (Apr 13, 2006)
nice colours you choooseee <3 they're really lightish, but a bit on the grey scale, it's pretty wicked ^^ the softshading is really good on this, and the pose, i :heart: it lots! costume design is awesome too :)
Gollywoggers (Apr 16, 2006)
Wow, you really know what you are doing with the angles and positioning. Drawing those lines there is a great idea. I am clapping my virtual hands.
drawn in 2 hours 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
comd (Apr 9, 2006)
Just a doodle for practice.

Using a reference for the basic idea (a screen capture from Flesh & Blood).

I'd normally put something like this in beginner, but I really wanted the extra canvas space. I hope it's okay.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 10, 2006)
I don't think you need to worry about what board you post on.
Sweetcell (Apr 10, 2006)
My favorite genre, I would be happy just to draw this kind of art (which I do).

Looking forward to seeing more. I think the mans arm just needs to be adjusted comd. His forearm partially horizontal and his upper arm jutting out just a little. Waiting to see this colored.
comd (edited Apr 11, 2006)
Thanks guys.

Sweetcell: With the arm, I think that's where I think I'm screwed by using a reference. I couldn't understand what was going on with his torso and arms from that dark picture, so I got trapped trying to draw it. I feel like if I redrew his head and the vertical traveling down his upper torso, I might be able to make it work better, but perhaps I'll be bold and erase him completely and try to draw something completely of my own in place with the hope that it won't end up looking like crap. Just trying to juxtapose a new arm in there without understanding the torso movement exactly just isn't working for me.

As for coloring, I'm not sure I plan to color this one. I love shading and coloring - it tends to be my favorite part of the process, but I need so much more practice at drawing first that coloring just sort of diverts my attention. I might keep it around to color later when I feel more comfortable with drawing though (or maybe just a day when I'm too stressed out to draw anything new).
Sweetcell (Apr 11, 2006)
Comd, I see what you mean now, in the pic he looks a bit hunched, maybe erase him and add your own person, maybe add an elf or a dwarf. Myself I don't look much at references. I learned to draw by reading comic books and Conan mags (my favorite.) And as anyone knows comic books tend to exaggerate the human form (that's why we love em I guesse) I'd go with your instinct and start over. The other two however are dead on. Love how the one in the middle is holding his sword. Sweet.

I'd like to see this shaded with those off tone sepia colors with red highlights cause, well they're in the Dragons den. Fire man fire. XD Hope you finish soon.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
comd (Apr 8, 2006)
Just a quick doodle while I work. I started with an ellipse. My hatching skill with a tablet is pathetic.

[Edit]I just marked it as finished. Was thinking about coloring it, and maybe I will later, but I want to make some more drawings first (studio full).
6 comments – latest 4:
xiang (Apr 8, 2006)
I love you :O
DoOp (Apr 8, 2006)
spin your tablet and you go crazy XD... i run around my tablet to make curves, it's truly sad.... but then i'm really tiny, so it's easier ._0
davincipoppalag (Apr 8, 2006)
Very intricate and detailed. I'm having great fun watching your stuff
blahaha (Apr 10, 2006)
*le gaspe* wow, it took only 17 minutes for this? :O I am in awe. It looks mechanical...quite cool.
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
comd (Apr 9, 2006)
Practicing skulls at various angles and trying to figure out how the muscles and skin wrap around them.
3 comments – latest 3:
xiang (Apr 9, 2006)
DX gawd, how do you draw so well? Which school do you go to?
P.S.: I saw a picture of your dog, Stinky. My dog looks exactly like him. :O
comd (edited Apr 9, 2006)
Thanks - I just copied the skull here though almost directly from my book at roughly the same angle. The main purpose of the exercise was to try to figure out how outer surface of the face forms around the skull (the red lines). I don't think I quite got that part right, as it looks kind of off to me.

As for my school, I'm out of school now. I was a computer science major, so I didn't get much in the way of art classes. The extent of my formal schooling comes mostly from my high school art class and a graphics design class I took in college that was geared towards business majors. Most of my learning comes from books. My favorite authors are Hogarth, Loomis, and Bridgman. Hogarth's books just make me feel like I know absolutely nothing about anatomy. Loomis is probably the most helpful, and I like how Bridgman simplifies the human form into very mechanical-looking parts. I also have this one from Barcsay which I've been looking at a lot lately which is probably the most helpful one when it comes to understanding the forms of individual bones and muscles.

I ultimately want to get comfortable drawing figures without references which is something I'm horrible at right now. I think it's because of the way I've used references traditionally in the past. I treated the process more as a hand-eye coordination exercise when copying what I saw rather than trying to learn the essential 3d forms through the experience. I'm trying to change that now.

Is your dog a Chihuahua as well? I love them - I have another one named Beauty (the black one).
LisaAnne (Apr 9, 2006)
Extremely well done.
drawn in 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
comd (Apr 9, 2006)
Recording my personal observations about the forearm. Note that these are just my personal notes based on things I've observed by looking at multiple pictures from my anatomy book, and I'm not sure they are 100% correct, though they appear to hold true for all the cases I've seen. I'm using my anatomy book as reference for the anatomy. I couldn't find these exact poses of the arm and hand, but found some pictures that were close enough.

