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xiau (Sep 30, 2006)
Is this the right board?
So, what made you start drawing, and what made you keep at it? (there's probably already been a thread on this...) Well, let's see...as for me, I originally started somewhere around first grade. What did I draw? Animals. Why? I got some book called "Draw Rainforest Animals" or something, and used that. I didn't draw much back then though. Then, a couple of years later, I became re-obsessed with Sailormoon (I had watched it when I was much much younger, waaay before school, but I forgot about it) and started drawing those characters. Then later I got addicted to other anime, and eventually tried drawing characters of my own. But uh, I sucked. Worse than I do now. So eventually, (meaning, about two or so years ago,) I started spending as much time as I could trying to improve. I looked through anatomy books, tutorials, photographs, and any other reference I could find, and drew constantly, whether I was in school, at home, in the car, etc. Improvement was everything to me. And so, that's how I became this person who can't go five seconds without having to draw something. The end :D |
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IkariIreuL (Sep 30, 2006)
Eh ... to stay away from boredom :]
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NOVEMBER93 (Sep 30, 2006)
Well, I have just about always been drawing. The first drawings I ever remember drawing are those weird, what I call, "potato people", meaning they just look like potatos with a face, hair, eyes, legs, and arms, etc. Since then I've just wanted to improve. I'm the type of person that always wants to improve on things, and not give up. It's seems like I've been drawing my whole intire life, and it has always just fascinated me that people could draw so well. I'm always drawing. I draw in school (even when I'm not really supposed to, hehe), and at home, and whenever I find I have some free-time. Like today. I've done nothing but draw, cause there's never anything to do, which is kinda good, since I love drawing so much. Oh, one more thing, people inspire me so much, I've just wanted to be able to be as good as them.
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Kloxboy (Sep 30, 2006)
A demon came into my room when I six years old and told me if I didn't start drawing he would eat my arms off. I've been drawing ever since...to keep him at bay.
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patienceisoverrated (Sep 30, 2006)
i'm one of those people who function better if they are fiddling with something. I can't listen or speak or think unless my hands are moving. drawing is like... constuctive fidgeting.
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IkariIreuL (Sep 30, 2006)
I can't listen or speak or think unless my hands are moving .Me Too ! |
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Rudeezy (Sep 30, 2006)
I used to just try to copy characters down on paper and eventually I tried to do original stuff. but that started like last month. D':
Also, I needed to do something with my hands, but not something as tought as like... piano. :O (But I'm trying!) The only problem i have now is that I can't draw unless I listen to music. :( |
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Gigandas (Sep 30, 2006)
I started when I was four but I have no idea 'why' I actually started. I guess it's the same reason other kids draw, to try something new and mess around :). Those were the good ol days, hehe.
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poison_ivy (Sep 30, 2006)
i started drawing, well when i was pretty young...like everyone else does...bt i didnt find an interest in it, partially cuz i couldnt hold u stupid pencil properly!....and worse my drawings were all distorted! but then last yr i was feeling really depressed and i ran out of ways to get my feelings out so i took my art pad and scribbled on it....and for the first time i loved wha i drew!...even tho it was the most hideous thing ever!.....
im not too talented at drawing either, my talents are all over the place, or either i try to hard and i only achive average!....i cnt play the piano for nuts altho im doin my 6th grade in nov. i cnt play the guitar like other ppl, i tried photo-manipulation and im avg at that too, my voice sucks! so i cant sing.. so basically im an avg kid with lost feelings! :P ...depressing me :P ....bt drawing rocks! it gets u to take out all ur emotions well so does writing poetry but in poetry u need to think of the right words! |
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Renuar (Oct 1, 2006)
It started due to a creative impulse and was eventually fueled by insight.
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Deformed (Oct 7, 2006)
A friend of mine introduced me to Dragonball Z, my first anime, when I was about eight. I started to draw the characters, very poorly I might add, but got enthused about drawing nontheless. Then I moved on to more anime, thus new anime syles, and eventually starting seeing art as a whole. I moved on to better things, and here I am.
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DrsFan (Oct 18, 2006)
I always liked to draw. I have been drawing since like Kindergarten...and I was pretty good so I just kept on drawing. I used to stink at drawing horses and very good at dogs but I kept drawing horses and now Im pretty good (obviously not on the computer).
