Gigandas (Jan 10, 2005)
Okay, so I'm sure as some of you already know, there is this insanely talented 10-year old girl who's shown up on some TV shows, as I have seen, but I was talking to Wasil on AIM and she gave me a link to her gallery.So anyway, if anyone is interested in checking out her work, here it is........(Caution:You may want to quit drawing entirely after seeing this.....just a warning) |
seaanemone (Jan 10, 2005)
May i just say... OMG... i think i will give up...
sincity (Jan 10, 2005)
I am totally impressed with this 10 year old. she does absolutely amazing work for her age. I'm quitting the business folks. See you around. * sigh*
Gigandas (Jan 10, 2005)
Yeah, Wasil suggested we invite her to 2Draw ;)...
Maiko (edited Jan 10, 2005)
She makes me sad inside T__T;;;
EDIT: we totally should though >:D she'd come and pwn us all XD |
davincipoppalag (Jan 10, 2005)
Cripes, she drew better at 5 than I do now. Invite her!!
emmamommalag (Jan 10, 2005)
Yes, invite her! She's amazing.
TaCO (edited Jan 10, 2005)
Did her parents teach her or did she learn by her self????
Realism doesn't interest me that much, but coming from a little girl It's Awesome. Does she make cartoon characters too???? |
Ty854 (Jan 10, 2005)
Im guessing it was just a natural gift by god... She is genious...if not more.
marcello (Jan 10, 2005)
I don't like her art.
Maiko (Jan 10, 2005)
Marcello, you're a poo >_>
Gigandas (Jan 10, 2005)
But then again Marcello, you're not the one making tons of income on each piece you produce :P....
TaCO (Jan 10, 2005)
Marcello does make a good point.
But She is still an awesome artist. |
Kenshin (edited Jan 10, 2005)
I agree with Cello. He is always right. That really.. I know this is cruel.. but it really makes me mad XD NOT FAIR! OMFG THAT IS LIKE.. IMPOSSIBLE! O_O
edit: I think I want to quit now XD |
Kloxboy (Jan 10, 2005)
WOW! Regardless if you like her art or not, she's very skilled for someone who's still in grade school. She understands painting concepts and tricks that most people spend a life time trying to learn. Her work ethic alone is something to marvel at, painting takes an effort physically and mentally, even if she is a genius.
Right now her art isn't as reflective or expressive as say someone who is 18 or older, give her time and I bet she'll blow you away intellectually as well as visually. A lot of master painters were great when they were young, in this case, you get to see a documentation of the progression. She is destine for greatness from what I've seen, that's my opinion. |
inatyrb (Jan 10, 2005)
Well guys. You know. I think that my purpose in life is no longer. I feel like a toddler, wait.. she was 4 drawing those awesome pictures, so, I feel like I'm a child that hasn't even been thought of. Even Then, she was probably still Uber artist. I think she paints quite well for her age, well quite well plain and simple actually! Well.. nice knowing ya! Farewell!
marcello (Jan 10, 2005)
You people are so weak.
inatyrb (Jan 10, 2005)
No, Its just really nice to see people talented at such a young age. Some people are gifted and are born with natural talents. I enjoy art very much, and would have loved to have recieved such a gift, but as one can see, I did not! All I'm saying is that shes really talented! I admire her talent!
davincipoppalag (Jan 10, 2005)
Not when I don't shower I'm not.
Xodiak (Jan 10, 2005)
Xod likes her artwork, even if it was a person 20 years older painting them. But for a 10 year old girl, that is incredible. Especially those drawings she made when she was only 4 years old. Unbelievable! <:o
|XOD| |
emmamommalag (Jan 10, 2005)
Hehehe.. smell aint everything!
bakuraiscool (Jan 10, 2005)
Wow! She's good, I wish I drew as good as her...could she lie about her age?
