mazi (Nov 23, 2004)
just out of curiousity does this happen to anyone else? when you move windows (regardless of being in the applet) over shi-painter it leaves trails of outlines. drives me insane. same happens when you scroll. boo.
and yeah i realize you can make it go away by zooming or hitting undo but thats still a pain. |
concannon (Nov 23, 2004)
It happends to me, but only sometimes. *shrug* Usually only if the computer is being slow, or something.
seaanemone (Nov 23, 2004)
yeah it happens to me all the time! >.<
mazi (Nov 23, 2004)
nah not when its being slow. its not like that. they just dont go away. my computers working perfect when it happens.
seaanemone (Nov 23, 2004)
what i have to do is undo whatever i just did and then redo it...
inatyrb (Nov 23, 2004)
yeah, i have the same problem. it gets really annoying. i get to the point where i'm sick of undoing and redoing it so the lines go away that my picture just might turn back because i cant see it, you know. why does it do this? does anyone know?
Gothic_Otaku (edited Nov 23, 2004)
Yeah, it's a pain. I stopped using shi because of it. well, the advanced version anyway. why? who knows?
Anna (Nov 23, 2004)
Yep.. all the time. It sucks.
Minitsaru (Nov 23, 2004)
Mainly when u move the boxed over the drawing area. I dunno why it does that but changing the zoom seems to get rid of them. For me at least...
seaanemone (Nov 23, 2004)
not only is shi-painter being stupid... but so am i!!! MWAHAHAHAHA
Minitsaru (Nov 23, 2004)
Thats normally not a good thing.
seaanemone (Nov 23, 2004)
or is it?
Knockoff (Nov 23, 2004)
Thats not good at all. Being stupid is just stupid!
Minitsaru (Nov 23, 2004)
I coult not define it better myself.
Zack (Nov 23, 2004)
My quick solution to that (my problem consistently looks worse than your linked screenshot) is to just hide a layer and show it again every time I scroll or move toolbars. It's quicker than undoing or zooming.
The problem has to do something with redrawing the image that is printed to your monitor when scrolling/moving boxes. There seem to be some glitches that cause it to incorrectly gauge what parts of the screen need to be re-drawn, i.e. what parts were previously coverd up by toolboxes or were outside the zoomed space. That's my guess, anyway. |
Cordelia_Pink (Nov 23, 2004)
yeah that happens to me too. Sometimes when I'm done with my picture and I'm ready to upload it and then this loading button pops up and once it's finished it does that 'error' thing or something!!!! UGHH!!! I hate it! Hey Zack, you're absolutely right. That's what it does when the toolboxes are on the way in the picture. It leaves some prints of lines of the boxes lol. But other than that, Shi-Painter's a pretty cool applet. Stupid things like that happen to me almost all the time though. >.<
marcello (Nov 24, 2004)
it's a bug in the applet. stop using crappy applets! >:[
Cordelia_Pink (Nov 24, 2004)
Hey Shi-Painters are still cool no matter what!!!! =)
seaanemone (Nov 24, 2004)
i still like using shi-painter! :D
cheetos (Nov 24, 2004)
i only use shi-painter, the other ones are way to confusing.
seaanemone (Nov 24, 2004)
oh yeah!
Hakkai (Nov 24, 2004)
-shakes fist- Riot against Shi-painter! RIOT! Paint BBS users unite!
Nightmare (Nov 24, 2004)
Same thing happens to me. R3V0L7 F3110W 5HI-P4IN73R LOV3R5!!!
Tyrant (Nov 24, 2004)
It's just an error with the Applet I think, thats why I use the older version on my own Oekaki >.> They run a bit smoother
Kenshin (Nov 24, 2004)
Yus.. it happens to me all the time.. I would love to use BBS, but I can't only use 2 layers.. I need atleast 3.. It drives me nuts with only 2 layers.. >_>
Kilala (Nov 24, 2004)
I still haven't got the hang of using layers... I like using 1 because I'm stupied. I guess that's why I suck. XD
Dagan (Nov 24, 2004)
a simple solutuion to that problem would be to use the better applet *cough* (lascaux) *cough*
me007 (edited Nov 24, 2004)
I have had it happen to me occasionally in Lascaux as well tho not as often as when i used Shi. but it usually happens to me when I have like a lot of layers or using a really big brush size.. stuff that takes up memory edit: one other thing I notices, I dont recall it happening in shi, but occasionally like if I will be working and Lascaux will get all fuzzy and stuff as I run the curser over the drawing screen. like the space around it gets all fuzzy and blurry and makes it really hard to draw accuratly.. is there any reason that it is doing this?
marcello (Nov 25, 2004)
if you have preserve transparency on and you try to use the eraser, that'll happen... Dunno if that's what you're talking about, but if you think about it, it makes sense that erasing with preserve transparency shouldn't work. :-)
Thear (Nov 25, 2004)
same here...happen all the time...
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