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squee (Oct 18, 2006)
I was born with the urge to draw. I've been drawing since the first time I could pick up a pencil. WooT
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senshi (edited Oct 19, 2006)
I started cuz if I don't the voice in my head will make everyone I ever cared about dissapearit seemed fun
I keep at it cuz he means it it's fun. |
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friend (Oct 19, 2006)
Leonardo Davinci told me to.
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nekodesu (Oct 19, 2006)
It all started with a single attempt of a cruddy Harry Potter fanart during the summer of 2004. I've tried to draw before that, but I guess I didn't have enough inspiration at that time.
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Axil62 (Oct 19, 2006)
I started for reasons unbeknownst to me, I kept doing it for the attention.
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Noremac (Oct 19, 2006)
started because, i did?
and kept drawing to expand my world, and to draw porn. |
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senshi (edited Oct 19, 2006)
started because, i did.That should be your speech when you take over the world cept, change "drawing" to "at it" |
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MrPaul (Oct 19, 2006)
My passion to draw started young (around 8 or so), probably because I wasn't spoiled with all the goodies I have today, I was left to find other creative ways of having fun and expressing myself. Under my bed it looked like a landfill of wadded up drawings of ninja turtles and super heroes. Not much has changed either, except now I'm throwing out a virtual sheet of paper at the click of a button! I remember in 6th grade running my rinky dinky art business of which I collected a handful of friends to help operate, I had someone gathering requests for me, someone to handle the money, oh... and of course I had hired a personal bodyguard! (making 1 or 2 dollars split between all of us wasn’t much, but certainly my entrepreneurial spirit was at work there! haha) Art and I have stuck together because most importantly it's been a way to escape from reality and an outlet to express myself. Also, all the kudos I've received from family and friends has encouraged me immensely and until the day I die I will always continue to practice my craft, my hobby, my loooove... goochy goochy goo!
Dr.Snoopy (Oct 19, 2006)
Well then start posting your work ;)
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woah_pockster (Oct 19, 2006)
I've been drawing since I can remember. I've always liked it. (: I got a little more serious about it in about 8th grade, and in 10th grade I realllllly wanted to get better 'cause I was so jealous of everyonelol. yes. jealousy fuels my passion at times. :D but yeah, I started drawing anime when I was in grade school, and yes it started with sailor moon and dragon ball z lol :D
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Expendable-Studios (Oct 19, 2006)
um ever since i could pick up a crayon, or eat dirt.
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senshi (Oct 19, 2006)
I can't listen or speak or think unless my hands are moving.I'm also like that. But I always get in trouble in skool fer fidgitting with stuff while I'm sposed ta be working or listening, when really, it helps me focus. Without my hands or feet occupied, my mind roams and I start hearing other kids talking or my mind tries to find something to do and some song gets stuck in my head, playing one part over and over and over. Right now, after a few hours, "Laffy Taffy" is starting to get annoying. Wait, um, back to the fidgitting thing. Uhh, oh. I guess I'm done |
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Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Oct 19, 2006)
I started to draw since I was in kindergarden......:]
I keep drawing with no purpose at all, I just did, it was like something inside of me made wanna draw what ever came to mind, when I entered in 3rd grade I then started to make my own comic series that only lasted for about 33 chapters.....X* But every one in my class liked it and were a fan of, since I first saw Dragon Ball Z I then got inspired to one day to make cartoons of my own, not for Disney that is but for Cartoon Network or other company, later when I got my computer in hight school I then discovered that there was a big world out there filled with many skiled artist, my art was trash compared to them, so since then I decided to take my art skills to the highes level I can, and I still keeping my dreams in place to becoma a cartoonist or a manga book artist.......Yes I do my friends, and I will do it one day........I will always draw my cartoons from G - R........:] Its my passion and I love it, baby cartoons sucksfor me so don't expect that from me, all of mines are PG13-R........:D Thats all I can say I think..........:] Hope this really explains my art history....... ...............Logging of Lore.V............ |
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ssmario100 (Oct 19, 2006)
To improve and my on oekaki boards.
