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Public Boards/Intermediate 
cmb (Jan 20, 2007)
tried to use the gradient tool....and blur tool... mmmmmm...
3 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jan 20, 2007)
... and the 'almond shaped eyes on a flat plain a mile apart' tool?
davincipoppalag (Jan 20, 2007)
kinda reminds me of Rod Stewart
cmb (Jan 20, 2007)
cmb (Jan 27, 2007)
drawn in 5 min
moved an eye...
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
funsize (Jan 20, 2007)
I know its a very bad bad piece of artwork/ but hey im new to this stuff so TAKE IT EASY.. But a question here....... How DO you make such beautiful artwork with a MOUSE that bearly moves the way you want it to?! As i said.............Just a question
1 comment – latest 1:
Axil62 (Jan 20, 2007)
maybe you could start by cleaning the mouse ball.
drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Holiday Wishes
marcello (Dec 22, 2006)
Just figured I would post something here since it's been quite a while since the last update. But, there are no updates, so carry on! Let's make this more interesting. Name the one thing you wish 2draw had. That is, one thing you think would make it a better place. Happy holidays! team
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Randoodle (Jan 17, 2007)
My cat, Flip, wouldn't eat all day, nor play, and all he wanted to do was curl up on my lap. So I drew him as he was sitting there.
6 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jan 17, 2007)
humans are the strangest people I've ever met.
davincipoppalag (Jan 17, 2007)
Sometimes they have a bad tooth..and they do that. Hope he's ok.. Nice to see you here too..
strangerous (Jan 18, 2007)
My cat looks like that all the time, but she's not sick, just lazy :P Hope flip gets better!
lori (Jan 19, 2007)
such a sweet kitty pic :) good job
drawn in 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Great_white (Jan 17, 2007)
6 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jan 17, 2007)
She's busting out all over.
Childlike_Vampire (edited Jan 17, 2007)
That's awesome!
davincipoppalag (Jan 17, 2007)
Cam...don't get too close to this's explosive~! lol
Noremac (Jan 17, 2007)
o.o -claps-
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drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Silvair (Jan 16, 2007)
time trial
8 comments – latest 4:
whitefox0 (Jan 17, 2007)
omg this is so cool, I love it, it looks so good, she is so cute!
Axil62 (Jan 17, 2007)
Oh for heaven's sakes.
nyao (Jan 17, 2007)
cute~ i like the soft colors as well.
Silvair (Jan 20, 2007)
drawn in 6 min
Thanks everyone for your comments <3!
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kloxboy (Jan 17, 2007)
6 comments – latest 4:
strangerous (Jan 17, 2007)
looks like little worms are making up his face, trippy but cool :)
davincipoppalag (Jan 17, 2007)
He looks like raw as hell
Fiesta (Jan 17, 2007)
Thats it. D:<
I'm stealing your abilities, and idea's. xD
Sweetcell (Jan 17, 2007)
And here I was thinking the man in the sun.
drawn in 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Miss_DJ (Jan 16, 2007)
not really.
9 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Jan 17, 2007)
I'll have to agree, this is less crappy than the usual difference tool abuse.
Miss_DJ (Jan 17, 2007)'s unfortunate that you like to say things in such a negative way Marcello. Was it bothering you so much that someone actually said something nice about a drawing of mine that I used the tools provided to create? If you didn't want us to use the tools, why offer them? The bottom line for me is that it is my OWN creation. It was a white canvas when I started. So how I arrive at the finished product seems irrelevant to me. At least I'm creating original art. I consider that an achievement all of it's own.
davincipoppalag (Jan 17, 2007)
Don't worry about 'cello donna...that was a high compliment from him!
Miss_DJ (Jan 17, 2007)
Oh it was?! I must have misread the Then by all means, thanks, Marcello!! :o)
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
SYTHE (Dec 13, 2005)
A Male torso with a partial female torso in the corner. I used a picture from PB as a ref.
23 comments – latest 4:
kristine (Dec 29, 2005)
i still dont understand how you do skin so well D:
and lol @ using playboy as ref.
22darkangel22 (Feb 3, 2006)
wow!this is great! it kind of reminds of me stephanie and ranger from the janet evanovich novels, both sexy, i say this should be in the seen where they sleep together! btw- i love his stomach *drools*
MadeInChina (Sep 23, 2006)
Where are they ? Are they Out side?
deathking (Jan 17, 2007)
That girl has a great boob, awesome niple and the guy well, I wouldn't shake his hand lol.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 8 hours 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
lori (Jan 14, 2007)
this was my half ass attempt... it was a black and white pic that I turned to color...
lols at the whole thing
9 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jan 15, 2007)
I don't understand why you'd want to change anything at all about this.
DrawingDork (Jan 17, 2007)
Looks pretty "full-assed" to me! I wish I could draw like this!! I really love your tree!!
lori (Jan 17, 2007)
lol why does everyone like the tree? it's all smeary and stuff, maybe the wind's blowing, I don't know
davincipoppalag (Jan 17, 2007)
It's a great shape and fits the picture nicely
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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