wow! looks superb!
If you see the animation, you can actually see the beam (or ball) glowing and became more and more powerful and it is ready to be released, the animation stop...:(
holy batman this pic rocks!!!!! and the power ball looks soooooo real i need to take *how to make light look really really cool like darksun* lessons. this pic has made you a god.
this is very awesome. i need to learn how to shade like you do. also how to do that lighting stuff. i like this alot. im sure very many other people do to. you rule
Like the messy feeling to it. ^_^ The front leg's a little scary tho' -o-u I really love da energy ball ^__^ I think the left hand's backwards. >< hehe
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Nice one ^_^
Darnit, share your skill with us all! ;)
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If you see the animation, you can actually see the beam (or ball) glowing and became more and more powerful and it is ready to be released, the animation stop...:(
How can someone draw that good with a mouse???
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