users~takeru-san~'s profile~TaKeRu-San~'s comment board
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Public Boards/Beginner 
Mipunai (Aug 19, 2004)
Same person, only without her hat X3
4 comments – latest 4:
Pence (Aug 19, 2004)
I like the idea of this picture it's cooli!
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 19, 2004)
Wow, I love your shading techniques! They truly add volume to the whole picture! And your wings aren't white like most of them are, and although I love white wings, your uniquely (is that a word?) colored wings are beautiful and do fit in this pic ^_^. I like the bg, although it may be too much in contrast compared to the bright colors of the focus, and I also like the way you hid the girl's eyes... a wise decision *nods*. However, maybe you could add a little more details to this picture, such as putting more detail in the hair and maybe drawing creases and such on the clothes...? I don't know, but it feel as if something's missing. Yet this oekaki is already fantastic, and I love it!
Seshio (Aug 19, 2004)
OOO! I agree with Pence, I like the idea! Awesome job!
Mipunai (Aug 19, 2004)
Thanks X3
drawn in 1 hour 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Scaramouche (Aug 19, 2004)
This is my first attept and probably my last after finding out i cant actually draw. o_O
I didnt have a reference, i just started drawing a tree and it went from there. Any comments or suggestions are very welcome. : )

Edit: OMG, Ive just noticed how long it took me to draw, how embarrassing.
9 comments – latest 4:
sapphirefairy47 (Aug 19, 2004)
The style of the tree just amazes me. Your art style is very unique, in a good way. I like that you can just sit there and draw without a reference. Keep it up!
emmamommalag (Aug 19, 2004)
Wow, this is wonderful. I love your sun pic almost as much as your moon pic. Can't wait to see what else you're gonna do. :)
davincipoppalag (Aug 19, 2004)
Not bad at all for a first try..The shapes are very nice, as are the colors. I like the moon picture better but this is a good start.Keep at it!
damnskippytakn-a-break (Aug 20, 2004)
This is your first attempt? I HATE you, just kidding. You really seem to have a good command on the tools. Perhaps you're already working in computer graphics? = )
drawn in 1 hour 55 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
MLA-Kun (Aug 19, 2004)
Yay! An Priestess!!

Too bad the cutesy side isn't as good as I tried it T_T
5 comments – latest 4:
Scaramouche (Aug 19, 2004)
This is amazing. I love the background. And how the hell do u do those shadows!? :0
bumpinthenight (Aug 19, 2004)
awww... so cute!!! I love the background... the hands are too big, but thats ok.... great pose and hair movemen, too!
Mipunai (Aug 19, 2004)
I like the backround too, and the hair is really pretty n_n I like your shadings X3
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 19, 2004)
This is a fantastic oekaki! I love the girl and how you shaded her, and the volume in her eyes, her fantastic, natural hairstyle, her content expression, and the cool bg are all truly admirable! Her hands may be too big though, and her left shoulder isn't symmetrical to her right one: this same trivial problem applies to the eyes, too. But besides that, this is a very great piece of work!
drawn in 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
brainspiller83 (Aug 17, 2004)
its finished now, yey!
17 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Aug 17, 2004)
This is really great! Love what you've done with it. It's very nice and clean.
Pence (Aug 19, 2004)
wow, this is awesome. O_O
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 19, 2004)
Wow... the finished product is somewhat different from what I've expected, but I still love it! XD Especially the hairstyle and the colors! I admire how you manipulated all those different colors of blue to make this fantastic oekaki, and the shadings on the eyes, the nose, and the lips are accurate and gives the picture a certain vividness! I like how simple -yet beautiful- this piece of work is, and if this is your first time drawing in this style, you're doing an awesome job! *flashes thumb up*
Asridaein (Aug 19, 2004)
Wow. This is amazing, spiller. keep up the good work!
drawn in 1 hour 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Minitsaru (Aug 15, 2004)
U shoulda seen the face he gave me when i told him to put yayo down so he can take a bath....
(Tsigo the shoyru, Yayo the abominable snowball)
5 comments – latest 4:
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 15, 2004)
Aw... why is Tsigo so sad? :( Well, technically I have no idea who he (or she) is (haven't been on Neopets for a loooong time), so I don't know his/her history... if he/she has one ^_^;;. The outline of the shoyru is good and recognizable, although you could improve the lineart for the abominable snowball: is it just me or is his head a little too big...? I really like your shading: somewhat different from the others, but it goes great with this pic! However, it is a little inaccurate (to me anywayz): I don't think the neck's shading should be too apparent. The lineart could be improved, but overall, this is an awesome artwork! The bg really suits the main objective, and I like Tsigo's position... did you draw it by yourself or was there a reference? Good job ^_^.
Minitsaru (Aug 17, 2004)
no refrence used! lol, well other than the bg which is kinda how they draw it in comics..... >.>
no matter how hard i try i just cant make smooth lines, so i just kinda gave up on trying to hard =)
Mipunai (Aug 17, 2004)
The snowman thing is cute XD
squee (Dec 30, 2004)
Cool, I have a abomidable snowball too. :D
drawn in 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Shelonian (Aug 14, 2004)
Even the Hulk cannot fight THAT. *_*
6 comments – latest 4:
Tuukke (Aug 15, 2004)
heheee :P funny.. good drawing.
davincipoppalag (Aug 15, 2004)
That better be a really strong fixture! lol good piccy!
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 15, 2004)
~lol~ This is truly a comical pic ^_^. The Hulk is accurately portrayed, and I love your shading: it isn't as visible as most people's, but that's a great effect on the overall work! I adore how you drew the creases of the pants (as well as the shading of course), and it's great that you can so visibly tell the viewers what's going on. I think the head is fatter, but besides that, I don't really see anything wrong with this picture! It's somewhat simple, but it's so good ^ ^.

