userspurplellamasrcoming's profilePurpleLlamasRcoming's comment board
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Public Boards/Beginner 
Typo_Maan (Dec 23, 2003)
Yamasushi,ladyy inn puurlpe, strrannge buuut hey its my firrst
2 comments – latest 2:
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Dec 27, 2003)
what ever happened to that butterfly pic typo_maan? oh well. thats a nice pic. well drawn considering your mouse type.
Typo_Maan (Jun 30, 2004)
my mouse i screwed up!!! evil little ball!
i caan draww beter on paaint
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
purple_Llama (May 30, 2004)
Still playing with the new tools.
5 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (May 30, 2004)
LOL! This made me laugh. Yes, poppa has helped me a lot.. now we can both help you. :) Good to see you here. (((erinlag))) yay!
Knockoff (May 30, 2004)
Hes beautiful in his own way. Like his perfectly white teeth....
and his red skin.... and well.... not much else.... but hey.....
lol, nice mirror.
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Jun 3, 2004)
u know, its really funny our user names are similar. nice piccy :D
Aubrey (Jun 29, 2004)
I missed this one and I haven't the faintest idea how. Very cute lil devil although if he was an M&M those horns would sure hurt the mouth lol.
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
taori (Nov 9, 2003)
fanart..fanart is fun...fanart is good.

referenced from the cover of volume 1 of the manga. w00t.
5 comments – latest 4:
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Nov 9, 2003)
oooo naruto is kewl! i read the comics a litle bit last year,they were sandydexhamtaro's. i drew him a little, too. it thot the tatooed teeth were VERY original.

nice pic! i wish i could do that. i'm just getting the hang of making things 3d
Lark (Nov 9, 2003)
pretty good! it's from the cover of volume one isn't it? yah...
mkkmypet (Nov 19, 2003)
NARUTOO!! I read some of the manga, but i'm also watching the japanese subtitled anime of Naruto! I'm on episode... 59, or something.
Ty854 (Jun 24, 2004)
Fanart is teh best...all i do is fanart pretty much. nice pic tho'.^^
drawn in 2 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
marcello (Aug 6, 2003)
j00 cannot see it.
bleh still
17 comments – latest 4:
Doodlibop (Sep 18, 2003)
I agree with the words inthe upper right corner. except the bleh part.

sorry <:)
bumpinthenight (Apr 2, 2004)
dunn look bad to me, dude.... i like her face... the car is pretty spiffy too... should be shineyer, though...
marcello (Apr 2, 2004)
naw, this SUCKS. I am ashamed that it's still up, but I can't be a hypocrite and delete it :)
davincipoppalag (Apr 2, 2004)
Nobody else sees the rabbit?? (throws the pipe into the terlet)
drawn in 3 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
emc2 (Oct 16, 2003)
El tribar y las figuras imposibles son el motivo de este dibujo
6 comments – latest 4:
Aunvi (Oct 16, 2003)
Hablar tu Ingles? Como es dibujo?
NETO (Oct 16, 2003)
te quedo padre miss
Gothic_Otaku (Oct 17, 2003)
Yo no los entiendo, no hablo revoltillo gramtical. :X (no offense to the people who actually understood this)
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Mar 30, 2004)
Apesadumbrado no miraba. Mi comentario pasado correcto, así que ahora
lo diré. Su cuadro es realmente bueno, y recepción a 2draw. *i love online translators*Así pues, pienso, si éste es su primer dibujo, que usted tendrá
muchos más como esto a venir.
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DMV (Jan 11, 2004)
christian art
1 comment – latest 1:
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Mar 29, 2004)
thats really pretty....i've been lookin at ur pics and half of them scare me, but they're really awesome.
drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (Mar 29, 2004)
making a mouse pad ... there some awsome drawings on this site that i would love to use ,but I better just use my own ideas.
3 comments – latest 3:
sal (Mar 29, 2004)
cool idea... the lightning is a nice touch in the bg...
Knockoff (Mar 29, 2004)
Thats would be pretty wicked.
Nice! Great mouse!
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Mar 29, 2004)
thats awesome, DMV.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Dec 3, 2003)
Its link! everyone loves link!
5 comments – latest 4:
Arisuki_Artemis (Dec 4, 2003)
Link all the way!
SandyDexHamtaro (Dec 5, 2003)
AH! It's Linkeh! You are my new best friend! Heh. ^^ But, really, this is good. His hair is lacking a little in depth and shape, but it's still Link! Yayness! Good job, Llamas.=D
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Dec 5, 2003)
his hair.....yes....that is a weak spot for him in this pic. maybe hair gel will work. but then again, he culd get adicted to using hair gel and then hyrule will fall to evil..........oh well.....thatll never happen.

i do like star fox too!
GEM (Mar 7, 2004)
Personally Idon't like Link....he just gets so boring in ssbm....Fox is much cooler if u ask me
drawn in 1 hour 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Dec 2, 2003)
I LUV MARIO!!!!!! i also like the game where this pic was based on; Super Mario Bros. for NES. I play it, tho, on my gameboy as Super Mario Bros. DELUXE!!!!!!!!! weeeeeee........i hope u like it!
8 comments – latest 4:
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Dec 3, 2003)
the shading looked like that in the picture [for the tube] and i had a little trouble with his nose. but thanx for all of the wonderful remarks.

Vineger: whoze ozma? sry, i dont know that much about singers.....
Vinegar (Dec 4, 2003)
ozma wrote a song called "back in 1988" its a song about playing super mario on the old nentendo :) its quite cool
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Dec 4, 2003)
oh....ok! i get it now! ohigaziamas!
foxman8245 (Mar 7, 2004)
drawn in 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Moderators! HELP!
mkkmypet (Nov 3, 2003)
I checked the boards today and my picture of Rock Lee (from naruto) was gone... Why did you delete it? I personally thought it was my best so far, can you PLEASE get it back just for a while so I can save it to my computer?
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