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Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||
(Jan 6, 2004)
Everyone draws one....heres mine. :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||
(Dec 23, 2003)
Merry X-Mas everyone.
strangeoid (Dec 23, 2003)
XP That's marvelous! Great picture.
lucy_430 (Dec 23, 2003)
lol, poor santa. This is from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation aint it?
AzulDragon (Feb 20, 2004)
i like santa gett'n fried
enirroc (Mar 31, 2010)
Way to bring in the holiday spirit. lol |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||
(Dec 3, 2003)
Snow is Awesome!
Tuukke (Feb 15, 2004)
oooooohhh.. really nice!!! i love the subject!! :DD mmmmh.. i was drawing also a snowpicture but you took all my power/anxiety (or somethin) away, that's too good :P great job, especially that snow pehind the sledge
PinkuEspeon (Feb 19, 2004)
Damn... wooooah... cool! Me like, me like!! ^_^
davincipoppalag (Feb 19, 2004)
This is cool.. I like that there are no clouds because it gives more oomph to the snow spray coming from the board.. this is very well done...
secert (edited Mar 9, 2004)
how did you do that dude thats cool? |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||
(Sep 29, 2003)
was asked to finish this.......finished. ;)
Zeal (Dec 1, 2005)
theravada101 (Jul 11, 2006)
nice shading! i like it
bad_dream18 (Aug 12, 2006)
The shading on this is really good. I know why it's in the show case. :D
davincipoppalag (Jul 6, 2018)
great dragon |
Specialty Boards/Contest! | |||||||||||||
(Oct 28, 2003)
Happy Halloween.Ran out of room on the theme board. ..i left this open.. edit: thanks for moving this Marcello.
sephiroth54321 (Jun 23, 2005)
i'm learning how to play the song from this on the piano, great work.
RitsukaAoyagi (Jul 1, 2005)
good movie....i have the soundtrack.....nice job ^-^
backmagicwoman (Sep 1, 2009)
So cute..good movie too...
davincipoppalag (Oct 18, 2019)
back for Halloween |
(Oct 22, 2003)
Messing around with Lascaux. I would have liked to made this bigger, but the theme board is only 350x350.Some flaws......but eh. edit: Thanks everyone. I had alot of fun with this. I'm begining to really like Lascaux very much now that I understand it(a twenty hour crash course helps..last two pics). I used to really like the Oekaki applets until I installed Java2, then it seems all the applets responded poorly except Lascaux. Its prob. jes my comp.. And I would like to let everyone know that I use a mouse(optical) on all my pics and I think they look ok.
Destervetha (May 2, 2005)
Oh wow! this is wonderful! I especially love the blue jelly one :)
Kamll (Mar 5, 2007)
i always liked that lil blue elephant guy... This picture brings me joy. It looks like something some teenager alien would have hanging on his bedroom wall.
backmagicwoman (Jun 10, 2010)
This is what they are singing...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN-4lX0QyZc&feature=PlayList&p=549E86FEBE63D0ED&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1
davincipoppalag (Nov 20, 2017)
yep |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||
(Oct 1, 2003)
learning Lascaux
GoldDragonfly (Feb 24, 2008)
woah! O.O wonderful!
davincipoppalag (Dec 20, 2017)
front page
elly (Dec 21, 2017)
POW color!
davincipoppalag (Aug 24, 2020)
front page |
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards | |||||||||||||
(Sep 28, 2003)
Bouncing Souls logo. Just saw them last night and they kick!Ignore the timer...I fell asleep.
marcello (Sep 29, 2003)
Pretty spiff, but the harsh lines around the circle kinda suck, considering everything else is nice and smooth.
mukumuku (Dec 23, 2004)
i like the white side, it looks all watery
darkshadow (Oct 18, 2005)
kool and marcello is right smoth out them lines sweet ass pic |
Misc. Boards/Sprites | |||||||||||||
(Sep 15, 2003)
method3 (Sep 15, 2003)
"Beware, runner crossing."Reminds me of something you might see in a nike commercial or something.
xvolcomx (edited Sep 15, 2003)
haha, its actually from a band. My friends brother turned me on to them. Thier a trash band.edit: um...I mean thrash band. oops
concannon (Sep 15, 2003)
Bwahah, very neat. Dig the neon-ness.It's more like "Beware, speed-skaters." At least, that's what it looks like to me. XD |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||
(Sep 4, 2003)
This was a pain in the @$$! I dont know what went wrong...at one point the upload said in could not be found. Errrrrr!!! Anywho, ingnore the timer, I had many Oekaki problems.......Now I know.
shinyoungKim (Sep 5, 2003)
itz really good^^ well done~!
furyofroy (Sep 5, 2003)
That speeder bike is amazing! o_O The guys head looks a little tilted, however.
misho1337 (Oct 23, 2003)
omfg! the metal looks so real
IkariIreuL (Nov 19, 2004)
Great Pic |
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