third version looks even betterrr. Your style with those curves reminds me of inuit (or northern native people? o_O I dont know what to call them now..) paintings.
=| *is killed by the pure wonderfulness of this drawing* So very unique and original, and such luffily colors. Mineself adores the curve of the lips, and your ability to create something with great texture and yet a smooth effect at the same time. =^*3*^= ......I'ma go die now..........
drawn in 1 hour 8 min
drawn in 54 min
wow the colors are wonderful great pic
And I just ate 2 TaCOs so I shoudn't be hungry.
drawn in 1 hour 55 min
drawn in 3 hours 8 min
drawn in 2 hours 47 min
I love this style even more.