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marcello (Jan 8, 2006)
Ok, so let's get this started. First thing is to pick a date and find out who's coming.
FAQ: What is it? The original pretext was "2draw-con" but we really do not have the resources or backing (or legal support) to do anything extravagant or serious, so we're calling this a 2draw meet. Basically, come at your own risk/safety/etc., we cannot be held responsible for disappearances and whatnot. There will probably be some kind of age restriction and/or parental requirement, and probably a bouncer. It will probably be limited to more active users who have been around for some time and/or are known. Is this happening? Yes, if we get 6 or more interested people. Where? Since we came to the conclusion that one place is as good as any other, it'll be in Albuquerque, New Mexico since we can setup/organize it more easily. It's a cool place to visit, and presumably the meet is an extra excuse to check out "the land of enchantment." What will we do? Good question, this of course is unclear at the moment. For starters will hang out and get to meet each other, which I guess is kinda cool. If we can get the equipment we'll try to get some kind of 2draw tournament going, some live drawing/collaborating, and maybe even whip out some traditional media. I'll try to have some kind of cool demonstration shit to show off. We'll probably have at least one pre-arranged dinner-type gathering somewhere if that makes sense. The more people interested, the cooler it'll be and the more stuff we can do, I imagine. If we want to rent out a place or get access to some place on campus we might try to do that. If anyone is interested in doing a live tutorial/demonstration or something, that'd be cool. We could also try to figure out some kind of sightseeing for one of the days if there's interest in that. Post what you'd like to do if you come. Accomodations? Hotels? You'll notice this is a pretty slapped together ordeal, so in this case, my guess is as good as yours. For the time being it will be along the lines of figure out how to get here and where to stay on your own. We can probably come up with recommendations/suggestions if those are wanted. I suppose if there is enough interest we can get some kind of package/group deal with some hotel, but all of that would be up in the air. Feel free to give input. When? That's the big question. The goal is to do this some time March 2006. The main festivities to be across two days (friday/sat or sat/sun), then anything outside of that will be optional/up to you. Finding the perfect time for everyone is impossible, so I am going to do a poll: Can you make it? [ ] I'm coming under any circumstance, even if it means I won't be helping an old lady across the street! [ ] I'm most probably coming, even if the date isn't ideal. [ ] I will come, if the date is ideal. [ ] I might come, but not sure. [ ] It's a pleasant thought, and there's an offhand chance, but I doubt I'll make it. [ ] No, I don't even know why I'm voting, I'm just trying to complicate your life. Choose when, in order of preference (1-3, ties allowed): [ ] Weekend of March 11-12 [ ] Weekend of March 18-19 [ ] Weekend of March 25-26 Post or memo your vote. If none of those work at all for you, post an ideal date for you. Also include any suggestions/ideas. If you imagine this meet a certain way, feel free to post how you think it should go. |
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Maiko (Jan 8, 2006)
I might go, depending on my parents' mood, and if you'll let me crash at your place :D
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Deino (Jan 8, 2006)
I live in another country... :(
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 9, 2006)
I'm coming if I have to run over the little old lady trying to get across the street. I think the last weekend of March is better... it gives everyone more time to plan and make arrangements for it, anyway, but I'll be there, regardless.
I think the live drawing thing is a winner, if you can figure out a way to pull that off, I would love to see most of these people in real time... their expressions, their body language... everything I imagined going on when they draw/paint for real, and it certainly gives you something to take home. :) The dinner is almost a must, so that initially everyone isn't fidgeting around with their hands in their pockets thinking "what the hell?" Eating together is a very intimate social activity, though most people don't realize that. You eat together, you almost automatically become relaxed and open... all of the ice is broken and it's "all good" after that. I have already been "enchanted" by Albuquerque more than a few times, but never knew exactly where to go, and found out later there were numerous hot spots (galleries and such) that I missed. Same deal with Santa Fe. You live in an art-rich state, and it's perfect for this. Hitting galleries would be so much fun for this group, if you wanted to keep that option in mind I think that would be a complete success, but if that turns out to be too complicated, it won't ruin the thing. What you are having is a party, and it's okay to call it that. Most of us have grown to know each other quite well and will be so happy to interact as real, live, human beings that it won't matter what you have planned. This thing will fly if people are able to attend. (If I'm wrong you can borrow my gun to shoot me) I think that a list of hotels/rates/exact locations posted here would be helpful as soon as possible. I also think if it were convenient for the people attending, if we all stayed in the same hotel it would be so much more fun. Also, I am available to help with anything that you think I might be capable of. (stop rolling your eyes you little brat, I could be good for SOMETHING. :) I do know how to party, so if you need help, ask me and I'll do what I can) |
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kristine (Jan 8, 2006)
haha mai :D
I will come, if the MONEY is ideal. Last weekend of march sounds good to me :) and all the good stuff cindy named off... |
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marcello (Jan 8, 2006)
Hah, I'm not rolling my eyes. I'm lazy, the less I have to do, the better. As far as hotels and whatnot, I don't really know anymore than you could find out online, and I don't want to make any specific suggestions without reason. Have you stayed anywhere in abq that you might recommend? The only time I've actually been in a hotel here was quite some time back at a hampton inn or someought, nothing unusual.