beth92093 (Oct 19, 2006)
mow mow mow mow. mow mow mow mow. mow mow. mow mow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Oct 19, 2006)
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TaCO (edited Oct 20, 2006)
I'm Super crazy hyperactive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Math is what made me start to doodle. Illustrated children's books made me want to be a writer. 7th grade i started doodling outside of math. People started calling me an artist, but I didn't really feel like one. I got my first sketch pad in 9th grade. I did one 100 page sketch pad every year. I started drawing DBZ in 10 grade. People started calling me an artist again. 11th grade my 1st art class got cut short when my teacher had her kid. The class became a study hall. End of 12 grade 2002 I started trying to see how good I could draw. I started drawing out of my head. I drew almost everyday over the summer. I finally started to feel like an artist. Then I started College. I was majoring in graphic design. I had my 1st art class. I finally got to meet other artist. My teacher looked like Chong. He said I improved faster than anyone he taught before. This was the only art class I ever had. My skill as an artist had improved many times over. Then one of the art teachers left and the other had a heart attack. So I was going to transfer to UL, but then some of my friends got me into Drafting. I started drawing on elfwood. I started to do Portraits at school when class was out. People started calling me Draw-Man. I started drawing 100 pages a month. I found 2draw from a Zelda PIC on elfwood. So then I taught I would try digital art. I drew my 1st digital art drawing, It got delete off of 2draw. Digital art was really hard and It made me draw like a noob. I'm still not too good with digital art. A little over a year ago I started drawing 100 pages a week+ digital + stuff people make me draw. Now I draw 200 pages a week+ digital + stuff people make me draw. I have been calling my self an artist for over 4 years now!!!!! |
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Nightmare (Oct 20, 2006)
I was in the 6th grade, and I used to draw really morbid shit. Then I met this one chick, who was into anime and told me about this site. I then tried to draw anime, but I found the stuff too boring and repetitive to draw. I registered here, and I drew here for awhile. Then stuff happened. Drew more, and more, and here we are now, 3 years later.
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Maiko (Oct 20, 2006)
Anime is only boring if you fail at it :]
beth92093 (Oct 20, 2006)
citties go mow lol its was the meow mix song if you no wat i was thinkin i just got realy bord srry.
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solve (Oct 20, 2006)
Arts been in my family, I remember seeing my uncle post his art on the walls and it always interested me. Then cartoons, comic books, and this kid I met really got me into art. Legos, clay, and drawing were my fundamental toys as a kid.
Unblessed_Love (Oct 20, 2006)
Lol, drawing brings back memories O: Well..... I remember i started drawing at the age of 3/4 -shrugs- Stick men rule ;D xD Then i started giving them clothes (zomg cloothz :B) Then when I saw a really old anime (Creamy mami, still one of me favourites xD) I tried and phailed, so I got sick of it and stopped drawing for nout 3ish years, then I played Sonic the Hedgehog and started srawing Sonic related pictures, then a friend introduced me to Kingdom hearts so I Played it and did some KH fanart, Then I started from there, and watched more anime, looked for tutorials, i didn't improve much then I went back to sonic the hedgehog xD Then I saw more anime, then went back on Anime pictures, then I started to use my own body as a reference (hands, feets, poses, anatomy reference becuase I can't be assed with finding references on the net) then I signed up on a art site (FaC) and got critisium and stuff thurr, and alot of flames -shakefist- so I started improving as much as I can, but phailed (phaaailurr) then I started copying off pictures/styles for reference and ideas for my own style, so when i got myself a decent style i started working off from it, then i learnt how to shade :D Then I practised and practised and yeah...so thats about...-counts- uhm...8 years of drawing Ithink... -shrugs-
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TaCO (Oct 22, 2006)
Legos, clay Legos And Clay were my favorite toys!!!!!! I made 1/2 lego and 1/2 clay/playdoe men!!!!!!!!!!!! Water would always kill playdoe, but clay was a little stonger. And Legos would melt, but when you mix legos and clay you get an unstopible toy killing machine. I beat the TMNTs and the ThundarCats all at once with a giant clay lego TahTie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But when you go out side there is no beating mud. You can only dry him up until he can't move, but when it rains he'll be back. |
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cmb (Nov 17, 2006)
When I was very young I was always drawing....my mom kept some of my old pictures, as I got to age 5 or 6 I knew I would go to "art school" one day- I dont think I knew what it was just that I would go.... I used to paint fast when I was little too... One day I had finished a painting and decided to use the paint to colour the end on a red pencil the same shade as the shaft of the pencil- my teacher went mad and sewnt me to the headmaster for the strap ( I had never been naughty - and I dont think I was then) anyway I ren in one of the cloakrooms and clung onto a coatpeg. I wouldnt come out till the teacher came to see what the fuss was about. I must have been really upset because when I went back in the classroom everyone thought i had been hit by the headmaster! Anyway I would do drawings of butterflies- or a favourite was elizabethans... I would draw the same thing again and again- I must have been trying to perfect them! One day I was ill in bed and the doctor had to come and see me... but he was amazed because as well as pictures pinned all over the walls I had them running across the room on strings too! Now Im 46- my house is full of paintings, I regularly exhibit- so yes- I am an artist!!!
