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Public Boards/Intermediate 
SandyDexHamtaro (Jun 6, 2003)
A cute little character I made up! GEM seemed to like him he is! The one and only REEKOU! Hope you like it, GEM!
EDIT: It's all black now! ^__^
8 comments – latest 4:
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jun 7, 2003)
Someone drew my Reekou? Do tell.
GEM (edited Jun 9, 2003)
Kooooooooool. Thanks
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jun 9, 2003)
No prob, GEM. It REALLY stinks, but I'm glad you like it!
raenboe (edited Jun 13, 2003)
I forgot to mention this but (this is not a bad thing) if you outline a couple things in black you should outline everything. Just a suggestion. It kinda just occured to me that it looked a little strange coloring-wise but don't get me wrong, it looks fine. Just a helpful hint for future pics! ;)
drawn in 23 min with OekakiBBS
rosalyn (Jun 6, 2003)
Ky is living again and has found himself in Singapore!!! Will we ever find out what will happen to ky next? Nope! The conversation ended and he is still in Singapore.... I think.
4 comments – latest 4:
Minitsaru (edited Jun 6, 2003)
hehehe... funny... this made no sense til i saw the other ones =P hehe
quintessence (edited Jun 6, 2003)
Ooh, I have gold eyes. Pretty pretty. That was such an odd convo. ^^
Knockoff (edited Jun 7, 2003)
Ooo Thats really cool, Nice shading.
rosalyn (edited Jul 6, 2003)
drawn in 7 hours 10 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
concannon (Jun 5, 2003)
If you don't read fanfiction, I don't expect you to know the signifigance of lemon, lime, or citrus in general.

I like citrus. *grin*
4 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Jun 5, 2003)
X3 Lime
quintessence (edited Jun 5, 2003)
*grin* Heee. Citrus. Yummy.
Ameraq (edited Jun 5, 2003)
*her life is sadly devoted to the reading of shounen ai/yaoi fanfiction* Yerp.
Marienkind (edited Jun 5, 2003)
mmm. lemon. (drools). i never was brave enough to write one...
drawn in 4 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Hakkai (Jun 4, 2003)
Lol! Shoujo-ai for her! n_n;
Don't mind the 'fake looking bo0bs'... I can't draw bo0bs. Revealing... but its not something to get a nose bleed from. Kyahahah!
6 comments – latest 4:
Minitsaru (edited Jun 5, 2003)
lol. i think this is the first time i ever saw you draw females >.< and it looks AMAZING!!! pop XP
mazi (edited Jun 5, 2003)
XDDDDD~~~ score. aw i <3 you hakkai.. in a shoujos better kinda way.. ;P

i'll draw you one when i have time.. which might be another month or so.. *curses exams*
Einz (edited Jun 5, 2003)
looks like them 2 girls from final fantasy aeris and rinoa Kissing

very nice
Maiko (edited Jun 10, 2003)
*points* Yuri
*nods* wants moer nummy yaoi O__O
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with PaintBBS
aphrodites_curse (Jun 1, 2003)
For lack of a better title. ^^ This picture actually has quite a long story behind it. It was originally going to be one of my characters, Suki. But then I made her hair too curly so I turned it into Frodo. So my sister walks into the room and we spend about twenty minutes trying to color it. We got neon pants. Buuuut I like 'em. And the sky is just weird. But I like that too. Thanks to my sister for instructing me on the coloring of Frodo. ^__^
5 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited Jun 1, 2003)
haha he looks adorable? do they ever shave their feet? like people shaving their armpits? >:)
concannon (edited Jun 1, 2003)
Awww, Frodo! *glomps him* *glomps hobbits in general*
darkk_angel (edited Jun 6, 2003)
very cute!!!! hahhahahaa
nice idea xodiak
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 6, 2003)
how did you do the coloring on his shirt? it's very neat, but the only way i can imagine doing it would take hours... it's a wonderful picture, and i love your style. you should really draw more often if you can find the time... you add a lot of variety in the boards.
drawn in 49 min with OekakiBBS
mazi (May 31, 2003)
uh.. im bored. therefore i doodle.
5 comments – latest 4:
Einz (edited Jun 1, 2003)
looks a bit like sephiroth from ff7
mazi (edited Jun 2, 2003)
yeah sephie has bigger bangs upwise though..and greyer/silverer hair.

hm, youre right, though.
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 4, 2003)
huh...just got done watching the second harry potter movie (wheee) .... hehehe, it reminds me of a face-off between (that oh-so-sexy malfoy's daddy) Luscious and (that durn do-gooder) Harry.
mazi (edited Jun 6, 2003)
....can i delete my picture now? eeeeeeeeww hp? i feel dirty.. diiiirrrrty.

its like.. perverted kiddie slash.. eeewww..


..i mean.. go for it but. imo...
drawn in 55 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
cherikit-chan (edited May 20, 2003)
I was just wondering... HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE TABLETS!! I don't have one my parents say it's too expensive and everytime I turn around on this website another member has got one! You can just comment if you've got one or if you have anything to say about them... at least maybe a description of one!...(I know it may seem stupid... but I'm curious)
Public Boards/Intermediate 
taori (May 31, 2003)
This looks all warped and screwed up. Sorry. Oh well.

(Guide pic.)
8 comments – latest 4:
rosalyn (edited May 31, 2003)
Don't lets me baby sit Hobbes and Calvin again!! -.^ They are a pain And calvin's parents under pay me! ^^ Cute!
Hocce (edited Jun 2, 2003)
AHh! Good JOb! I love Calvin and Hobbes! Wonderful!
Carlucci (edited Jun 3, 2003)
I love Calvin and Hobbes. Good Drawing!
nice....i have always liked calvin and hobbes....
drawn in 11 min with OekakiBBS
mazi (May 31, 2003)
yeah.. i know i know.. i need to make decent bgs someday.. ah well..
2 comments – latest 2:
quintessence (edited May 31, 2003)
OoOooOo... blonde sword guy. He's hot. *soppy grin*
Xodiak (edited Jun 3, 2003)
this is very nice... Xod has seen this wielding sword pose in other drawings too! people who wield swords like this must have huge scars on their back of their necks and backs! >;p
hehe I am only joking, very pretty drawing Mazi! he looks sexy >:D
drawn in 2 hours 2 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Reko (May 30, 2003)
My first oekaki..thing. Not too bad considering I this is my first and Im not very patient. He may look a little girly..but yeah...he is a guy. ^_^
5 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited May 30, 2003)
Oooh, girly guys. *drool* Nice picture... you gain points with me with the pointy ears. ^^ I wuv pointy ears. Welcome to 2draw! We welcome you with open leg- ehm, arms.
Xodiak (edited May 30, 2003)
haha your comment is hilarious quintessence! great drawing Reko! >:)
Reko (edited May 30, 2003)
Yay..I feel so welcome! Yes, pointy ears rule! ^.~ ROCK ON GIRLY GUYS!
marcello (edited May 30, 2003)
Be modest, very modest.
drawn in 55 min with OekakiBBS
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