I had completely forgotten about the gallery thing, although frankly I don't care much for most of the native americano crap that gets plastered all over the place. I don't know any good/bad galleries, but I do know some people that should. It might make sense to have the dinner thing on the Friday before, just kind of a no-activity day where people can arrive at whatever time on Friday and settle (and meet each other if there is some same hotel) or whatever before coming to some gathering, then we can have the brunt of stuff on Saturday (some coordinated lunch), if people get late or arrive on Saturday, that would still work. Then on Sunday morning we could possibly even go up to Santa Fe if there's interest, though I'm not sure how the transportation bit for that would be handled, perhaps if enough people are driving we can manage on our own (I don't drive, though). I guess I should add to the poll? Times I'll be available to do stuff: [ ] Friday morning [ ] Friday afternoon [ ] Friday evening [ ] Saturday morning [ ] Saturday afternoon [ ] Saturday evening [ ] Sunday morning [ ] Sunday afternoon [ ] Sunday evening [ ] Monday morning [ ] Monday afternoon [ ] Monday evening |
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kristine (edited Jan 8, 2006)
all of the above, because i have no life :x
and i drive, so i guess i could haul a few :D |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 8, 2006)
No one knows everything about the hotels in their city. This is what needs to be done (and I can do it, if you like) To call the Chamber of Commerce to get a list of hotels in the general area of where the "gathering"... will be held...which would be... the college? Call the hotels and ask for rates, see if any of the said hotels will give a discounted rate for a group function. Of course everyone isn't obliged to stay there, but it would be an option.
(I'm with you on the overdone southwest shit that you can find there, but there is so much more....) The other scheduling you have tentatively mapped out for the arrival/dinner, etc., sounds like it would work perfectly. All of the above days/times are cool for me... just not the morning thing... and by that I mean 5 am to 10 am or so... I'm either unconscious or too bitchy to participate in anything. (I'll be driving my truck and it will hold quite a few people so...that's okay, too) I have stayed in Albuqerque at least 3 times, maybe 4, but a different place each time, I think... they were all very nice but I don't remember where exactly. It's such a beautiful city, I didn't have complaints about anything. I know one of my favorite Mexican food places in the world is there... is it... Gardunos? I wish someone would tell me how to make the ano work here. That word needs one. |
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Hakkai (Jan 8, 2006)
I'd love to do, but it's probably not going to happen this year. Maybe next year. =] We'll see.
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marcello (Jan 8, 2006)
I don't think morning is allowed to start until 10am anyway. The poll is roughly 10~1pm, 2~5pm, 6~8pm. ñ? Just hold the alt key and type 0241 on your number pad (with numlock on).
As for the hotel, since you seem to be a little more familiar with how that works, and are offering, I'd say go for it if you're up for it. I imagine we can gather on campus. I'll have to find out about getting a room on campus (and if it costs anything), but we can always do stuff outside/around the school if there aren't a huge mass of people. |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 8, 2006)
Morning should NEVER start, as far as I'm concerned. :)... okay, I'll start making calls and find out what our options are. Let me know if you need to have access to a conference room in a hotel (I'll check on it, anyway).
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Zack (edited Jan 9, 2006)
March 11-12 would be the best for me because that's when my Spring Break starts. I can do 18-19 but I'd have to leave early on the 19th. I'll go if I can.
edit: great googily moogily, it'd be a 1,675 mile drive for me. I'd probably have to leave very early if it's held on the 19th. edit: at my mpg, that's around $460 in gas alone... maybe I should consider a plane ticket. |
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Maiko (Jan 9, 2006)
okay, well, by that time, I should be able to drive over by myself, though it'd take more than a long time.