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sincity (Nov 20, 2006)
like I had a choice. :} just happened. My father drew, (though very basic) but it thrilled me. I started @ age 4. Drew up a storm then. Life kinda gets in the way now, but I keep coming back to it. :}
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MistressSoba (Nov 21, 2006)
I started when I was 10. Everyone in my family ha some artistic ability. Since my uncle [a nonprofit artist] practically raised me, he influenced me to draw.
=3 Now doodling is something I have to do every so often or I'll feel a little "unstable". |
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Angel_Artist (Nov 22, 2006)
I draw to express myself, because sometimes life is just too much for me to handle. ok i'm lying...life IS too much for me to handle. I'm usually not a very happy person, and drawing makes me feel good about myself, so I continue. I have an eye for natural beauty, it's one of the gifts God gave me, and if I don't share it with the world then I'm not appreciating what He did for me...
I continue living for three reasons... ~art ~boyfriend ~family i love to draw. |
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marcello (Nov 22, 2006)
I seem to remember tall men in long coats...
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Ana-hime (Nov 22, 2006)
When I was little, I wanted to draw the pretty cartoons on TV. Everyone hated my drawings at first, so I practiced until they didn't. :3
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Nov 22, 2006)
I think the one answer here I can relate to was Dan's, really. I don't remember ever not drawing or painting, but I remember wanting to do more of it because people paid attention to me and they were pleased by it. It's one of the few things I ever got POSITIVE attention for.... (most everything else I did was responded to by... "Cindy, stop it", "Cindy, get down from there", "Cindy, be quiet"..."Cindy, do you HAVE TO"...."Cindy, I pity your poor husband" (I was 4 when they started saying that. I wonder which husband they were referring to) :)
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Cameo (Nov 24, 2006)
I was also born with the urge to draw. My paintings are few are far between. I did take a painting class once. Did very well if I should say so myself. I love to work with pencil and shade tool. I would like to learn how to draw with Charcoal and watercolor. And of course with 2draw applets!
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MidniteSnow (Nov 26, 2006)
i don't remember why I actually started but now I draw cause I want to draw the manga style better.. all i can remember is my art in the past used to look like stickmen/stickwomen.. wearing clothes and with thicker looking lines so they look like they have avearage looking arms, legs and necks.. and the eyes were those circly ones.. and somehow that got me "A"s for art from Primary 1 - 5.. started drawing Manga style somewhere last year..
Drawing = neccesity of life now.. (just like how the computer is important but thats another story..) I ALWAYS seem to be drawing something during class.. Classmates say i draw well but thats not true at all.. (although the encouragement helps alot) Alot of people here draw better. ^-^ |
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Ty854 (Nov 26, 2006)
well one night i dreamed and god said, "you son, need to draw." so i drew.
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bokuza (Nov 27, 2006)
I-i drew becuase it was fun...been drawing since i was like..born. But i suppose i took serously...to get attention.I think i was in 3rd grade. I did it and prolly still do//o feel good about somthing, about myself. The only good trait i have that is acomplished (slightly) is art. ;-; fuck..i worthless.