Kenshin (Jan 10, 2005)
Bet she can't draw anime! AHAAHAA XD
Kloxboy (Jan 10, 2005)
I bet she could but probably is wise enough to stick with what's she's doing now.
TaCO (Jan 10, 2005)
I feel sorry for her. She is probably put under alot of pressure to draw.
Maybe I'm wrong, but who knows. |
spiritdweller (Jan 10, 2005)
no, I think she is doing exactly what she wants to be doing Derrick...
I love that God is so important to her... She is amazing. |
Maiko (Jan 10, 2005)
I agree with Lori :3 she enjoys doing what she does and she puts God first. <3
evil_cloud (Jan 10, 2005)
you stole my link evil wasil.
Well, yeah, that-s real talent, the other things are just....normal ppl that improves :P Btw the 5 year old drawings are amazaing too :(....5 years old only! |
ArchMageZeratuL (Jan 10, 2005)
As for my humble opinion, while she is undoubtfully very talented, her style is just awful (and a waste of her skills). And a ten years old couldn't possibly hope to understand the meaning of religion deeply enough to dedicate her life and art to it; she's obviously just brainwashed by her parents. Just like 95% of the people in the world. Sad indeed.
sincity (Jan 10, 2005)
Go archmage, my thoughts exactly. The parents are useing her as a tool. She will grow out of it, hopefully anyway, and wise up to use her talents for herself.
evil_cloud (Jan 10, 2005)
Well, do you know that the poem of every drawing is done by her too?, check it out
davincipoppalag (Jan 10, 2005)
Some kids are blessed with more intelligence. I think she knows exactly what she is doing. Just because she is 10 doesn't mean she doesn't have a true feeling of religion and her own purpose. BTW Marcello made no point, he simply stated " I don't like her art" , his opinion, and he's allowed. I remember when I was 10, I had some pretty strong opinions of my own that did not necessarily agree with what my parents had taught. I just think she is a prodigy. Hell I bet 'Cello was already writing code at age 4..
Xodiak (Jan 10, 2005)
It would be fun if she drew a nude person sometime, like they do in art schools. <:)
|XOD| |
davincipoppalag (Jan 10, 2005)
A green person
Fin_beast (Jan 11, 2005)
She is about the cleverest kid i've ever known of but why is she so obsessed with god? It's just god god fucking god. I reckon she gets beatings if she doesn't say god 30 times a day. lol
cyclops (Jan 11, 2005)
this girl seems intelligent and very if i start believing in god...i can start drawing like this?
ArchMageZeratuL (Jan 11, 2005)
I don't see why intelligence is so closelly tied to art, much less how can someone who so strongly believes in a christian god possibly be called 'intelligent'.
davincipoppalag (Jan 11, 2005)
Different strokes for different how.
evil_cloud (Jan 11, 2005)
intelligence, maybe not, but the fact that every drawing has it poem makes it... feelable (if this wod does exist)
marcello (Jan 11, 2005)
I couldn't even read at 4, let alone code. =P I started coding around 7, wrote my first complete game (with graphics and music and stuff) at 10. Then I stopped coding for about 4 years until I started messing with java in spring 2000.
IkariIreuL (edited Jan 11, 2005)
Why the majority tendency is always to think in a opposite way to mine ? :/
her style is just awful (and a waste of her skills)Indeed edit : Maybe her visual memory size is bigger than the others or something |
Fin_beast (Jan 11, 2005)
Well said ArchMageZeratuL. lol :)
|||| (Jan 11, 2005)
OMG! lol i hate that she's so bloody talented... it's unbelieveable! i deff give
Wolfheart (edited Jan 11, 2005)
Ah, but when we are all great masters (like we all will be ;)), we are the ones who'll be able to say "I spent most of my life learning from the start on how to create the art I do today." She'll be able to say "Oh I was born with the natural talent to do it." Of course, she'll still deserve our respect, for she still must do some learning, but I'll be proud to say I made it through the years of struggling.