but seriously, I'm crashing at your place, Cello, since I have no moneys for hotel (depends on if I can get a FEW hotel buddies) >:] I'm gonna hog your gamecube AND your brother (unless he fights me off XD) |
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mazi (Jan 9, 2006)
:/ my semester break is feb 17-22. so if i can make it when you guys have it i will. but universitys the priority (as much as i hate that it is..) especially this semester. if it was over the summer or during break i'd definately be there. i'll have to edit this when i get an idea of this semesters workload and let you know if i can make those weekends.
and friday night is probably best.. im not getting up at some strange hour to come visit some place bugs bunny talks about.. as much as i love you guys. :P |
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kristine (edited Jan 9, 2006)
agh, zack's got a point. and since he only lives about an hour away from me it'll cost me about that much too....what to do, what to do...
maiko: sounds like fun :D |
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DreameRadial (Jan 9, 2006)
Can't find any flights from ONT to ABQ around those times. Than again I am horrible at reading flight schedules.
I have about $2,000 (CAD) which I am sure is more than enough to cover a round trip plane ticket. Not too sure if that'll get me into a hotel too =/ I should have about 1k or more by than, but that depends on the randomness of my current job... A few friends and I were planning to go somewhere for march/spring break any ways, so this way I can stop by and say hello =P Not sure when my march/spring break is tho... I'll go check. |
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Anna (Jan 9, 2006)
March 11-12 would be the best for me because that's when my Spring Break starts. I can do 18-19 but I'd have to leave early on the 19th. I'll go if I can. Same here. |
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marcello (Jan 9, 2006)
my break is 12-19th, but I am unsure whether having it at the beginning or end of break is the better idea.
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Kloxboy (Jan 9, 2006)
Yeah, I'm maybish on this idea. And no, my name isn't Cloxboy, my name is Juno or Eric, which ever you prefer.
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Ty854 (Jan 9, 2006)
You mean you're not spiderman?
As for the event, I won't be able to attend. |
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staci (Jan 9, 2006)
i was thinking i wanted to go but now i have to plan a trip to idaho and well..one trip per year. although i could change my mind at any moment.
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Zack (Jan 10, 2006)
A shame that you won't be coming, Dr. Seuss.
I'll go if I'll be able to afford the plane ticket, which I probably will. |
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staci (Jan 10, 2006)
*looks around* whoa, zack spoke to me. *glee*
hey zack..lets carpool! :D |
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pandabarrie (Jan 10, 2006)
hold it somewhere in the lower penninsula of michigan or ohio or indiana, and i will for sure be there :-)
just an opinion if this is during school, [ ] Friday morning [ ] Friday afternoon [!] Friday evening [!] Saturday morning [!] Saturday afternoon [!] Saturday evening [!] Sunday morning [!] Sunday afternoon [ ] Sunday evening [ ] Monday morning [ ] Monday afternoon [ ] Monday evening wait...oh! spreing break! i didnt see that! :-o yeah im free |
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marcello (Jan 10, 2006)
How come almost no one is voting on the *DATE*?
pandabarrie: it's being held in abq, like the OP says. |
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kristine (edited Jan 10, 2006)
18-19 or the 25-26 sounds good to me...
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Zack (edited Jan 10, 2006)
From the three options, I like the earliest the best, and latest the least.
the accidental subliminal grammar message has been edited out of this post. |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 10, 2006)
I think we should cast a vote on whether Staci goes to Idaho or comes to this.
I vote she comes to this. |
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staci (Jan 10, 2006)
haha..if people vote for me to go to idaho ill be so sad :(
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Deino (Jan 10, 2006)
Reading your posts makes me want to go... ;(
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Zack (Jan 10, 2006)
well, at least you would have... um... potatoes...
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 10, 2006)
Course they won't vote for Idaho, that's why I say we vote. :D
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FLYING_SQUIRREL (Jan 10, 2006)
You people that are going need to take ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOT of pictures so that the people that aren't going can see what every one looks like, and what you guys did.
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staci (edited Jan 10, 2006)
what happens in albuquerque stays in albuquerque.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 10, 2006)
Yeah, squirrel, and you probably don't have the kind of money it would take to obtain those kind of pictures.
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marcello (Jan 10, 2006)
Ok, it seems like we have enough *interested* people, so let me do a second *hypothetical* poll, maybe this will get more solid responses.
Let's suppose we do it on March 17 through 19. This is not an official schedule, yet. Friday, March 17th: We'd have some pre-planned dinner meet type thing somewhere where we can all meet and gather. If there's enough interest we could have other informal meet/greets earlier in the day, depending on when people get in. Saturday, March 18th: Kinda the main 2draw-ish events, some gathering, maybe some kind of lunch/snack type deal if we can conjure up something, do drawing/tournament/whatever we want. Sunday, March 19th: Extended activities, maybe an optional* trip to Santa Fe or something. *I say optional because really everything is, but this would be done under the context that some people may leave earlier on Sunday or can't/don't want to do it. So vote if you can make that. If you cannot but still want to do this, post when works better. |
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Anna (Jan 10, 2006)
My vote is yay.
