Thear (Jun 22, 2004)
I was just wondering...How many in here are drawing with mouse? and tablet? (hmm...are there more?)
well i use tablet. =P |
davincipoppalag (Jun 22, 2004)
Tablet here Thear
Fin_beast (Jun 22, 2004)
Gigandas (Jun 22, 2004)
I own a tablet, but use my optical mouse 100% of the time.
Pantera (Jun 22, 2004)
I use the mouse.
sal (Jun 22, 2004)
i use an optical mouse...
Hakkai (Jun 23, 2004)
Scrolling mouse that has a broken scroll button. XD
concannon (Jun 23, 2004)
Used to use a mouse, but now my tablet rules my ass.
Minitsaru (Jun 23, 2004)
Tablet! Tho i can't draw =P
Fluffysheep (Jun 23, 2004)
An old mouse..But I like it :) (that's because I never tried the tablet hehe)
furyofroy (Jun 23, 2004)
emmamommalag (Jun 23, 2004)
Tablet here, too.
Axil62 (Jun 23, 2004)
98% of the time I use a mouse, the rest I use a tablet, mostly for blocking things in real quick. Depends on what look and feel I'm after really.
PolythenePam (Jun 23, 2004)
Tablet...Lol, i'm totally gutted. All you guys draw totally kickass stuff with mice! I have a tablet and it's nothing like you guys draw! Lol, especially you, Axil, I envy you. I bow down to you and your pics.
Kasha (Jun 24, 2004)
Tablet and Mouse. I mostly use the tablet for sketching, and mouse for blending the colors. Yes, that's why I rule. So ...KISS MY ASS
davincipoppalag (Jun 24, 2004)
Lmao....bows down to mistress
Kasha (Jun 24, 2004)
ummm ahh! YESSSSSSSSS!
safescene (Jun 24, 2004)
I use a mouse because, well, I don't own a tablet, ha. I think mine's a scrolling mouse? But I don't know why that would matter...what's the difference between a scrolling mouse and an optical mouse?
15grifficorntears (edited Jun 24, 2004)
a mouse, because i'm not smart enough to know how to use a tablet.
a scrolling mouse has a little spinning clicky thing on it so that you can scroll down the page without clicking the arrows. |
Ty854 (Jun 24, 2004)
I use a mouse...just a plain old mouse....not sure if i even know what a tablet is.
Thear (edited Jun 25, 2004)
i got that optical mouse too but i use it about 2% of the time :D my optical mouse have that spinny thing too...In optical mouse u don't have that ball inside of it =P i have to admit...there is more mouse users than i tought! Edit: My optical is mby little too heavy to draw properly but that doesn't matter bcause i woud draw with tablet even if it was lighter...heh...=D |
Gigandas (Jun 25, 2004)
Optical is a LOT better than a regular mouse since the ball can give you jagged lines.But the laser(on optical) is smooth and easy to use.
Kasha (Jun 25, 2004)
I tried using an optical mouse at my friends house once. I really have to admit, it was hella hard. I tried to draw a straight line and it came out *-)*^#!#&^)(~`!
they are evil. |
20ark (Jun 25, 2004)
LOL Gigandas, there's no laser on an optical mouse. The shining thingie you see under the mouse is just a plain ordinary LED.
I use a ball mouse myself. |
safescene (Jun 25, 2004)
Ohh, alright then, mine's optical. We used to have a scrolling mouse, but we got a new one...I dunno, there's not much of a difference to me, but that was a long time ago sooo, I wouldn't really know :P
Gigandas (Jun 25, 2004)
Who cares whether it's laser or LED^^;;;, not the end of the world.You sound like my little brother and that's not a good sign....
Xodiak (Jun 25, 2004)
I use an Intuos 2 Wacom tablet. >:)
|XOD| |
Nanibunny (Jun 25, 2004)
I use an Aiptek hyper pen tablet.. I've only used it a few times.. >.< and now i think its acting funny. Not sure whats wrong. Stupid Aiptek.
Neko-cat (Jul 2, 2004)
I use a mouse with a trackball. I think that's what it's called. Instead of a regular mouse ball it has a bigger one on the top that you move so you don't have to move your arm; aka less arm cramp ^_^
I want to get a tablet, but they cost so much o.0 |
mooseflower (Jul 2, 2004)
I mostly use a tablet because I have a laptop with no desk to use a mouse on. When I use my dad's pc i use an optical mouse though. I have named it Phyllis.
Hakkai (Jul 2, 2004)
kjsdahfasjkdhf My mouse died ;___;
My favorite balled scroll mouse (that has a broken scroll button) dii~ed. And now.. I have this mouse that lacks the precision and sensitivity of my old one. T-T; |
laurael (Jul 2, 2004)
LovelyLori (Jul 2, 2004)
optical mousie.... and I love it damnit!