::EDIT:: Oh, and some of you are acting as if you'll never be able to match her skill because she has this magnificent gift, but the better way to think of it is that she just got a head start. |
spiritdweller (edited Jan 11, 2005)
cch... you don't have to know all the religious jargon to know God's love, and that is what she's expressing... I don't think she's brainwashed whatsoever... I had a deep love for God at a young age, and asked my pastor myself for a bible of my own and read the whole thing... I still have that love..I think this girl is very content with what she's doing and I'm sure takes great pride in it... it's not some stupid beauty pageant or something... it's art... you can't force someone to be able to paint like that... or to love God..
Cacau (Jan 11, 2005)
*willnotstopdrawing* Her paintings are just... PERFECT!!! But I´ll not give up :P I want to be her friend!
Tama (Jan 11, 2005)
Geese this girl can draw!This is so CRAZY!
rosalyn (Jan 11, 2005)
<(8O) ...... I feel.. bad now..
Zack (Jan 11, 2005)
I don't see why intelligence is so closelly tied to art, much less how can someone who so strongly believes in a christian god possibly be called 'intelligent'.That is downright rude and arrogant, Zeratul. While I do admit that many Christians are unintelligent (and why not? Intelligence is not the requirement for entry into heaven), I must insist that Christianity does not equate to intellectual suicide. If you are interested in trading arguments on the subject, e-mail or memo me. Otherwise I must ask that you desist from making the aforementioned insensitive assertion. As for the girl herself, well, I have to agree with Marcello. I don't like her art. It does not appeal to me on the level of art. But she is obviously extremely gifted, and given time, I hardly doubt that she will produce works of not only great talent but also creativity and substance. And then there's the issue of her outspoken faith. While I suppose it is quite possible that she is duped by her parents into "making such a big deal" about God, as it were, her words indicate to me that her thoughts on the subject are quite lucid, though probably naive. She probably has not come across the pain and suffering in life that can make belief in a loving God difficult to reconcile with life; difficult, I say, but not impossible. I wonder whether her faith will remain strong ten or twenty years from now. But I wouldn't doubt it. |
Knockoff (Jan 11, 2005)
Indeed, shes good at painting.
As people have mentioned, I agree she probably doesn't completly and fully understand christianity. A lot of what she is told is what she goes off from. |
Kenshin (Jan 11, 2005)
Lets all form a giant group, and.. make a giant company.. and make stuff.. and make money :B
inatyrb (Jan 11, 2005)
Yay money! $_$ I like the idea of that!
friend (Jan 11, 2005)
O M G I'm speechless
IkariIreuL (Jan 11, 2005)
I´ll make some christian rock band $$$ :D
zep (Jan 11, 2005)´s a little sad art...i feel bad like others in this thread...but for her, i think a 10 year old girl don´t need this kind of exposure, just my opinion.
and a question, why do you think she put her age on her drawings?, it´s she knows that the real amazing thing is in fact her age...i´m with marcello (i´m not saying that cello need it :)...don´t like her art. |
Gigandas (Jan 11, 2005)
Although, I wouldn't say that I "like" her style, I think we're being pretty harsh on saying whether we like her style or not.Remember, she IS 10, as in she only lived approximately 1/8th of her life.I think to develop your true style, it takes some time.You shouldn't be paying attention to her style at the moment because I'm sure as others have mentioned, that it will come with time.As for her skill level, it's just amazing.I remember my art professor even mentioning that true style comes with time and experience, not over night.
inatyrb (Jan 11, 2005)
Basically we're saying she has talent. She draws many god related intems, but may not be fully aware of the meaning of it all. She uses her age to flaunt her talent. She, although great, doesn't know her talent yet... uh... anything else.. Oh, and most people here do not like her current thinking of style. Yeah... Correct me if there is anything else to add.
marcello (Jan 11, 2005)
yes but it's also quite possible she'll never develop artistically beyond a mere technical skill.