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Zack (Jan 10, 2006)
Can do, pending monetary compensation due to employment.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 10, 2006)
Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, I'll be there. (wait, I have 4 boats, so nix the creek thing, I'll be there anyway)
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Expendable-Studios (Jan 10, 2006)
Curse you people! I would go if I wasn´t stuck in this godforsaken country.
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Noremac (edited Jan 11, 2006)
and i would bum a ride offa you ka-road trip
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featherstone (Jan 11, 2006)
how'd you change your name staci, but keep the same account? I wouldn't mind doing that, I'm sick of this name
anyway, I'm not going, I'd like to but don't have the money |
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kristine (edited Jan 11, 2006)
i just got a $450 bill i have to pay, so its really all up in the air.
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Axil62 (Jan 11, 2006)
*......IIIIII believe in music.
woooaoooawaaaoo Oh, IIIIIIII beliiiieeeeve in love. And IIIIII believe in muuuuuuusic.... woaaoooaaoaaOh, IIIIIIIIII, I believe in love. Music is love, and love is music, if you know what I mean....... people who believe in music are the happiest people I've ever seen... So clap your hands an stomp your feet, and shake your tambourine......* |
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marcello (Jan 11, 2006)
and the point of that was?
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Axil62 (Jan 11, 2006)
that wasn't my cue? I thought....so no then?
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kejoco (Jan 11, 2006)
what happens in albuquerque stays in albuquerqueThis is my new philosophy....FOR LIFE!!! |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 11, 2006)
It ain't Vegas, baby.
Okay, so if we want music we hire a band *puts hand over Dan's mouth* |
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xiau (Jan 11, 2006)
So...if this is successful, there's a chance that you'll be doing another one eventually, right?
I sure hope so. |
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Axil62 (Jan 11, 2006)
*mildly annoyed*
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 11, 2006)
okay, maybe you can sing back up
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Axil62 (Jan 11, 2006)
No I don't think so. You guys can take your 2Draw-con bullshit and shove it straight up your ass.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 11, 2006)
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Anna (Jan 11, 2006)
lolol! That's the spirit! I knew you'd come around ;-)
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Axil62 (Jan 11, 2006)
Yeah well, I've always been a team player.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 11, 2006)
Party pooper.
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Maiko (Jan 12, 2006)
hrmmm now the problem is getting the money to go, and getting my parents to let me stay there by myself, 'cause, damn, they don't trust me at all >_>
I can't even close my door when I'm doing homework... plus, Cello's gonna like....sleeprape me D:>>> |
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method3 (Jan 12, 2006)
Too long to read it all, but since there's no real work I have to do since I'm living in the area as well... almost anything is workable for me. Trips to Sante Fe seems pretty "meh" to me unless multiple someones are really into it. The dinner thing is easily something we can plan on, although Garduños probably isn't the best place to go (especially since it's not exactly cheap).
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 12, 2006)
I looooove Gardunos (I tried holding the alt key with the number lock on and typing 0241 on but I get no ANYOOOOO!!!) You left out part of the instructions, do I type the n first? do I type the anyo symbol while I hold down the alt key and type 0241? do I type the n and the anyo and hold down the alt key and type 0241 all at the same time? do I use my toes AND my fingers to accomplish this?
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featherstone (Jan 12, 2006)
It really doesn't matter Cindy, we're all creative enough to imagine the little wavy line above the n.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 12, 2006)
It matters to me, because some Spanish words are not correct without it, and I like to do things correctly whenever possible.
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Axil62 (Jan 12, 2006)
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marcello (Jan 12, 2006)
You just hold the alt key and type 0241 on the number pad with numlock on (may also work with it off). No n or ~ involved.
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Axil62 (Jan 12, 2006)
? ? ? ? ? ? ± ? ¬ µ ? ° í Ä ? make ones up.
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marcello (Jan 12, 2006)
or just hit start+r, type charmap, and see the whole list and appropriate codes.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 12, 2006)
Thank you, Señor Marcello. :)
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ky (Jan 15, 2006)
Well, you heard my side of the story, old friend. I say, merge with uni, and have a ball. And I'm, like, 8 hours from you. Fab. So, you can count me in, too.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 15, 2006)
OH, Hey, DOOGIE!!! I know what I wanted to ask.... the list of codes thing, what "start" do you mean?... and if I get there, will it give me the appropriate code to say, get the "apostrophe" thing over your last name? It bugs the hell out of me that I don't know how to do that, as well.