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Expendable-Studios (Nov 28, 2006)
i draw because there is stuff that grows in my head that people need to see and understand
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Shortiebop (Nov 29, 2006)
I love art and my grandfather is an artist....he paints murals for the police stations in Los Angeles.....but i really got into it more so, when my brother in law was shot in the head and killed 9 years ago...before that i drew sometimes out of boredom but after that i started drawing everyday.
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emmamommalag (Nov 29, 2006)
I really can't remember a time when I didn't draw. It's just something I do.
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davincipoppalag (Nov 29, 2006)
It was 3pm, Thurs. April 2, 1954, I started...and it still isn't right.. I will post it soon...oh I started because it was there.
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senshi (Nov 29, 2006)
Everyone draws. i mean, baby's draw. maybe not well, but they do. I scribbled when I was babeh. then i doodled. now i draw...and doodle...
and scribble from time to time... |
dixiedot1 (edited Dec 1, 2006)
i started drawing when i was very young, like most kids, it was natural, i guess. i kept drawing because i was encouraged to do so by family, neighbors, friends, and even Sadie, our maid ..who told my mom she better frame that painting, because it was good. i love to draw. ilove to make things too. my favorite art is sculpture...any kind. i love to use my hands, and i love 3-D. i am not a great drawing artist, but i try...i try to be original in my style and subject...that's the best i can do...TRY!!!!! MY BEST
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Soldifar (Dec 23, 2006)
Back when Digimon 02 first came out, I fell in love with the show, and I wanted to draw the characters. I happened to stumble upon a site with a huge amount of fanart, and I began copying them (not tracing, but trying to replicate the original piece as best I could). That was when I was 8 or 9. After about a year or so, I drew on and off for the next four years, looking at some anatomy books and a bunch of tutorials along the way. I got back into drawing full swing when I was 13, and now I'm all about improving for my personal satisfaction.
Nowadays I draw to make pretty and/or cool pictures. Kind of lame, but it works. |
psychofox0 (Dec 23, 2006)
well.... when I was three years old my father committed suicide... right in front of me... I still remember... after that I was in and out of
foster care... until finally I was adopted by my Grandmother..... I draw because it helps me to coop with my emotions, and to express myself. Two months ago my Grandmother died of a heart attack... I hadn't drawn in two years until that happened.... Now I live by myself.... first time too..... I guess I could say I draw because as long as I move that pencil, or mouse around in an expressive manner.... I don't have to think about any thing else.... I guess that's why.... |
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R_O_L_O (Jan 12, 2007)
I started drawing because I found it illustrated my imagination in a more colourful and easier to look at and understand version. It also helped me solve some of my emotional problems and so I kept at it. But lately I havn't been drawing as much because I found music (when I was five but wtv). <3 ?
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Randoodle (Jan 25, 2007)
I don't remember a time when I didn't draw. And I'm 56, so that's a lot of drawing memories. Even now, when I'm at a seminar or in a meeting, if I'm not drawing, I zone out, and can't pay attention to what's going on. When my grandmother died a few years ago, we cleaned out her attic, and I found a drawing of a very recognizable blue horse, that my mother said I did when I was about 5.. sometime before I started school. I don't just draw, tho'. I paint, sculpt, do metalwork, collage, make jewelry, even do every crafty thing occasionally, although not obsessively. One thing I just love is paper sculpture. I find that almost everything I do starts with drawing, so I am really glad I'm so hook into it.
kissimmeegurl (Feb 24, 2007)
I started drawing cuz ma friends all think i am like totlay amazing at art and stuff, so my friend "Renire" recomended it this site to me.
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Punky (Feb 25, 2007)
Because I'm not good at anything else. :)
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Hagaren (Feb 25, 2007)
I started to draw because I loved art. I loved to look at paintings and look for the details that most people wouldn't notice. Then, I started seeing all this art online and thought, 'Wow! That's amazing! What I wouldn't give for talent like that!'. And so, I started to draw and I was really bad, but my friends started encouraging me to keep doing it because they thought I was good, and so I kept doing it. All my art from a couple of months ago still makes me laugh and think how much I suck at drawing, but I guess I have a knack for it and I never stopped. I'm improving, and even if it's not much, at least I'm getting somewhere with it.
notebook99 (Apr 6, 2007)
Tough one, I'd have to say.