Gigandas (Jan 11, 2005)
Yeah, but do you think it's right to judge something you don't even know?I think that's being pretty narrow-minded...but hey, you're free to think what you want.
HunterKiller_ (edited Jan 11, 2005)
omg... i didnt think i would... but... i have to give up drawing... 0.0 omg... im totally speakless......
... ... ... *dies* Edit: Even though saying this might get me banned from 2Draw (if he's a Nazi), but i think Marcello should shut up. :) |
Xodiak (edited Jan 11, 2005)
Life is so unfair, I never saw a sooooo much talented person believing in my religion, Satan... <:(
|XOD| |
mazi (Jan 11, 2005)
haha thanks for that link. nice to show the kids who go "i cant draw because im 12". you can, you just arent :P
then again my drawing is crap in comparison to hers but i dont think i'll grovel just yet. all the master artists didnt draw like that so young. i still have time :P |
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 12, 2005)
That is one of the most beautiful and inspirational things I have ever seen. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course, but she will grow and her talent will develop beyond what you see now. If you don't like her work now, it is possibly because she only has the depth, wisdom and experience of a 10 year old, and that would be all of the feeling she is able to inject into her paintings thus far.
Cacau (Jan 12, 2005)
Then she´ll gt better? COOL! I really want to be her friend now.
Xodiak (Jan 12, 2005)
Akiane is also a very beautiful girl, oh those blue eyes and blonde hair, she looks just like a doll. Her works also are sold up to thousands of dollars. I do not believe she is really beaten, her parents look more like overprotective than abusive. I like her artwork alot, what else should she draw to be considered more talented than she already is? She is already insanely talented. >:)
|XOD| |
bethica2001 (Jan 12, 2005)
I really like how she has poems that go with her paintings.
umimme (Jan 12, 2005)
how can she do so good?!?!?!?!?!? its like impossibel!
Silver_Note (Jan 12, 2005)
I do not agree with the things some of you are saying. I, for one, am a christian. I am not very gifted, but I am not stupid. Christians aren't all intelligent, but some of us ARE intelligent. Like Akiane for instance. Maybe the reason she draws so many religious pictures is because she has a closer connection with god then some other people do. This may be the reason why she is here on the earth, to show the world god's love through her art. I think her pictures are amazing! Her talent is just unbelievable. Some people might not like her pictures (Marcello and others) but it does not mean that she doesn't have the talent. I mean, she blows my drawings right out of the water. When I saw her pictures I thought I was never going to be able to draw again, but after a while I thought and decided to look closer at her paintings and expand my knowlegde of art. She will get better, and I am going to try and do the same thing. You are all entitled to your own opinions, but if they are rude and unnecessary, please keep them to yourself.
yuohoo (Jan 12, 2005) 10 year old artist........hey! i'am 10 years old, but.....that includs....omg! i should stop talking.....any way i don't know if i'm an artist, but, eh......the little thing says artist, buyt...oy...ok i well stop talking.
monkeyyoung (Jan 12, 2005)
God, this and god that damn, she's just really, really, really good I mean really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, good.
disso (edited Jan 12, 2005)
hmm... drawing muscle detail at age 5? and the poetry is supposed to be hers as well? i don't see what the big deal is. her only selling point is her age. the art is not very unique, and is really quite boring. what kind parents to invest in oilpaint for someone under 9 years old...
monkeyyoung (Jan 12, 2005)
Not unique thats crazy. Did you see the pyramids that is truely one of the most unique peices of art ever. That is one of my favorite peices of art including Van Gough's, Starry Night.
Gigandas (Jan 12, 2005)
Remember she makes thousands off her paintings disso, I'm sure purchasing couple paints is not an issue...
Jack_Fox (Jan 12, 2005)
I have to take disso's side. I am unimpressed. Yes she could kick my ass anyday when it comes to painting, but the fact of the matter is that some people are gifted with art skills others are not. I know quite a few young children who could do that well if they put smidge more effort into their drawings.
