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Specialty Boards/Contest! 
zep (Jan 19, 2007)
i will be some way
21 comments – latest 4:
zep (Jan 28, 2007)
wow...thanks a lot
it´s always amazing what people see...i like you get the Lenin "touch", thanks for all the words man, certainly more than that i deserve.
Sweetcell (Jan 28, 2007)
Well thanks to Klox this time I really looked and finally understand this piece. (sometimes it's hard to understand some symbolism) I knew this would win. Congratulations Javier. Well deserved.
HunterKiller_ (Jan 29, 2007)
Ah this beautiful. *saved to favourites*
Miss_DJ (Jan 29, 2007)
incredible, thoughtful, wonderfully drawn piece..congratulations!
drawn in 3 hours 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
MRP (Jan 11, 2007)
37 comments – latest 4:
Kairily (edited Jan 25, 2007)
Yay for bringing up old artwork, and dead conversations. Just so you know, MRP hasn't been on in over 2 weeks. I wonder if he's coming back..?

Heheh anyway, I do like the art a bit. Not so much the attitude. I heart sweetcell!

Edit: omj big boobs. ick.
SanzoGirl (Jan 25, 2007)
some people just cant argue properly and you need to treat them like you would a dog and beat them with a newspaper.
Omg! That's so mean! D:>
Why would you even hit a dog with ANYTHING in the first place!? T_T
Sweetcell (Jan 25, 2007)
Hey everyone, stop ressurecting the dead, Kairily's right he's been gone for weeks, leave it be. *blush* Kairily.
senshi (Jan 25, 2007)
Hitting dogs isn't good.
omj big boobs. ick.
Big boobs are good.
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
frootcake (Jan 24, 2007)
now i only posted this to show how easy klox makes it look. i thought it was going ok, until i checked what his version looked like. i then decided to stop.
5 comments – latest 4:
lori (Jan 24, 2007)
no one can come close to Kloxboy's art, sorry ;) nice try though
friend (Jan 24, 2007)
Klox, your so dirty.
Axil62 (Jan 24, 2007)
dirty dirty dirty boy
Sweetcell (Jan 24, 2007)
Hahaha, I want to stroke his pigtail curl.
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Hello Everyone.
Maiko (edited Jan 24, 2007)
Sorry to post yet ANOTHER one of these, but dears, the Sprite board AND collab board are BOTH also intermediate quality and once again, if you don't spend a good amount of time on your pictures, or as the case is for this board, if your picture is not a sprite it will be deleted :] Have a good day! Mai
Public Boards/Beginner 
Dr.Snoopy (Jan 24, 2007)
1 comment – latest 1:
Axil62 (Jan 24, 2007)
I think this is good.
drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
This isn't fair but what are your veiws on it.
deathking (Jan 22, 2007)
I just hate that no matter how good a person is at one form of art even though they may practice and practice, they just can't do one other style. Like me for instance, the things I know I am good at drawing would have to be anime or manga (whatever your preference for it is) realism, charicturist, realistic fantasy (like dragons my preference are eastern styled dragons like long river or sky spirits) and that art where all you do is dot a piece of paper like a million times until you get your d...
Main Forums/ 
Question concerning the future of 2draw...
marcello (Sep 29, 2003)
As some of you may or may not have noticed, the number of users and drawings on 2draw has increased dramatically since the beginning of this year, and the rate of usage has similarly increased. Unfortunately, with the good there is bad, I'm finally reaching the bandwidth limits of my account, and for the past two months have been going over. So, in addition to the cost of the server, cost of space (I also upgraded) and bandwidth is now an issue. This comes to the question of what to do ...
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jan 21, 2007)
10 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jan 21, 2007)
Yes, heavens to Betsy!
Sweetcell (Jan 21, 2007)
Wow your really being hit hard. This isn't normal is it? Hold on Dan, summer should be here sometime. Maybe... hopefully. Reminds me of Boris Karloff (spelling?) in The Mummy.
Axil62 (Jan 21, 2007)
definately above average. Reminds me of the winters we had in Wyoming when I was a kid.
davincipoppalag (Jan 21, 2007)
Yea..I remember those..In Cheyenne we had drifts up to the roof of the house (one story house). Lots and lots of snow.
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Sweetcell (Dec 27, 2006)
As seen as Mark Ryden's -Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers-

Cover for the band Jack and Jill.

My hand sooooo hurts.
50 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jan 7, 2007)
Congrats Barb!~!
yates (Jan 9, 2007)
I dont understand the fuzz,.. I enjoyed all the entries.. Congrats SweetCell!
Pseudonymous (Jan 9, 2007)
kejoco (edited Jan 21, 2007)
Don't know why I'm getting involved, but I just wanted to respond to your last note Miss DJ,
Sweetcell DID NOT get a 2nd chance at this contest due to klox's good graces, ANYONE can submit multiple drawings for contests, that has been expressed from the beginning of the contests. He advised her well before the end of the contest why her first drawing didn't qualify and she was able to submit another before the end date. If you have an issue with him telling her that her submission didn't qualify, on a drawing community site, thats pretty nit-picky. If she had been given extra time due to the fact she hadn't read the rules, I could understand, but as it is, I don't understand the problem.

great job sweetcell, looks incredible
drawn in 17 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jan 20, 2007)
has a big head and he's a monster.
4 comments – latest 4:
whitefox0 (Jan 20, 2007)
this is so awesome looking I love !
Axil62 (Jan 20, 2007)
thanks, sometimes my pen screws up and keeps drawing after I lift it off the tablet so I say screw it and scribble this kinda stuff.
xwindflyer (Jan 21, 2007)
I wish I could scribble like that. Very cool.
lori (Jan 21, 2007)
whoa that is a big head, like balloon big *pop*
drawn in 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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