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Public Boards/Beginner 
Reich (Dec 31, 2004)
heh i dunno i kinda just felt like drawin somthin ^^'
happy new year every1!!!
10 comments – latest 4:
yuohoo (Jan 8, 2005)
AWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its super cute!!!!!!!!!!! * picks it up, and stuffs it into shirt and runs away*
Ameraq (Apr 7, 2005)
It's soooooo CUTE!!! *hugs it*

*Lyrica and Sarah make incoherent cooeing noises*
Kawaii desu!
*reaches into Yuohoo's shirt and steals it again* mine mine mine....*glomps little kitty creature*
Xodiak (Apr 27, 2005)
Incredibly nice and cute drawing Mr. Alec! >:)
SanzoGirl (Jul 1, 2005)
So cute! ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
kuramafan89 (Jul 1, 2005)
three little sprites
1 comment – latest 1:
SanzoGirl (Jul 1, 2005)
Awwww. =3
drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
I was bored / depressed. Nothing much. Random sketch.
2 comments – latest 2:
Maiko (May 10, 2005)
Very cute :3 Looks more like a goat though, because of the shape of the head I think ;\
or Houndoom :O!! <3 <3 <3 *luff houndoom*
SanzoGirl (Jul 1, 2005)
Reminds me of a houndoom. <3
drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jun 17, 2005)
im really taking my time on this i want it to come out good
8 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited Jun 19, 2005)
She is hot! No, really, she is hot! I mean literally hot! Great drawing, you always draw girls very sexy... and hot. >:)
nekodesu (Jun 19, 2005)
Whoa cool! It's like Pyro! XD I like the hands.
RitsukaAoyagi (Jun 30, 2005)
ooooooh i want fire powers too......
SanzoGirl (Jun 30, 2005)
Wow! This is really nice! I love the fire and the stars in the backround. ^_^
drawn in 3 hours 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jun 28, 2005)
i've never tried to draw a wolf like this before .. it looks reallt good to me so far..
i need some tips though, for the wolf and the background.
10 comments – latest 4:
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jun 30, 2005)
drawn in 1 min
the diamond on the head was getting me annoyed. plus, now it sorta looks like blue from wolf's rain.
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jun 30, 2005)
drawn in 3 min
heh heh, now it's Blue
RitsukaAoyagi (Jun 30, 2005)
ooooooh very nice once again!!!!
*hands you snickers*
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jun 30, 2005)
lol, yay! sugar!
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Maiko (May 31, 2005)
just a doodle :3
I don't have the patience for this kind of colouring ^_^;
7 comments – latest 4:
solve (May 31, 2005)
WHOA! for a doodle, this is very impressive to me. its got everything right where it needs to be. lovely work mai!
Heiros (May 31, 2005)
It's VERY cool even if it was a doodle and you weren't tring sometimes I wish my doodle could at least turn out like that!
SanzoGirl (Jun 19, 2005)
Hes cute. ^_^ I like him.
kawaii_otaku323 (Jun 30, 2005)
love it.
drawn in 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jun 26, 2005)
little cold kid.. to put it simply
17 comments – latest 4:
~unwritten_law_girl~ (edited Jun 28, 2005)
kawaii_otaku323.. i'm guessing buuuut is that french? just the language looks like it would be -.-'
SanzoGirl (Jun 28, 2005)
Can I warm him up?
Truearashi (Jun 29, 2005)
I think it means something like: really cute ... dunno, my frensh sucks >_<
anyway... love the BG ^_^
RitsukaAoyagi (Jun 30, 2005)
oooh its really good i like his hair want blue hair.....T-T
drawn in 2 hours 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Silver_Note (Jun 29, 2005)
I don't know if this is quite intermediate level, but I tried. I saw a butterfly that looked similar to this, and I wanted to draw it. And it was fun. Once again...I am going for my original idea...with black...and a little color.
4 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (edited Jun 30, 2005)
O_O Thats really good!
davincipoppalag (Jun 30, 2005)
I think this worked quite nicely Silver. The Monarch has such a distinctive coloration and patterning..and the way you used those conveys its essence..I like it
Xodiak (Jun 30, 2005)
Beautiful butterfly... I like your pictures, you are very talented! <:)
Linwe_lover_1990 (Jun 30, 2005)
Tis Excellent Kelsey! o like your style a lot. keep it up!
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
SilverInnocence (Jun 28, 2005)
Completed i put little emoticons in the back
3 comments – latest 4:
SilverInnocence (Jun 28, 2005)
drawn in 13 min
no clue...
20ark (Jun 28, 2005)
But is it ok to laugh when you're sad?
Xodiak (Jun 28, 2005)
She looks nice! She looks like a pokemon, or a digimon, or a neopet. She is cute! >:D
SanzoGirl (Jun 30, 2005)
Very cute. ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
SilverInnocence (Jun 26, 2005)
you know when you lost a stuffed animal like a rabbit when you were young...and then you happen to find it under your bed all dusty,forgotten... this is that rabbit
2 comments – latest 2:
malfkitten (Jun 30, 2005)
Nice floor details.
SanzoGirl (Jun 30, 2005)
Cute. ^_^
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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