(oh yeah, my daughter told me yesterday that I'm crazy if I think I'm driving to New Mexico to meet up with you "Internet Freaks" and that I'll end up raped, chopped up in a ditch... Of course that sent me into fits of laughter... just thought I'd share that with you "freaks") |
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marcello (Jan 15, 2006)
It will, start is the key that opens the start menu. Or you can just click start then click 'Run...', and type in there.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 15, 2006)
I clicked the "start" and typed the +r, and that didn't do it.... so if I click run, and go from there...okay, I won't ask questions till I try every combination of what I think you mean, and then I'll come back with dumb questions. brb. ;)
edit: Marcello Bastéa-Forte You have no idea how long I have wanted to ask about that! Yay!!!!! I am sooo happy now. :D I learned something today! THANKS! |
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Snoozy27 (Jan 15, 2006)
I AM EXPRESSING INTEREST even though apparently I don't even have a spring break anymore. Jeez. I WILL FIND A WAY THOUGH
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 15, 2006)
It's called... "playing hooky" ;)
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Snoozy27 (Jan 15, 2006)
But my studies! MY STUDIES
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Zack (Jan 15, 2006)
I can honestly say I've never seen anyone use capitalization as effectively as you.
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TaCO (Jan 15, 2006)
Using the same hotel or hotels that are really close to each other sounds like a good idea to me.
Driving to Santa Fe mite not work for the people who drive there. If you just got done driving why would you want to drive more. But I don't know anything about Santa Fe. Any reason to travel sounds good to me. I can be there on sat/sun. Friday is a possibility, it just depends if i'm working on alot of hot projects at work. I don't know if I should drive or fly. I never flew before, but I work right next to the airport. Are you going to make a schedule of events??? Cause if people get there late and everyone went to Santa Fe that would suck. |
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Kloxboy (Jan 15, 2006)
WHAT DO YOU mean Zack? I don't get it? oh WELL...I guess THAT WILL REMAIN A mystery!
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Maiko (Jan 15, 2006)
kyaah ky is going~ <3 <3 *heart*
I'm definately going now :B |
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marcello (Jan 15, 2006)
I'm guessing we'll ditch the santa fe idea unless everyone really wants to do it. it's overly complicated and won't add *that* much to the deal
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Maiko (Jan 15, 2006)
we'll all just party at your house :]
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Zack (Jan 16, 2006)
bm tss bm tss bm tss bm tss |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 16, 2006)
I don't give a flying you know what at a rolling... you know.. whether we do Santa Fe or not, I just have to make some time while I'm there to go to a Wild Oats store and fill up the entire bed of my truck with Anasazi beans, because I love them and that's the only place I know of where I can buy them. I wonder how many pounds of anasazi beans will fit in my truck.
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marcello (Jan 16, 2006)
Probably more than wild oats has.
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SanzoGirl (Jan 16, 2006)
I might, I donno if I can
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Zack (Jan 16, 2006)
bm tss bm tss bm tss bm tss
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 16, 2006)
Yeah, probably way more than they have. Matter of fact, last time I was in New Mexico I asked the manager if I could buy some of the large bags of them instead of using that stupid little scoop and stuff, and they only had 3 or 4 of them in the back and he would only sell me one. Probably don't need that many beans for a year or so anyway... I come that way at least once a year... this year it'll be two times! :)
Zack wants to dance, I think. |
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Gigge (Jan 17, 2006)
You can order 20 lb. bags from Adobe Milling. I haven't ordered from them, but I believe they are the ones that renamed the bean to anasazi.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 17, 2006)
Thanks so much, Gigge... I checked that out and I'm definitely going to order some from them.
(I never knew them to be called anything else... I know that they were one of the main food sources for the Anasazi (a Navajo word that means "the ancient people") |
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HunterKiller_ (Jan 17, 2006)
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TaCO (Jan 18, 2006)
NEW ZEALAND sounds cool, but it mite be hard far me to drive there.
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marcello (Jan 18, 2006)
For crying out loud, we've already picked a place, and practically a date, but we still lack enough interest.
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staci (Jan 18, 2006)
i think you have 6 or more interested people.
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marcello (Jan 18, 2006)
who can actually come?
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Zack (Jan 18, 2006)
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TaCO (Jan 18, 2006)
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