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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Xodiak (Apr 6, 2002)
18 comments – latest 4:
whitebunny1063 (Oct 20, 2005)
You're sick
HeLL-O (Oct 20, 2005)
If you dont like Xodiak's drawings then dont look at them. |HeLL-O|
whitebunny1063 (Oct 30, 2005)
I love his artwork
Axil62 (Jul 13, 2006)
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 11 min with PaintBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Forbidden (Apr 8, 2002)
this is just a copy of a sprite pegwo made for me a while ago. So dont give me credit.
2 comments – latest 2:
Pegwo (edited Apr 9, 2002)
Heh :P
Zack (edited Apr 9, 2002)
hah, 962 bytes
drawn in 22 min with PaintBBS
Zack (Apr 8, 2002)
next: spaceman spiff?
10 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Jul 22, 2004)
I am always confused when i read Calvin an Hobbes (Although it is my favorite) about whether Hobbes is pronounced Hobs or Hobez.
davincipoppalag (Jul 22, 2004)
Absolutely spaceman spiff! This is cute mr zack ( I sure miss C &H)
NIKNIKKNUTZEN (Jan 21, 2005)
wheres hobbes?
brattyashley (Nov 24, 2005)
awwww m soooo cute !
drawn in 20 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
Welcome to the message board!
marcello (edited Mar 28, 2002)
Enjoy your stay!
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Ziophaelin (Mar 22, 2002)
Uh...first time using this drawing gizmo...trying to figure stuff out =] Please excuse the mess.
2 comments – latest 2:
Xodiak (edited Mar 22, 2002)
haha, nice, he has strong white colgate teeth! >:)
great drawing for your first one. >:)
Pegwo (edited Mar 23, 2002)
This picture and the one below it look identicle ...
drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
Pegwo (Mar 21, 2002)
5 comments – latest 4:
Pegwo (edited Mar 21, 2002)
I'll finish later. (btw,thx Marcello)
marcello (edited Mar 21, 2002)
scary-cool dude, I love how you colored the hair. :-)
concannon (edited Jun 26, 2003)
Creepy, but nifty. Like the eye.
Knockoff (edited Jun 26, 2003)
Yea I like it a lot. I like the hair and the eyes.
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with PaintBBS
Darksun (Mar 20, 2002)
yeay, done.
41 comments – latest 4:
xXDarknessRainXx (Jun 27, 2005)
^(>w<)> that is so cool! Q(*^*)> - i cant even work the stupid drawing thing....(im a beginner) <(T-T)>
kawaii_otaku323 (edited Jun 29, 2005)
Like the messy feeling to it. ^_^ The front leg's a little scary tho' -o-u I really love da energy ball ^__^ I think the left hand's backwards. >< hehe
darkshadow (Oct 18, 2005)
kawaii_otaku323 no its right
PAKS (May 13, 2009)
I am your 41 comment I think anyway I hope I will be able to acomplish somthing of this quility sooner or later.
drawn in 1 hour 37 min with PaintBBS
marcello (Mar 20, 2002)
4 comments – latest 4:
Pegwo (edited Mar 21, 2002)
lol,I really love this for some reason.
Ameraq (edited Apr 25, 2003)
Ed. That is all I have to say.

concannon (edited Jun 26, 2003)
Woah, nose. o.O;;; Sheet.
Knockoff (edited Jun 26, 2003)
Hah thats a big nose. There must be lots of snot in that thing. ;)
drawn in 28 min with PaintBBS
ThePython (Mar 19, 2002)
I didn't know I was an artist.
5 comments – latest 4:
Pegwo (edited Mar 19, 2002)
Wow!Thats really good! : |
kowst (edited Apr 6, 2002)
What the hell is this piece of crap?
Zack (edited Apr 9, 2002)
It's clearly rotting feces in a pool. Python, you have quite some talent there... make sure you don't use it for evil.
kaT (edited May 16, 2002)
evel rocks.IT ROCKS!!!!!
drawn in 8 min with PaintBBS
Darksun (Mar 18, 2002)
second online drawing! I think I'm learing what the tools do! sorta.
5 comments – latest 4:
Pegwo (edited Mar 18, 2002)
Ofcourse. : |
darkk_angel (edited Apr 1, 2003)
help me before i faint from the amazing, dare i say, sexiness of this pic? holy shit... ill leave it at that while i swoon.
concannon (edited Jun 26, 2003)
Haaaaaaair. Shiny skin.

....>.> ...<.<......*pets hair*
morbidboblover (edited Aug 13, 2003)
this is only your second drawing?? wow!
drawn in 48 min with PaintBBS
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