the intention for this one is for it to eventually be an image for ze site. honest opinions on the doodles before i start lines? yeah her dreads are kinda roughed out still but meah.
and as well im trashing my old site name. "shounens-eye" was funny in 9th grade but now a) im not really into yaoi as much and b) its kinda lame. i want something a little more serious but not all i-listen-to-flowers-cry. (lol someone on deviantarts interests include listening to flowers cry. i had to laugh.) any ideas? im not too lingustically creative. my vocab is teeny. lingustically was a stretch. and i probably spelled it wrong. hm.
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drawn in 34 min
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The thick line-art does the picture supreme justice.
Linguistically, you mean? XD
Are you asking for a site name? I didn't quite understand that paragrpah, I'm afraid (but it's probably not your fault, I've been up all night, and just finished a breakfast of cold pizza and warm Mountain Dew)
If you are, "Sui Generis"? (That, eh, that can be up-looked on, if you like. But... You probably know what it means, since you're older than I am ^^;)
and hey. one letter off isnt so bad.