Ran across a pic of a baby horse and thought the fuzzy ears and mane were so cute. Couldn't resist putting her in some bluebonnets. Can't wait till they bloom this spring :).
I kind of liked the horse when it was white, like a unicorn! But I guess that would have made it all fantasy-ish, and that's not right lol. It's really good like all the other ones. I went through your user board and you have a great collection of good, finished pictures. I think they all get eels.
Your paintings always inspire me dba, you are great! I specially admire your style, as everyone points out, it looks like oil paintings, and I am sure that if your drawings posted here could be that. Keep up the wonderful work Cindy.
She's sooooo cute! I love horses! *wants to pat soft fuzzy nose* Lovely painting! So soft and subtle, adds a very relaxed mood to the entire peice. Keep it up! :D
Beautiful little pony!!! Your use of colors make the drawing so paint-like, and yet so realistic and I dont kno how to describe it, but it's really unique and stands out. :)
Whoa....*impressed as soon as it appeared...*...that's some good drawing right there.I'm not sure I'm into the whole flower thing since I am a guy (and not one of those "guys" who like to obsess over flowers), but they are well drawn.What I really liked was the horse.Horses are hard t draw....^^;But this one is pretty good and no one can say otherwise...
I just found this one. What can I say that hasn't already been said? I think this is your best, the colt looks so real and the feel of the piece is so cheerful. Well done, as usual.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min
drawn in 5 hours 53 min
Its still nicely done and the background is smooth and purdy-ful.
the first Version stands for it's own.loved the blur effect on the remote flowers.
good enogh to hang on the wall.