But... if I remember... I was either bored, or wanted to be special. Or it was just Watching Sailor moon as a Kiddie that made me want to draw like that. xD |
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enjoydotcom (Apr 8, 2007)
Drawing / painting has always been something I did on and off. There was a time I bought triplex boxes and painted them, usually with Garfield and his friends. (odd that I haven't done him on oekaki yet).
During a long stressfull time in my life I didn't paint anymore. Because of online drawing games I discovered I liked drawing again. But mostly I think it all started heavily when making cards on the computer, and playing the Sims (huh?! I'll explain) with the Sims you can design houses, and download and make wallpapers and tiles. After discovering I enjoyed the design part more, bought some books on drawing elves. It all went downhill from there. Drawing now is my main pass-time. Sometimes it feels to me that what I do isn't that good, because of not gathering as much comments as some of the other online artsy people. For some reason or another its not getting me to ditch drawing. Main one being that I reallllly love doing it, creating a picture with your own hands and imagination. |
Miss_DJ (Apr 8, 2007)
I've always liked to draw, but I never thought I was good at it. I got a D in art in 7th or 8th grade. The teacher only focused on those that could draw realistically. I thought being a good artist was a talent you had to be born with. Then I took a class in college where I learned a couple of things that made me think I could maybe LEARN to be a better artist. A couple of years later, I drew a logo for someone's business and actually SOLD it! I got a copyright for it and everything!! woo hoo!! Since that happened I found www.youdraw.com and drew there exclusively for a couple of years. I have over 600 draws there. When I found this site, a whole new world of chosen canvas size and colors and tools opened up new vistas of creativity. Now, as you know, I can't get enough of this wonderful place. I draw almost every day.
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DoOp (Apr 9, 2007)
I started to draw in kindergarden T_T Why did I keep at it....I thought I was decent at it D: *woot* >_> <_< But Yeh. After looking at everyone's drawing...I kinda suck ass D: But its cool. >_>; I wanted to quit art for martial arts and I might soon ._. But...for now I'll keep drawing...for something to do. lole <3
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DrawingDork (edited Apr 9, 2007)
Well... When I was five, I was sitting quietly in my room one day, and all of the sudden this group of gangsters came crashing through my door! They stole my TV and a bunch of other stuff, and I knew I would need something to show the police, so i sketched thier faces down in my notebook. It turned out I was pretty good at it, and the police were actually able to catch them! I've been drawing ever since!
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Kloxboy (Apr 9, 2007)
Punky: A very fine answer, I can pretty much say the same for myself. :D
PeachBum (Apr 11, 2007)
I draw because it's something to do and it's fun. And jealousy drives me.
I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. When I was like 4/5 I'd draw like these sausage stick people with my sister. I really got into Sailor Moon when I was like 10 and my oldest brother was really getting into drawing anime. Once I was in about grade 11 I hated drawing anime because I wasn't challenging myself so I moved onto Disney. Drew that for awhile, and I'm still trying to find my own style. I haven't been drawing as much as I used to but I really want to make an effort to become a better artist. |
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gizemko3 (Jun 24, 2007)
it's an old tradition to put some symbolic things in front of a baby at his/her first birthday. the things that the baby wiil take symbolise what he/she will do in future life. i grabbed a pen (there wasn't a pencil) and money (lol). i have been drawing since i can remember. in kindergarten i mostly traced pictures from books to colour them myself, a lot of disney ones. then tere were some cartoons on TV, so started copying. i was a big Sailor Moon fan ^^. Since then it was mostly manga/anime stuff for the rest of primary school and middle school. i still can't really draw people who don't look any bit mangaish... i guess i draw because it's fun and i love thinking up stories for my drawings :)
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Kayos (Jun 27, 2007)
The voices in my head comanded me to do some incredible things that I would kinda black out and not remember what happend. I think the wierdest thing that happend was that I woke up on my neighbors rooftop, about 1 mile away. I had wraped myself in christmas lights and it was in september. OK so thats not true but its alot more interesting than what the real reason is. I just wanted to scribble out things that I saw in my head ( usualy stupid war pictues with tanks and stickmen, and I would make all sorts of wierd sound effects while drawing it, then I progressed to drawing cat comics kinda like garfield.)