Childlike_Vampire (Jan 12, 2005)
*skims over thread* Meh, there are lots of super talented and not so talented artists. Whatever. Worry less about talent and more about enjoying the product, "omg so amazingly realistic n original n creative n stuff" or not. There is beautiful art everywhere created by people of all ages and backgrounds. Comparison is not good for your self esteem.
*steps off high horse and lands face first in a puddle of mud* |
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 12, 2005)
hah... picks up child and helps her wipe mud off face... no, never mind... let's ... MUD WRESTLE!!! I had my first oil paints before the age of 5. It's not like they cost a fortune or anything. The poor kid is getting more scrutiny because of her age than praise, I'm sure. I hope she makes it to adulthood without tons of scars. Leave her alone and let her paint, people.
sal (Jan 12, 2005)
its all good...
sincity (Jan 13, 2005)
right on. Oh earlier when I made the comment about the religion thing, I just don't like people who preach, Whether she recieved her " Calling" or not, i don't really need to hear it, and that is also where I believe her parents are involved, that is the only point I'm making here. She does Do Fantastic work. Boring in some aspects, but Great work none the less. I don't think she would come if she was invited, not Big headed or anything, just too busy in her own life. :}
StrawberryYamichan (Jan 13, 2005)
Wow, I think she's amazing! I'm so jealous. I started drawing ever since I knew how to use a pencil and I'm nowhere near as good. Lucky her. But I'll get to have the joy of spending years learning how to do everything instead of already knowing. And the poems she wrote with her paintings, oh my god, how could she have so good grammar at that age? She's wonderful in my opinion ;)
bakuraiscool (Jan 13, 2005)
But how can she draw so good at the age 4???!!!! I mean, I was still on stick people when I was that age...
TaCO (Jan 13, 2005)
She probably uses the other side of her brain.
HunterKiller_ (Jan 13, 2005)
lol Derrick, you mean MORE of her brain. We all... or most of us use both sides already. The right brain controls the movement of the left side of the body and vice versa.
I bet she must be good at a lot of other stuff too, cuz to draw so good at such early age, she would have to have really good hand-eye coordination. |
Northern_shadow (edited Jan 13, 2005)
*shrugs* that is truly amazing :o but to look how good she was at age 4-7 :O impressive..
and think how good she can become :O |
StrawberryYamichan (Jan 13, 2005)
You were still on stick figures at age 4 bakuraiscool? I was drawing full bodies by then. Hm but ya know everyone's different..
Cacau (Jan 14, 2005)
Also... I was drawing anime-manga in 4 years old => (But renember: Everyone´s dferent. And my draws here are 30x more crappy than in my sketchbook XD)
StrawberryYamichan (Jan 14, 2005)
Yea, I was also drawing anime/manga at age 4 ;)
Kloxboy (Jan 14, 2005)
Using religion as an inspiration is not new, many, if not most of the greatest painters in art history were very religious, artists like Michelangelo, Picasso, Dali, Van Gogh, as well many others. And AGAIN, she is 10, her art is reflective of what she's experienced in 10 years. Trying to be really unique before you've lived 15-20 years would be a great challenge for anyone. I think some of you are judging her talent from the wrong perspective, you're judging aspects that are irrelevant at this stage in her career.
Jack_Fox (edited Jan 14, 2005)
Oh, dear Lord...this is pathetic. *This post is really adressed to anybody who has dissed christianity in this forum.* Do you belive that everyone is entitled to their oppinion? Do you believe that nobody should judge people? Do you think God dosn't care about us? Do you think that every little child who says they believe in God only says that because their parents have raised them to believe that way? If you answer yes to any of those questions then would you please shut up? I don't want to get into some huge religious debate, but if you did answer yes to any of those questions (especially the first three) then you just don't have the right view to be able to judge...well, anything when you think about I'll shut up and let you bitch back.