Zack (edited Jul 5, 2004)
I use Wheaties, the breakfast of champions.
Whenever I have hardware problems with that, though, I use my low-grade optical mouse. |
zep (Jul 4, 2004)
tablet here, graphire 1 the cheaper....nice
HJ (Jul 4, 2004)
I use a *looks at the sticker under the tablet* Graphire Wacom Tablet. But when I'm trying to draw straight borders and such for banners/graphics etc., I use my optical mouse.
evil_cloud (Jul 5, 2004)
aha I use a (shit of) tablet
^^u The e-pen is tryin to attack me... HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL..P........GLARGH!! *I love my tablet .... lousy human designers* REBOOT |
thug (Jul 5, 2004)
Kenshin (Jul 5, 2004)
Optical Mouse.
Knockoff (Jul 5, 2004)
I use a moose. >:)
Kenshin (Jul 5, 2004)
A moose? xDDD
HJ (Jul 5, 2004)
A moose? So thats how you draw so good.. I now know KO's secret to his success. :O
DireOnion (Jul 6, 2004)
I use an optical mouse, which is nice for painting and doing small, precise things, but I'd like to have a tablet to do some real drawing (not that my drawing very good). Lines made with a mouse usually end up being not very expressive, in my opinion.
Thear (Jul 7, 2004)
Damn! i wanna moose too!!! =P
Knockoff (Jul 7, 2004)
HJ. Yup, I think it is ;). Lol. *passes everyone a moose* ;). There, now everyone can be happy.!
Rosemary (Jul 7, 2004)
i draw with a mouse..pretty big though..mabe its a rat?
Thear (Jul 7, 2004)
THANK YOU KO!! how can i ever thank you enough!!?? x)
evil_cloud (Jul 7, 2004)
cmd: "loosy humans"
Xodiak (Jul 7, 2004)
You should draw again at duskstudios oekaki board, evil cloud! >:D
|XOD| |
evil_cloud (Jul 8, 2004)
how u know I draw there? lol Xod!
marcello (Jul 8, 2004)
you underestimate xod.
xwindflyer (Jul 8, 2004)
I use the mouse, I tried the tablet, and didn't like it very much. (still have it plugged in though.)
Ixbalam (Jul 9, 2004)
Original Wacom Intuos Tablet here. It's semitransparent so I can see all the tiny surface mount chips inside the tablet and pen. I love pens with no batteries. For everything other than drawing I use a wireless trackball but I have an optical moose plugged for when the batteries in the trackball die. It has a red LED under its transparent plastic butt. =^.^=
Rosemary (Jul 9, 2004)
yeah i got a tablet last xmas... cant get used to it..still prefer my good 'ol mouse.. (but still keep tablet plugged in lol)
cherikit-chan (Jul 11, 2004)
Blah a mouse... but I really would like to buy a tablet one of these days..-_-;;
fleeting_memory (Aug 14, 2004)
mouse, ball and optical depending on the computer
brainspiller83 (Aug 14, 2004)
i use a mouse with a ball thingy called Bob
squee (Aug 14, 2004)
tablet but sometimes mouse.
Kenshin (Oct 7, 2004)
I use a tablet now.
Xodiak (Oct 8, 2004)
I use a tablet... but I do not use a mouse. It was broken so I threw it away long time ago. I still do not know if I should buy a 5 button mouse or a 4D wacom tablet mouse for playing video games.
|XOD| |
marcello (Oct 8, 2004)
xod: the 4d mouse is the 5 button mouse. just keep in mind that the intuos3 accessories do not work on intuos2, so you have to go to wacom direct.
I personally recommend the regular mouse for regular mousing, cause the 4dmouse is a bit...odd. the wheel in particular, plus the buttons aren't the most cleverly arranged. |
Xodiak (Oct 9, 2004)
The 4D mouse is a 5 button mouse, but I was comparing it to a regular mouse. (a non wacom tablet accessory) Wacom accessories are a bit expensive. I do not know if playing a game with mouse input is better using a regular mouse or a wacom mouse. >:)
|XOD| |
iwonderwhy (edited Oct 10, 2004)
I think I am one of the few people on here (if not the only one!) that draws with...
(dun dun duuuun...) a trackball. Could that be why my work always looks terrible? By Jove, I think so! Oh, what I wouldn't give for a tablet! Then maybe I could try line art. I won't even attempt it now because this trackball is sooo hard to control if you want a smooth line. |
sapphirefairy47 (Oct 10, 2004)
I use a really is a pain...*wishes I could use a tablet*
Dagan (Nov 11, 2004)
i use a scrolling mouse. tablets suck ass i dont even want one (Inner Dagan:someoen give me a tablet i need one bad i hate this damn mouse it sucks)
HunterKiller_ (Nov 11, 2004)
I use mouse. Never tried tablet, but im used to drawing with pencil so Im hoping to get a tablet soon. I really hate this mouse, its got BALL!