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backmagicwoman (Aug 9, 2007)
When I was a very young girl my father got hurt on the job and became disabled. There was not much that he could do. But he had an idea and he went for it. He started selling produce and such at the local Farmer's market. When pumpkin season came around he decided we needed something to set us apart from all the other pumpkin vendors, so he went and bought some paint markers and drew a huge smiley face on a large pumpkin and immediately someone bought it for $7. It just boomed from there. He knew that I could draw because i had been doing it all my life. So he handed me the paint pens and I have been hand drawing and painting halloween scenes on pumpkins every since. That was 25 years ago. I just turned 35 last week and now I sell up to 3000 of my painted pumpkins every year to wholesalers who then resell them. And that is why I started drawing.
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UnWanted (Aug 26, 2007)
AHH! yes.. the long, long days ago.. I can actually remember my first drawing back when I was 3 years old.. granted.. I was 3 years old. So it wasn't much of a drawing, BUT it was a ninja turtle. Leonardo.. even had my new and date on it. circles for arms, and legs, no neck, oval head with a bandana but I don't think he had a body...
But that has nothing to do with why I started drawing I actually started pursueing it as a career and not a hobby back in middle school, 6th grade. started thinking up plots, characters, stuff like that but I just loved doing it so much, became a passion, a great escape from the the "real world" I guess you might say. My own little fantasy coming to life as I see fit on a little sheet of paper. Imagination is a powerful tool, and not just in someone's "fantasy" world. |
silvernicie (Aug 31, 2007)
Usually there's this THING that clicks in the back of my heaed whenever I see a chalk board, photoshop, or a peice of paper, saying,
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Wraith (Aug 31, 2007)
I started drawing often probably around 5th grade. I used to draw more in school, then I did homework. I used to enter contests and get Honorable Mentions, or the best 2nd place. Never 1st. I had art class around my senior year, but I was so lazy in my senior year, I did not learn all that I could. But I did learn about the Book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". Which helps a little. Drawing is like a drug to me. Even if my drawings look ugly, I get into a peaceful zone when I draw. What made me keep drawing, is that I used to tell this kid to keep drawing because he was a little talented. Now this kid is a teen, and came over one day just to visit and to show me that he still draws! And way better than me too! Now, I tell my nephew to draw. He is 10 yrs old, and his imagination is at peak level. He loves my drawings on 2draw, and was proud to show the rest of his family my art. I mean, if I can inspire a kid with these ( ugly ) drawings, I hope someway somehow I can get better and inspire some adults.
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Silvair (Aug 31, 2007)
I draw cause my friends are better at drawing than me without practicing, so I have to practice in order to keep up :P. If they practiced, I'd probably give up becaue there'd be no way I could catch up lol. I also draw because there isn't anyway I can get my hands on some decent art prints or art books I like (no money!) so my goal is to draw up to that level, so I can print it myself. Still haven't reached that goal.
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Sutafani (Sep 1, 2007)
I've drawn since like, forever.... I have no idea why I started drawing, I did probaly because I was an olny child for a long time and was loney and wanted something to do...... and I was told I was good at it, and I love to draw.... so I just kept on drawing.....
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Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 1, 2007)
Silvair: Thats a really huge point for me to as well.........D:
When ever I see others people art work they blow me away like a huracane, I do get sad as well disapointed of my self, then I get jealouse, but then agai it boots me up even highter to keep on drawing and for one day show that I do can draw great, I draw to improve as for one day to make my dreams come true, and so I draw because I have no other hobbie to do.......>:D~ha ..............Logging of Lore.V.............. |
gdawe (Apr 11, 2008)
I think I liked drawing because people told me I was good at it, so it encouraged me to do more.
