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Public Boards/Beginner 
OneWingedMoo9se (May 14, 2003)
OOOOHHHH What a saucy biscuit!!!!

Note: Nakey fairy was edited. It will be a few more times, heh.
12 comments – latest 4:
lost_loser_loner (edited May 15, 2003)
i love nightmare before christmas it is so hardcore .....and your drawing it awesome
Mnemosyne (edited May 15, 2003)
Yay! My favourite movie! Okay, well, not really, but to hell with that because it's way up there. And that song, "this is Hallowe'en" gets stuck in my head like nothing else does, the only thing that gets it out is something like Kylie Minogue. But if you ever really get that stuck in your head them you just have to go jump off a very high wall because death is the only answer to some problems. This is why I don't listen to the radio.
OneWingedMoo9se (edited May 15, 2003)
Yes Kingdom Hearts is the shiznit <----scary gansta terminology. I don't really own it borrowed the game from a friend. I loved it.
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 16, 2003)
That's my fave movie! Just ask raenboe!
drawn in 8 min with OekakiBBS
Ameraq (May 14, 2003)
finished, hope everyone likes.
3 comments – latest 3:
quitelacking (edited May 14, 2003)
yellow eyes and silver hair. a fangirl's dream.
edit: if it's a girl, then she's sexy! (o_O)
taori (edited May 14, 2003)
Gawgeous. Big puddle on the ground...wuzzat?
Mnemosyne (edited May 15, 2003)
Yeah, what's the puddle? And I think it's a girl, the eyes seem too big for a guy.
drawn in 23 min with PaintBBS
Bahamut_ZeRo (May 13, 2003)
just a doodle....
1 comment – latest 1:
taori (edited May 13, 2003)
Cloudiness. Looks like the lighting effects in plays...know what I mean?
drawn in 41 min with OekakiBBS
Knockoff (May 13, 2003)
Blah,,,,, I was bored. SMO =)
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited May 13, 2003)
You Will have to look at the the first draft to see what the title means.
mazi (edited May 13, 2003)
ooh good job on the shading.. all dramatic. lol
taori (edited May 13, 2003)
Looks like he's holding a flashlight under his chin...ooOOh
Knockoff (edited May 14, 2003)
O thanks.
drawn in 29 min with PaintBBS
ChinkyFlip (May 13, 2003)
o_o Style testing.
7 comments – latest 4:
Neko-Yasha_Yammy (edited May 13, 2003)
NOOO!! It's too PRETTY to be Micheal Jackson!!! *cries*
Xodiak (edited May 13, 2003)
this is the only drawing Xod has ever seen that is anime style and realistic at the same time! hehehe, cute drawing ChinkyFlip! >:D
Einz (edited May 14, 2003)
very scary
donnajoe (edited May 15, 2003)
eee! the nose. its umm just like his. good job:)
drawn in 8 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
darkk_angel (edited May 13, 2003)
Greetings to all. I am actually at the National Science Fair... Wow. Too many people... If y'all don't know, it is located at the University of Calgary... It actually has turned out quite well. I should leave, however... Or not. I should actually draw some here... Killer mouse in the computer lab.
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kazukie (May 13, 2003)
I don't know, I was just messing around with my broken pen.. *Shrug* We sent the pen that broke 2 days after I got it back to the company and they haven't done anything yet.. We've been calling and faxing but it's not working... =[
5 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited May 13, 2003)
Glowstiiiiick! *Raves*
darkk_angel (edited May 13, 2003)
wow... love that glowstick.... interesting way of drawing it.....for fifteen minutes, this isnt bad!
raenboe (edited Jun 22, 2003)
W00t!!! glowsticks rule! I wish they would only last longer...:(
GEM (edited Jul 22, 2003)
yeah.....I put one in the freezer and it work better for the time it lasts.
drawn in 15 min with PaintBBS
Ameraq (May 13, 2003)
none. just bored,
3 comments – latest 3:
taori (edited May 13, 2003)
Awww. Looks kinda like Shippo from InuYasha...only somehow less annoying.
darkk_angel (edited May 13, 2003)
soooo cute! I would have to agree on the shippou comment.... ameraq, you rock!
Ameraq (edited May 13, 2003)
thanky you all so much. ^.^
drawn in 15 min with PaintBBS
Ameraq (May 13, 2003)
Me, with my fractured ankle. *sob sob* WHY MEE??? *cough* ...Erm, yeah.
5 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited May 13, 2003)
Yea, I hope it feel better tho.
taori (edited May 13, 2003)
Awww, you look so upset! *Tear* My friend got foot surgery recently, so I've seen it up close...certainly hope you get better soon.
darkk_angel (edited May 13, 2003)
aww.... utmost sympathy!! I love that clock.... but the lineart should be cleaned up a tad bit..... just a suggestion! but you did it in 20 minutes roughly, so not bad at all!
Ameraq (edited May 13, 2003)
*sigh* I never can seem to do any drawings in more than 20 some's a curse I tell you.
drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
feena95 (May 13, 2003)
just thinking about you.....
6 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited May 13, 2003)
Yea I like it but Mnem its not Tesia that commented its taori.
darkk_angel (edited May 13, 2003)
very sweet, but her/his??? nose could be made a tad bit bigger(????) dont ask... i dont know
Mnemosyne (edited May 13, 2003)
Ahhh! I'm stupid! (but we already knew that, didn't we?) sorry taori. You sounded like Tesia, and your names both started with T and it got all lost somewhere in my brain. oh well.
taori (edited May 13, 2003)
Haha quite alright, I should be flattered. *Bows to experienced oekaki-ers of the world*
drawn in 22 min with OekakiBBS
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