Xodiak (Jan 14, 2005)
I believe that when I die I will go in a Hell were I will be punished by having drills inserted inside my genitals and rectum. >:)
|XOD| |
StrawberryYamichan (Jan 14, 2005)
Eeeew Xod!! disturbing images! aaah!
Fin_beast (Jan 14, 2005)
Jack_Fox: You said you weren't trying to start 'some huge religious debate' so you can, as you put it "Shut up".
davincipoppalag (Jan 14, 2005)
But....Cello was writing code at 7 and games at 10, and java at 14..and look what he made for us here. We should be sending thousands..
marcello (Jan 14, 2005)
that kind of press at that age can hardly be good for the kid. her parents should be ashamed. lol.
I just hope she realizes that's wrong. |
Cordelia_Pink (Jan 14, 2005)
So Marcello is like one of those "baby geniu$e$" or something?
Wow, that's impressive though. I like her art. (for people who don't like it, you're all ART-nerds that's why!! XD) She's very talented but it seems so unnatural for a person so young as herself to have mastered that skill right when she can pick up a pencil and let her hand be driven by what's on her mind. It almost makes me think of a robot or an alien who can pull off than stunt. lol j/k I'm glad to know that she's very spiritual and her pictures have a lot of ethereal look to them. Her paintings and poems tell you a lot about what kind of person she is. Although her skill is more advanced than anything I've seen any child could do, does not make me lose my credibility to do more art. In fact, it inspires me to learn more about her life and the significance about her outlook on life. I like the fact that she focuses on things spiritual, the beauty of world's creation, and of God. But I'd have to wonder why she gets up so early like 5 am to work on her art. I mean, she's quite a dedicated person but still I'd wonder how she'll be when she grows up. Maybe she might do something else besides Art and take the knowledge that she have about certain things in life and do something charitable... or whatever. I dunno. I'm rambling here. lol But I guess what surprises me is how she's able to develop this skill at such an early age. Well, she's definitely gifted and a gift like that shouldn't be hidden. I don't think her parents should be ashamed for doing this to her. I think they knew they have a gifted child and that people could at least acknowledge her but not exactly make her famous. 'cause I don't think I've heard or seen of her until now. Insanely talented, beautiful little girl, but most importantly a positive influence. |
DireOnion (Jan 14, 2005)
Maybe most kids could paint like that if they started at age 4. When I was 4 I hated spiders so now I can spot spiders in a split second and I bet she can't! AKIANE CAN YOU NOT SEE THE SPIDERY FOE
ArchMageZeratuL (Jan 14, 2005)
that reminds me of an episode of Dexter's Laboratory where he builds his first invention while in the cradle... it was a box with a light and a button. When you pressed the button, the light turned on.
Maiko (Jan 14, 2005)
oh o_o I saw that! It reminded me of Marcello :D
Kilala (Jan 14, 2005)
Wow.... I no weak. I can say that she is good at what she loves so poo on you! XP
Kenshin (Jan 26, 2005)
I am 12 and I can draw.. kinda XD Atleast I worked for my talents.. Like somebody else said, she was just born with hers. She didn't work hard for them.
Doodlibop (Feb 3, 2005)
I am touched. I am inspired. I am delighted heaven brought down such an angel.
Hello, Harvard, here she comes!! |
Noremac (Feb 3, 2005)
hey all the people jealous of her just think that shes got another 80 years to live, a car might just hit her
for those who admire her, it is amazing isnt it, talent like that is something that only a paragon would have P.S. watch for cars kids |
two-na (Feb 4, 2005)
just wait till the day akiane becomes aware of psychedelics
kinkydoomhobbit (edited Feb 4, 2005)
Lol, its the kinda thing that either makes you wanna quit, or totaly inspires you, ne? Heh, I just think: good for her. I think its amazing a girl her age is so talented, ands shes created some realy impressive art... but... its not my thing Xp lol. I'm not gonna quit because art is all I know, even if I'm not very good. I'm just gonna keep doing what I love and make the best of what I have, as should we all :) jeleousy won't get us far at all.