Guys, seen this site (like youdraw) at: Sketchplanet - Art for Everyone http://www.sketchplanet.com |
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mooki (Apr 12, 2008)
same as axil.
dont know why i started kept going for the attention. :D |
Swivel (Jul 7, 2008)
I've been drawing since probably kindergarten or so when I was put into art lessons. I wasn't that impressive and my teacher couldn't teach very well, but it got me on the right track. In fourth grade I found this book on drawing manga ("Cool, it's like Pokemon!") and was hooked. My teacher wasn't fond of this new style, and this was one of the many reasons I quit art lessons. I kept drawing manga until early in seventh grade when I decided (though I don't know how or why) to switch to a more realistic style. I'm an incoming high school freshman and I'm somewhat pleased with what it's become, though I have a long way to go before my work actually becomes semi-passable.
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Mocha_Bean (Jul 10, 2008)
I started drawing when I was 4 or 5. Stick figures and whatnot. I don't know why I started drawing. I guess it was fun to me. Once I started school, I kinda stopped drawing. Then in the sixth grade, I saw a cool drawing of a dress in a Spanish dictionary and started drawing that same dress (instead of paying attention in class). From junior high school and onwards, I've been drawing. I didn't start drawing digitally until about 4 or so years ago. I draw now because I love it. It's something I'm good at doing (at least I think so, lol) and something I'm going to keep doing for the rest of my life...career or not.
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DreameRadial (Jul 12, 2008)
Bad legs, there isn't much else to do other than play games.
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mooki (Jul 14, 2008)
no but really its becuase the mafia took me away and told me if i didnt draw then i would become a drug cartel for them into prisons.
i dont like suppositories. |
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lori (Jul 16, 2008)
I started 'cause, well I don't really remember 'cause I was so young when I started, but I'm guessing it's the same reason I still draw today, I am a very visual person, I love the colors and details in everyday life, and also love how I can set myself free through art, if only temporarily.
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Xodiak (Jul 17, 2008)
I draw to please the Gods.
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lori (Jul 17, 2008)
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mooki (Jul 18, 2008)
which gods?
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Xodiak (Jul 18, 2008)
The Dark Gods!
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mooki (Jul 19, 2008)
oh. oh yes of course.
now those are gods to be reckoned with. |
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TheOne (Jul 28, 2008)
I have been drawing since i was about six, and I too drew the "potato people" when I was starting out. I really got into Dragon Ball Z when I was about 8 or 9 and people had started telling ne I was good at art and that I should be because it ran in my family so i just kept it up. Im not really sure why i like it so much but im not sure what i would do if i lost my talent for it, its strange to me sometimes when i think about how other people cant relay an image from their mind to their hand and put in a concrete form. I guess im just glad I know what my talent is and that i have one.
404 (edited Sep 5, 2008)
I want to create,to design,and it's the one thing I've liked to do,and actually got..somewhat good at.
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HiroDaZero (Sep 7, 2008)
i ate a cursed mushroom that made me draw forever....
rebaccawood911 (Mar 3, 2009)
Drawing i love it its something interesting which we can express everything through drawings or paintings,,,,
laser marking |
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Wraith (edited Jul 8, 2010)
Wow I must have been drunk when I first replied to this one. Well the real reason I draw is Because, I used to be somewhat good at drawing throughout school, from around 5th grade through highschool. People used to laugh at my cartoons, or say I was a good artist in general. And I got a kick of drawing caracatures ( However u spell that ), of people. And I still do get a kick. I have drawn my Bosses, my coworkers, and I had them Laughing thier asses off. Pencil is all I've known until I came across Youdraw.com. ( go here to see my first digital art. http://youdraw.com/cgi-bin/recent.pl?artist=Rob-1&rows=1 ) That is what started my digital art. Then of course by accident, I found 2draw. What a great site/program. Most of the artists on 2draw just blow my mind.
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miha_clau (edited Jul 8, 2010)
I've been drawing since I was 5.At 7 I was watching tutorials on youtube and now I have a mixed drawing style
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nikkissippi121 (Jul 8, 2010)
I've been drawing since I could hold a marker, and I've been on this site since I was 10 (I actually just found this account again - lol!) I love drawing, and it makes me happy, so I kept at it! Even though my digital art sucks, my "traditional" art is pretty good. :)
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padmooks (Jul 10, 2010)
since i was a wee little shit. i have drawings online from when i was a year old. mind you, they are the best drawing you ever saw.
i draw because its the only thing that is always there, you know? even through my drug addiction i was drawing and it saved me a couple times. |
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