P.S.: Look.. the hole that reveals his left knee resembles a heart =^_^=! Of course, you -being the artist- knows that... hehe *sweatdrops*.
Ty854 (Aug 16, 2004)
i like the style.
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
flamefirefox (Aug 14, 2004)
uh yeah >_> I think it's really dumb.. -_- I'm so blah right now... *sighs* done with mouse ... I think Im gonna do all my oekakis in mouse.. XD um yeah.. <_< my two chars being cute.. -_- they're both guys.. if you're bothered by that.. I'm sorry.. this was my lame attempt to draw today.. haven't..drawn in a while..
2 comments – latest 3:
flamefirefox (edited Aug 14, 2004)
drawn in 23 min
egh.. messed up piccie.. there are so many things wrong with the pic lol XD
Silhouette (Aug 15, 2004)
Awww! I think it's adoriable! Also, i think the sketchy lines add personality to the picture. I like!
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 15, 2004)
It's not as bad as you think it is: I love how you shade your two characters, and the bg really suits the simple, yet deep pic ^_^. The sketchy lines bother me though, and although in some areas they just blend in (such as in the hair of the left character), in other areas they just stand out to much (such as in the hair of the right character). You probably know this though... It's cute, your work... and although you can edit it up a bit, I still like it ^ ^.
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
arborwin (Aug 14, 2004)
squee requested fern and curtis. Here you go. ^^ They don't like each other very much ......
2 comments – latest 2:
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 15, 2004)
Wow... this is a very detailed picture, yet it appears so simple. You can clearly tell by a glance that these two people resent each other, and their appearances are very unique. The linart of the redhead's hair are smooth and accurate, although the lineart for the rest of his body could be smoothed out somewhat. I love how you drew and shaded the blouse of the spiky-haired (kind of) guy... it's simple, but elegant in its own way... although the shading could be improved. However, all in all, I love your shading technique, and your skill really shows in the color of the skin and the redhead's hair ^_^. Great job, great job~
squee (Aug 21, 2004)
hehehe.. soo cyooote! its pretty good.. Curtis looks a lot diff from the comic but still himself.. and I love it. You're good at requests. nice details..
drawn in 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Zaffie (Jul 16, 2004)
Does anyone think I should go to the intermideate board? I'm not new to drawing on the computer anyways.
10 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (Aug 30, 2004)
thats kool! i cant wait till i get my tablet so i can draw realy good on the computer
Animegirl250 (Aug 30, 2004)
if you like pokemon too, see my drawings.
SanzoGirl (Aug 30, 2004)
IkariIreuL (Nov 20, 2004)
Lookin horny
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with PaintBBS
Baka-Usagi (Aug 5, 2004)
Teehee! I like this one!
1 comment – latest 1:
~TaKeRu-San~ (Aug 15, 2004)
This piece of work is all right, but it could use a bit of editing. I like how you added volume to the clouds, and it's greatly visible ^_^. However, this volume -if spread- would've done miracles to the current picture, although its state now isn't too bad either. The girl is good, and I like how her hair flows because of the wind; however, I think you made it too stiff... and maybe you should add ripples in the sky to signify the wind... that'll be awesome. The eyes' color really suits the girl, although they shouldn't be so big. And look at that: the dress is almost the same as the one I drew for my first (and only *sniff*) oekaki! Cool! Except yours has a hood, which may make it better -_-;;. The sleeves add a great touch to the outfit, although the lines should be connected. And the hand could've been a little more detailed, too... I think that you should put more flowers (or decoration) to the ground... as well as the main bg itself. The color of the sky could be intensified, and the color of the grass could be more vivid. Plus, the picture would come more alive if you touch it with shading. There are a lot that can be improved... but the picture is nice to look at ^_^.
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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