The ulna and radius seem to remain fairly stationary as the forearm rotates around the area where they connect to the humerus. The axis of rotation appears to pass through the individual centers of these two bones around these areas, and thus the bones simply rotate in place around the elbow without shifting position. At the wrist, however, the two pivot axises of these bones appear to converge around the center of the wrist, and so the position of the bones change primarily around the wrist where the pivot is no longer centered inside the bones, but outside the bones at the center of the wrist.
7 comments – latest 4:
comd (Apr 9, 2006)
Oh thanks - you all are too nice. :) I'm not sure I got the exact shape of those bones right. I was looking at references but the slight curves of these bones are very complex to me: I think I might have simplified and straightened them too much.

Basically the notes here are regarding the pivot axises of the two forearm bones. When I grab hold of my elbow and rotate my wrist, I can feel that the bones remain stationary around the elbow area because they're rotating in place there. However, they very obviously don't remain stationary at the wrist since they're not rotating in place there, but rather around the center of the wrist. I think it makes sense when drawing these bones to first start drawing around the wrist area, and then extend the bones to connect at the fixed positions around the elbow joint.
mazi (Apr 9, 2006)
close, but the radius is bigger towards the wrist :) you can feel that one sticking out by your thumb (that parts called the "styloid process" which the french kids remember because it sticks out like like the tip of a pen, or "stylo" in french) we got to play with real ones in labs all the time. it was so interesting.
comd (edited Apr 10, 2006)
Ah - I'm pretty sure the proportions are off in other areas as well. :( I think the scapula is a bit small too, and maybe the humerus as well. I wasn't quite sure how the humerus connected to the scapula also, so I also kind of winged it, but mainly I wanted to record how things rotate here in the forearm since I just figured out the basic pivot axises for the two bones today after looking at a bunch of drawings and feeling my own arm as I rotated it. Hopefully that part is semi-accurate.
mazi (Apr 10, 2006)

the head of the humerus is kinda laid in the glenoid cavity (that little concave bit on the side) and laced on with lots of tendons and muscles :)
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
comd (Apr 9, 2006)
Studying skeletal structure with 'Anatomy for the Artist' by Barcsay. The pose is not inside the book: I'm just using it to try to set up a proper skeletal structure by using multiple pictures from that book as reference. I had a particularly hard time with the forearm and pelvis because I couldn't find a drawing in the book that had the angles I needed to understand the particular forms in 3d space, so I also looked through some references on the internet a bit and felt my own forearm to try to get an idea of how those bones curve around each other. I'm still not quite sure about those areas. It'd be nice if I could figure out how to simplify them somehow.
3 comments – latest 3:
DoOp (Apr 9, 2006)
**eat j00* This is really good o_O even for practice and such *tear tear* i'm dirven to try this sometime >_<

can't help you on anything x.x wish i could, but i'm kinda.. learning off you :3
comd (edited Apr 9, 2006)
Oh thanks. :) I don't know how much I learned doing this study, but I did find out something exciting about the forearm. I'll try to draw another picture to show what I mean. It's probably common sense for most people, but I never really thought about it.

The proportions are probably a bit off in this one, but I wasn't concerned about proportions - I just wanted to get the basic idea of the shapes of the bones at the angles provided. Also the bones look a bit thin to me for the amount of flesh I put around them. That's probably something I'm going to have to develop intuitively.
LisaAnne (Apr 9, 2006)
Its a very good study...when I had my life drawing class in the summer for college I remember my teacher having us draw each bone individually before she even let us draw full helped alot, just knowing exactly how each bone connected to the next, and how weight effected them. The pelvis can be difficult, because of the curves, but honestly I like drawing it. (I'm talking about drawing in pencil/charcoal though, because haha I really lack skill with the mouse.)
I'm very impressed.
drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
comd (Apr 6, 2006)
After doing my last picture here which was a very mechanical attempt to achieve photorealism where my only aim way to copy the photo, I wanted to go in the opposite direction, getting back more to what I was trying to do in the intermediate boards, instead attempting the loosest attempt to draw from a reference yet, with an attempt to only use the reference without drawing the reference at all. Accuracy to the photo is not going to be a criteria in this case. It's going to be about speed, looseness, and improvisation. I just finished a lot of work, so hopefully I'll have the time to focus on something challenging.

I'm going to try to combine what I've learned from both my practice in drawing with references and inventing forms without references to make something that hopefully doesn't suck too much and doesn't require too much time spent on it (hopefully something I finish by the end of the day). By using a reference, I'm hoping the result will be more convincing and anatomically correct than some of my doodles on this board where I didn't use any references at all. By not drawing the reference directly, the end result will hopefully be something fairly different than the photo and interesting on its own. Most importantly, I'm hoping it will be a useful exercise that will help me get better.

Reference: After cropping out the text on the left, I decided to flip him horizontally. I just liked it better that way after removing all the space on the left. I don't know why I liked it better - I'm not a composition expert, but I liked the initial focus to be on the left flowing towards the right, and having the brighter portion of the face on the left seemed to do that more.

I don't really know what I'm going to end up with. I have a fantasy theme in mind: maybe a warrior or a priest or something.
14 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Apr 7, 2006)
Somewhat elfish, it's interesting to read what was going through your mind as you drew this, I'd say your right side was working conveniently alongside your left. Nicely done comd.

Just have to ask what your name represents, if it's a abbreviation of something. Curious is all.
Shoebox (Apr 7, 2006)
Reminds me of that part in the ROTK movie. Y'know, the path of the dead?

Creepy. But good, very very good. I love how you can still see the sketch lines.
safescene (Apr 9, 2006)
You are crazily talented. I love how it looks as though he came from another era/dimension/time, and his smug face.
Kloxboy (Apr 9, 2006)
That's tight. I really like the subtle highlights and lighting. Structure rocks..hehe.
drawn in 4 hours 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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