I dont know how people can draw with a mouse... it just doesnt have the look of REAL pencil... but i guess im a pencil sketch lover. *sigh* |
cactusassassin (Nov 13, 2004)
I've got a fantast tablet but my comps got no serial ports so it's an optic for me. After spending numerious at the, Ive got some mouse skills. It's great place to pratice.
snow_child (Nov 14, 2004)
i use a mouse cuz i don't have a tablet ^_^; haha yeah
Deformed (Nov 14, 2004)
Tabby my love. ;9
Cordelia_Pink (edited Nov 16, 2004)
I've answered this question before and I use a crappy mouse. So crappy, it can't stand still.
Hey that's a neat site "Simple Draw"thanks! |
p3ndragon (Nov 16, 2004)
I use an optical Microsoft Blue mouse... not that I'm exceptionally talented or anything..
My friend has a tablet, wish I had one (for fun though, I'm not excpecting to solve any problems/make me amazing). XOD has been on practically ever Oekaki board I've ever seen lol. |
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 16, 2004)
Optical mouse
Kloxboy (Nov 16, 2004)
I use a mouse but I might get a tablet, just to see what all the hype is about.
Anna (Nov 16, 2004)
Tablet. I've been wanting to try a simple drawing with a mouse.. but I'm too chicken shit.
myradioactiveunderwaer (Nov 16, 2004)
wait... you use a...moose?
Kloxboy (Nov 19, 2004)
A moose? Who uses a moose? I would like to see that!
sincity (edited Nov 21, 2004)
I use both, majority of the work is tablet, but I do use mouse for some things. Actually I use an Aiptek tablet, not a wacom and I have not had a problem with it yet, me loves it, Will get a wacomm one day , butI'm Happy right now. My nose is cold daMN IT!
squee (Nov 21, 2004)
Eh.. i use a tablet. still shaky on it..
*sigh* man, i still miss that mouse.. The lineart was so clean with it..but now I can use it cause I think I forgot how.. -____-;; ah.. the memories |
Kilala (Nov 21, 2004)
I use a mouse but I do wish I had a tablet. Oh well. ^__^
ArchMageZeratuL (Nov 22, 2004)
Mouse, but, then again, I rarelly draw. :)
Knockoff (edited Nov 22, 2004)
Clox, I use a moose. Go up a little and look.
cheetos (Nov 23, 2004)
i use a crappy cordless mouse.*sighs*
inatyrb (Nov 23, 2004)
i use a mouse, and i dont' like it at all!! can someone help me with a suggested tablet? like the one and the price, so i can get an idea.
IkariIreuL (Nov 26, 2004)
Cloxboy wrote :
I use a mouse but I might get a tablet, just to see what all the hype is about.=o I use a mouse and I rarelly draw |
cyclops (Dec 5, 2004)
...mouse slut...
lycene (Aug 10, 2005)
I am in love with my tablet. Of course, now that I'm stuck for two weeks without it, I may have to overcome my fear of the mouse.
Renuar (Aug 10, 2005)
I used to use a roller ball mouse. But now i got an optical mouse :]
LisaAnne (Aug 10, 2005)
Optical mouse and tablet.
Deformed (Aug 10, 2005)
I use a Wacom tablet. But my pen is currently broken. It sucks... :P
friend (Aug 10, 2005)
pencilhero (edited Aug 10, 2005)
i use the smallest wacom there is on market XD
sincity (Aug 10, 2005)
Update. I now use a Wacom intuos. My other one died on me. So yes I draw with a tablet, but still use a mouse for some things. :}
kejoco (Aug 10, 2005)
graphire3 8x6
took a little time to get used to but now using a mouse is frustrating |
Cordelia_Pink (Aug 10, 2005)
There's mouse, there's moose, and there's also mousse. Saaaaame thing. I use all three. hehe
sephiroth54321 (Aug 10, 2005)
KH44N (Aug 10, 2005)
I use the mouse.
silvercoyote (Aug 10, 2005)
I used to use an optical mouse, but now I have a Wacom Graphire tablet. But you can see by my user board that it hasn't helped much. Now I can't do diddly with a mouse.
inatyrb (Aug 10, 2005)
Yeah, I got a tablet on christmas. Wacom. Um... It says Sapphire on the back... I"m confused. Whatever. I love it very much! It works great for me!
silvercoyote (Aug 10, 2005)
Yeah, mine's a Sapphire model too. 6x8.
inatyrb (Aug 10, 2005)
Well I didn't hear anything about sapphire, so I didn't know if I was just crazy or what. mines the smallest size.. XD it doesn't say the size.. isn't it like 4x5 or something.. I think. but yeah. Only 100 bucks! ^^
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