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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Konaru (Apr 29, 2004)
10 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 29, 2004)
Very cool pattern.. the thumbnail looks like a Celtic Cross...very intricate.
Ixbalam (Apr 29, 2004)
Nery nice. I like the colors. It looks like a mandala rug.
Xodiak (Jun 13, 2005)
I love the symmetry of the design. It is very nice and ornamental. <:)
Cordelia_Pink (Apr 10, 2008)
Absolutely awesome!! wish there were more of these kinds of drawings posted! It's like an illusion.
drawn in 1 hour 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
The drawing programs won't load :[
Jojo57 (Apr 8, 2008)
whenever i click one of the three programs, then click "draw", the whole window collapses. this happens to both my firefox and internet explorer. actually this happens to any of those three programs i try to enter [on a different website] any clues? :'[
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Voting
Shanghai (Apr 3, 2008)
We're going to try a new system of voting for what contest idea gets picked next. Everyone can make one suggestion per contest week, which usually runs for a about 2 weeks before the next contest, and everyone gets to make one vote. Ideas for contests will be posted in this thread, and when enough ideas have been made then we'll start a new round of voting to get ready for the next contest.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
thetailorsdaughter86 (Apr 3, 2008)
just a quicky self portrait for the new quarter and my second one here at 2draw.
7 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Apr 3, 2008)
That's neato. Hope you do more stuff like this.
Aakyra (Apr 5, 2008)
She is very pretty... is she a character or this based on a real person? Interesting portait!
Moosh (Apr 5, 2008)
Very nice style. Great stuff.
thetailorsdaughter86 (Apr 7, 2008)
yeah, she's based on me!
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Moosh (Apr 4, 2008)
8 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Apr 4, 2008)
You always impress me Moosh. You certainly stand out on 2draw.
Moosh (Apr 5, 2008)
Thanks very much y'all. :D
Sweetcell (Apr 5, 2008)
I'm running out od things to say. Those eyes are ghostly and mezmerizing.
Aakyra (Apr 6, 2008)
Incredible work on thise eyes!
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Apr 4, 2008)
5 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Apr 4, 2008)
Dave: 不是 ^^
davincipoppalag (Apr 4, 2008)
Kloxboy (Apr 4, 2008)
Deino (Apr 4, 2008)
It's like your evil self D: Very nicely done Klox.
drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/The Post Board 
no fear (pics)
zep (edited Apr 3, 2008)
some pics from my Phd program...get me some c&c..... :) just ten of them... by the way those are made from lino and xilographs stamps on oxiasphalt
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 74: Texture!
Shanghai (edited Apr 3, 2008)
Contest Week 74: Texture! closed for judging In this contest you'll be using the tools available to you to mimic real-life textures and combining them onto unexpected surfaces. Think of it as a contest with a focus on technical skill, but also on originality with what textures you decide to put on what objects. Some examples of unexpected textures would be- A vase with with a texture of water sitting on a table with a texture of leather, or a cloud with a texture of brick above a mount...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
spyra (Oct 31, 2007)
erm, if there is a grammatical error in the title, please let me know, because french is not my first, second, or third language... XD

This is the "top half" of a project I've been working on. There is a second painting of a girl that can be placed below this picture (her hair connects with the "root"/trunk of the tree, which is why it looks like it's going off the page), and can also be placed to the left of this picture (the flowers in her hair morph into the petals, which connect to the tree from the left). This week, I've been working on color planning for this painting (series of paintings), and thought to myself: Planning out this step on Marcello's wonderful website will be a good way for me to organize my thoughts and work out the details. So here I am. The theme is supposed to be "Black and white, with red accents" but like everything else in my life, I've been putting too much focus on the reds.

I haven't really decided what to do with the background yet, other than it's going to be predominantly black and white, hopefully with high contrast. Plus, my hand is starting to hurt. So I figure I'll leave it as is for now. :)
14 comments – latest 4:
Kaze-chan (Nov 12, 2007)
wow, amazing! i love this. love the coloring. i also love how fluid this looks. = D great job.
Miss_DJ (Nov 13, 2007)
very sweet! more...more!
djramz99 (Nov 13, 2007)
That is totally great! I especially love the white top!
jclvr (Apr 3, 2008)
It's so cool!
drawn in 3 hours 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Different home page appearance
Sweetcell (Mar 27, 2008)
Alright Cello, why am I suddenly getting a different looking 2draw page? It's brown/tan with a wierd configuration and well...... what's going on?
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