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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Capri (Aug 16, 2003)
I'm sorry if I must ask permission first, but I couldn't find any rules anywhere......
Anyway, my computer is being a smart@$$ right now and nothing worked well, so I have to restart it and finish the pic in a few minutes.
5 comments – latest 4:
rosalyn (edited Aug 17, 2003)
OOOOoooo....cuteish much! I love his expression and the key blade......WOOT! I love it!
*right clicks and saves picture* >:}
xvolcomx (edited Aug 18, 2003)
I like it. It looks really nice. I like the subject and the effort spent. And that blade is so cool. Dont be sad if no-one comments on this, they usually only comment on drawings that take five minutes or less. Not everyone but most of the younger ones. You did a great job.
MC.Cracka (edited Aug 18, 2003)
its good but is messed on some places and colors are leaking, but is great art
kenshina (edited Aug 19, 2003)
:D wei~ Soo nice! I like the pose ^_^ He's cute (hehehe) >< well good work!
drawn in 3 hours 2 min with OekakiBBS
mazi (Aug 12, 2003)
so its lain from serial experiments lain. awesome series, im about halfway though. i was thinking about putting a layer of some sort of static effect on, but i didnt feel like ruining 3 hours of work.. i might try again tomorrow though.

grah i cant color -_-
12 comments – latest 4:
morbidboblover (edited Aug 13, 2003)
wow i loves it!
Yuki-Kage (edited Aug 13, 2003)
great job mazi! it looks really great and even though ive only seen like.. 1 piccy of that person from lain, i still think yours looks alot like her!
kenshina (edited Aug 13, 2003)
:q nice coloring~ I realy apreciate that! And... ^_^ nice work!
Daymeon_StormRider (Jan 6, 2004)
GODS! I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!! Haven't seen all of it though...must find someone who owns it or something!!! Great drawing, although isn't the hair a bit too neat/light? meh...great rule!! **bows**
drawn in 3 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Zappo (Aug 12, 2003)
I had Fun drawing this....Thanks aunvi and knockoff and armando (I know Im forgetting somone!) for helping me out! Please comment!
6 comments – latest 4:
Yuki-Kage (edited Aug 13, 2003)
yay for Zappo! The final one looks really great! I knew that you could do it! ^.^ wahahaha. ANYWHO! Awesome job! Keep 'em coming.
Aunvi (edited Aug 16, 2003)
I like the outcome too! Nice job Zappo!
amuy (Sep 13, 2003)
ooh wow zappo! coolios! mucho groovy! its very very coolios!
Sixelab (Sep 14, 2003)
amazing, i love what you did with the background, it looks very mocha.
She's lovely, lots of animation in her pose.
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with OekakiBBS
Zappo (Aug 11, 2003)
?This came supposed to be leaning...kinda of...ah well this is me at work...on a break....
Edit:Thats my phone face down and a napkin holder.....I take my breaks in the very last row hiding from stupid customers trying to steal my break time with their pointless questions....'
Edit:I switched it...because in retrospect it looked nothin like me....
3 comments – latest 3:
Yuki-Kage (edited Aug 11, 2003)
awesome pic Zappo! I can tell that you have your MP3 on the desk, but what are those other two things on the table? o well! Great job anywho!
Marienkind (edited Aug 11, 2003)
aww... i didn't know you were so kyuute, Zappo.
rosalyn (edited Aug 11, 2003)
Soo that's what ya look like. O.o You look like your 10.. or 11 or even 12....o.O i think....I'm weird! where's my contacts! *serches for contacts* I can't find themm.. Well it looks good. ^^
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with OekakiBBS
Turtlebuster (Aug 9, 2003)
Alright, i'm likeing how this is progressing. I'll try to find the reference pic so I can finish it later.
EDIT: uh.. for some reason nothing happened when i tried to make any paint command. nothing froze -- i could still add layers/visibility/select tools but nothing came out of the tools... I didn't do a whole lot, but i certainly haven't reached the size limit.
EDIT: ok... it's done, or at least as far as I care to make it done. this is not original in any way. it's a less impressive version of a painting i saw on a spammy photography website.
23 comments – latest 4:
Mad_Cow_Disease (May 24, 2006)
i love this, but i would love to see it at a higher resolution.
Cobycat (Oct 29, 2007)
<^_^> Its soo Cute I actually live in a place that looks like that
foxman8245 (Nov 25, 2007)
agree with Marienkind... very, very nice clouds!!!
davincipoppalag (Nov 21, 2019)
beauty still
drawn in 3 hours 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
safescene (Aug 9, 2003)
Ode to Shark Week, shall we say :)