+ i realise I sound TOTALY up myself, XD I just wanna say, thats not how I mean it, ne? lol |
yuohoo (Feb 5, 2005)
wow...10 year old artist....I'm ten year's old,but I'm not on t.v....hmmm yeah Bakuraiscool is right on one of the comments! 4year old's and drawing very good!...when I was 4, the only people I drew was aimals(disformed animal's) and my mom,dad, myself,with box clothe's,and crowns.
two-na (Feb 5, 2005)
bakuraiscool (edited Feb 5, 2005)
I suck...I got my parents to write the "age 6" at that time. (I did scratch out my name.) Edit: Crap, the link doesn't work...:/ |
Knockoff (Feb 5, 2005)
Uhm, the link redirects to this here forum topic. :|
bakuraiscool (Feb 5, 2005)
Yeah, I know that.
marcello (Feb 5, 2005)
DinoFlorist (Feb 6, 2005)
Dire Onion: You're funny!
two-na (Feb 13, 2005)
Mushrooms, DMT, LSD, mescaline, Ketamine, some opiates perhaps
Aubrey (Feb 14, 2005)
You bet she can't Dire! lol But... I think she's just great. The things I've seen and heard of what alot of 10 year olds do nowadays is soooooooo shocking and sad. It's the best thing in the world for a kid to have something to focus their attention on. She chose God, and art. For a 10 year old to have that kind of mindset is just outstanding. Everything God created is artistically beautiful so it only makes sense that everything she draws from it is the same.
Cordelia_Pink (Feb 19, 2005)
Aubrey, you're my hero! Well said. Finally, there's someone who's in the same boat as me as far as ideas go with "inspiration." I do admire people like her. People should start drawing things that bring beauty to the world. You can tell, she definitely goes by that phrase: "All things bright and beautiful... the Lord God made them all." Unfortunately, there are way too many here who don't. :S
[edit] OK, that sounded a little too general but the thing is, I've seen a lot of people draw out of boredom or something. lol Honestly, like, where do kids get their ideas from anyway? It can't just be from a computer.[/edit] |
Austin400 (Feb 20, 2005)
wow! she's good!!!...Wow...major god believer...not that it's bad!! but...well....i don't believe anyways so dont......ahhhhhhhh i cant talk!!! just forget all of what i just said...uhhhhhhhhh....typed..
Loogie (Feb 20, 2005)
How can someone have a life-changing spiritual transformation at age 4?
marcello (Feb 21, 2005)
finally learned to stop sucking your thumb?
CLK_Design (Feb 21, 2005)
well i just started drawing when i was 7 i never got near any paper :( and shes just 'wow' but still some things seem a little fishy about it, im not mean but it does lol its like she downloads all these tutorials and such, lmao i bet she does XD *lolol* but maby thats all she does...or she has a good art teacher unlike mine *sigh*
Heiros (Apr 4, 2005)
I must admit I'm impressed but that's not going to stop me from drawing. The only thing that stops me for a long time is reading a good manga and the art in it. Eh heh. I want to show my sensie this though!
Deformed (Apr 4, 2005)
its all good...Sal you have such a way with words!! |
Dagan (Apr 5, 2005)
So what if a 10 year old can draw alot better than normal people. Just because someone else can do somethig better, you'll stop doing and enjoying it? I started drawing anime when i was about 10 years old , got about 3 sketch pads filled with anime. Then my odler brother started teaching me some techniques which improved my drawing skills quite a bit. Now I may not have much of a passion for art as much as i used to , but i still like to draw random crap off the top of my head every now and then. Just because someone younger than me can draw better me doesn't affect me at all. She really has no life in any of her pics , it's all just technical. She's not really an artist she's just a skilled painter. That's all I have to say.
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