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nyao (Sep 24, 2003)
This is to ShadowKitten....
(havent drew in such a long time and watercolour lineart is EVIL!!!)
6 comments – latest 4:
SuzieSuze (Sep 24, 2003)
this is cute.. gj
Gothic_Otaku (Sep 24, 2003)
hehe, watercoor lineart is evil. And from the deepest pit of hatred came forth the pen tool.....^_^ Even though I don't really get the picture, it's still very nicely done.
nyao (Sep 24, 2003)
haa haa.... you aren't suppose to get this picture... and only a few can understand.... :P
bluesky (Sep 26, 2003)
grrr nyao ur so evil u draw so good!!!!!!!!!!!! luv it luv it! she's cute =^-^=

drawn in 1 hour 23 min with PaintBBS
misho1337 (Sep 25, 2003)
well this is my second submission... give me ur opinion ;)
3 comments – latest 3:
Shiek (Sep 26, 2003)
Nice, but it's sloppy and uneven. Maybe you can work on your lineart and sublty.
concannon (Sep 26, 2003)
Oi. You don't need lineart for a pic to be really spiffy.

In my opinion, this is DAMN good for a newcomer. The eyes are great, and I love the yellow highlights on the guy. Nice job.
misho1337 (Sep 26, 2003)
thanx man
drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Ink (Sep 25, 2003)
my eyes hurt... *_*''
5 comments – latest 4:
Aunvi (Sep 25, 2003)
Of course she does why wouldn't she?
misho1337 (Sep 25, 2003)
i like this a lot... the night sky looks very realsitic...awesome.
MattyP (Sep 26, 2003)
Wow! this pic is awesome!!!
mazi (Sep 26, 2003)
ooh nice, though it is kinda hard to pick out since its so dark.
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
x-syndrome (Sep 21, 2003)
um..... yeah. im bored. and my pen doesn't work anymore.


love me and shower me with hard acid critizism plz.
6 comments – latest 4:
JAM-BAD (Sep 21, 2003)
i like the eyes and the shine in the hair.
EverDream (Sep 21, 2003)
Adorable! I like his relaxed expression very much and his blue eyes are to die for. I want eyes like those. *grins* Keep up the good work!
mazi (Sep 22, 2003)
hakkai, mazi is always right... you should know that. >_>
Hotaru-chan (Sep 26, 2003)
he looks like the kid here> (I can't use those niffty things right >_<)

drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
fabu-kun (Sep 26, 2003)
had to rush this but over all i like it its for my friend teresa who showed me this site ^_^ ciao
3 comments – latest 3:
Renmazuo (Sep 26, 2003)
Nyaaaaaaaaaaaan=^____________________^=Arigato gozaimashita!
fabu-kun (Sep 26, 2003)
hiya miss teresa glad you like it thanks again ^_^
x-syndrome (Sep 26, 2003)
so cute. <3
drawn in 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
joe_shmo (Sep 24, 2003)
just fooling around with shi-painter comment please
5 comments – latest 4:
joe_shmo (Sep 26, 2003)
drawn in 11 min
arg the ear!
joe_shmo (Sep 26, 2003)
drawn in 5 min
all better (kinda)
Zinc (Sep 26, 2003)

It's just the style and the sketchy lines that are similar. ;x
joe_shmo (Sep 26, 2003)
ook thanks coolo i like the cat even it dosent look like any of my cats
drawn in 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Edward (Sep 21, 2003)
3 comments – latest 4:
mazi (Sep 26, 2003)
try adding some highlights/shadows to the water to make it look like ripples and kinda put her in the water with some shadows.
Edward (Sep 26, 2003)
drawn in 5 min
water not very good ><
strangeoid (Sep 26, 2003)
YAY! Let's hear it for reading!
Edward (Sep 26, 2003)
drawn in 2 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
rosalyn (Aug 7, 2003)
I dunno what to put! All that i know is I thought of this title at the pool and thought I would draw something for it. Pretty...>:D
4 comments – latest 4:
Zappo (edited Aug 8, 2003)
Wow this looks like it was pencil and paper! good job
raenboe (edited Aug 8, 2003)
This is awesome! I love the ear! I'm so glad you can stay! Your art is so great!
Kurenai (edited Aug 8, 2003)
pretty...dragon flies!!! oooo ::steals the dragonflies and puts them in a jar:: oooooo pretty... ::lets them out:: nice pic!! looks like it's pencil drawn. Cool!
Yair (Sep 26, 2003)
It's about the 3'rd one of yours that somehow looks like me. =]
Where do you live?
drawn in 4 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Menyway (Sep 24, 2003)
My chara saige! ^_^ I can't belive i did this!!! I have never done this before!!! ...... dont go by the time cause i had company over for like almost 2 hours..... didn't know how to stop the time so... ohwell
3 comments – latest 3:
pkeod (Sep 24, 2003)
Cute Cute Cute, even though the bg is overly simple it seems to suit it very well ^_^
strangeoid (Sep 25, 2003)
Gorgeous work. Especially for a firstie! Welcome, and fabulous job!
MattyP (Sep 26, 2003)
This is Really good, I especially like the eyes and hair. Welocme to 2draw^_^
drawn in 4 hours 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Doodlibop (Sep 24, 2003)
Just started sketching him...
6 comments – latest 4:
Prowler (Sep 24, 2003)
ooooooo very VERY NICE
strangeoid (Sep 24, 2003)
*staring agape*.... *drools* Is this actually modeled after somebody? if you know him, you are lucky.
Doodlibop (Sep 25, 2003)
actually, I made him up
SuzieSuze (Sep 26, 2003)
wow this is very good!! Your really talented, great job!
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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