I might add more later, we'll see..

edit: as per Marcello's request, I tried to make it look a little more glowy, but I might have to add more later again; I'm picky like that :P
edit: just a sig. Thought I should start adding that to my pics
17 comments – latest 4:
Deino (Oct 19, 2005)
Amazing effects, very beautiful.
kissimmeegurl (Apr 29, 2007)
I never thought i would say this about a shark but its beautiful! It really is! <3
Song (May 12, 2010)
Great! Good effects on the water, looks very realistic :D
davincipoppalag (Jun 29, 2019)
stay out of the water
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Loogie (Aug 8, 2003)
If you can tell me what this is and what game its from I'll give you a cookie
14 comments – latest 4:
Fin_beast (edited Aug 9, 2003)
its called sumthin like that.
Ive tried 2 draw them many a time but i never succeeded. Im glad somebody has ";
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 9, 2003)
I used to be obsessed with oddworld...on it's a SCRAB. You should draw a paramite. I'm not obsessed with it anymore.......or until the next game comes out =^.^=
Serchul (edited Aug 9, 2003)
I like the Paramites, it is great fun controlling them!
What about those overlord things, Those who smoked cigars.. I have no idea what they were called.. Oh well.
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 22, 2003)
Glukkons. They're ALSO fun to control.
drawn in 17 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Ryoko_HomsBaby (Aug 8, 2003)
What the hell was i thinking?!
6 comments – latest 4:
Hotaru-chan (edited Aug 9, 2003)
aww... don't feel bad for doing ' IT ' with someone, even though it is your fault......... here * puts kelly osbourne's version of Papa Don't Preach on CD and gives it to the chibi and Ryoko_HomsBaby* (I don't know if Ryoko_HomsBaby is preggy or not, because I'm too stupid to to know what Ryoko_HomsBaby meant by saying "What the hell was i thinking?!", you know like if she's saying she did 'It' with someone or if she meant why she drew that, but if she's isn't preggy, it's nice to listen to any ways!!!)

forgotten-memory (edited Aug 9, 2003)
My grandma sent me a pink maternity blouse.

I'm not pregnant.

so, I KNOW how this poor Chibi FEELS! aaah, the pain..
Doodlibop (edited Aug 13, 2003)
I sure hope noone is preggers!
Xodiak (Oct 24, 2004)
Pregnant chibis... are the best! >:D
drawn in 36 min with OekakiBBS
Torturedkitty (Aug 7, 2003)
i coldnt sleep so i drew this
2 comments – latest 2:
rosalyn (edited Aug 7, 2003)
Cool Evil mushies!*squishes mushroom biting shoe* Yipe! >:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 7, 2003)
mushrooms have only 2 purposes, and both involve eating.
drawn in 55 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Marienkind (Aug 7, 2003)
terminally ill patients get 50% off.
4 comments – latest 4:
rosalyn (edited Aug 7, 2003)
*snuggles boy* I'll adobt him! Just give me da papers to sign and I got the money! *hands out swetty wad of money* >:}
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 7, 2003)
50% off what? tickets to hell? or just room payment? awesome drawing though. i can never draw scenarios... they come out disporportioned and all.
raenboe (edited Aug 7, 2003)
Aww...poor guy...*gives him big hug* I like the plushies! They're so cwute!
Dragon_River_Spirit (edited Aug 10, 2003)
HE.......IS.......SO........CU....(I mean)....COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with PaintBBS
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